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7/18/16 Anniversary
Trending: anniversary cops date sun waves card music test club forgotten totally second office lucid losing request aper phantom amazing classmate trip joined wondering glasses along niece agreed above stomach focused
Waning: free park bathroom onto maybe apartment yet dreamed form mirror nice piece perfect important yeah word brain fri caused stress

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Lots of day residue here in the collective dreams….cops and club. Both just happen to be shoot-em-up headlines. I think the key is anniversary. Is the bot looking ahead at 2017 already? There are tons of anniversaries coming up, 9/11 being one of them.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

I will look at this run more deeply later, but I sure don't like seeing mirror nice perfect.  I am hoping it is nice and not Nice.
The day residue today may have some significant meaning based upon yesterday's run.  Yesterday's run spoke from the convergence/meeting between waking reality and dream time reality.  There is a partnering/meeting between the densities...   a harvest/convergence of sorts.  (Harvest is every moment, with the right eyes to see). This new energy/reality cannot be used for commercial purposes, apparently.

Todays run -with so much day residue in the Sleeping Dreams- illustrates the accuracy of yesterdays run spelling the merging of 3rd density (waking reality, Space-Time) into 4th (dream & astral) and 5th (instant, Time-Space).  Dream space is importing waking life.

Expect a future run to potentially be about waking reality importing dream time-space.  I haven't looked into prior runs too deeply. It may already be there.

I'll include that IMPORTANT WORDs on the BRAIN CAUSE STRESS is phasing out of importance.  The "shift"/density-changes have apparently brought on an easing of the brain. Maybe the important words aren't so important any more.
music test club
I will take that as a personal message.

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