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Not remembering dreams
Just wanted to check in here and ask if anyone else is going thru a dry spell of not remembering your dreams? For myself, I am dreaming, just not remembering any details or even the gist of the dream. When I checked in here this morning and saw only the bot run, it got me to questioning if other people where going through the same thing, not remembering their dreams.
Yes, me too. The last one I remember was from days ago, and it was some strange conglomeration of a missing cat and zombies, of all things. When I woke up I was panicked. I almost never have dreams like that, and considering I go to bed listening to George on Coast, I should. Of course, the panic was probably over the missing cat, and not the zombies, hahaha!!!
I don't post a lot of dreams but for me, I know I am dreaming but they fade soon after waking.
Yes, I also am dreaming but little to no recall...been having a dry spell for a while now.
been dreaming just not remembering enough to make any sense.
DLP - what about you? Sherriann?

And has anyone heard from Windy?
I'm wondering what has happened to the "dreamers"? It is almost like amnesia? Thought it was just myself...
Thanks for everyone's comments. Maysea, yes it does feel like amnesia. Awake time feels like I am functioning on auto pilot and am slow to react to anything. I'm normally fairly quick minded and have quick reflexes.

Last night I thought why not state an intention and see if I will remember my dreams. All I remembered was being in a farm house that was full of belongings yet, no one lived there. Someone told me, we need you to stay here because we are going to have a big estate sale to sell everything in the house. You can't let anyone one before we get back to price everything. I said, ok and then the people left me alone. Then I see lots of people at the door who want to come in. I tell them, no you can't come in yet, nothing is priced. Another person said, well he said it was ok and he pointed to a man squatting on the floor pricing a piece of furniture. I said, well ok then you can come in. I walked over to where the man was pricing the furniture. End of Dream.

This dream had no meaning AT ALL! It was day residue from a TV show I was watching. I will try again tonight to state an intention.
Woke in the middle of the night, not knowing where I was, with a strong feeling that I needed to pack and bug out. Very strange. Took me a bit to re-orient and shake it off.

And I should add with no dreams in my memory prompting it. Woke this morning like a completely blank slate - no dream memories or even residue.
Stated an intention last night to dream about a dream I had a while back. I wanted clarification on a part of the dream. When I woke this morning I knew I dreamed a lot. I could not hold on to (remember) even one scene. On a physical level I am feeling not right this morning, nauseated, off balance, the lights are on and no one is home feeling.
if a person is prepared to bug out then this would not be a scary dream. For someone that is not prepared to bug out, I would think this would be quite disturbing. Hope you were able to shake it off.

(10-26-2016, 07:10 AM)Goldengirl Wrote: Woke in the middle of the night, not knowing where I was, with a strong feeling that I needed to pack and bug out. Very strange. Took me a bit to re-orient and shake it off.

And I should add with no dreams in my memory prompting it. Woke this morning like a completely blank slate - no dream memories or even residue.
(10-25-2016, 03:20 PM)Julie Wrote: Thanks for everyone's comments. Maysea, yes it does feel like amnesia. Awake time feels like I am functioning on auto pilot and am slow to react to anything. I'm normally fairly quick minded and have quick reflexes.

Last night I thought why not state an intention and see if I will remember my dreams. All I remembered was being in a farm house that was full of belongings yet, no one lived there. Someone told me, we need you to stay here because we are going to have a big estate sale to sell everything in the house. You can't let anyone one before we get back to price everything. I said, ok and then the people left me alone.  Then I see lots of people at the door who want to come in. I tell them, no you can't come in yet, nothing is priced. Another person said, well he said it was ok and he pointed to a man squatting on the floor pricing a piece of furniture.  I said, well ok then you can come in. I walked over to where the man was pricing the furniture.  End of Dream.

This dream had no meaning AT ALL!  It was day residue from a TV show I was watching. I will try again tonight to state an intention.

Think of the house as you - your space..... then the day residue might make sense. Day residue isn't something bad or something we don't want. It can be very useful.
I'm dreaming and remembering. Seems to be a theme to my dreams, that all hell is about to break loose and I will be smack in the middle of it as part of my destiny.

And the weather will be wild, which will overshadow everything. Last night, for instance, it got COLD, Arctic-like cold here in TX and stayed cold.
Update: Last night stated intention again. All I was able to retain from the dreams was Crossword puzzles.  I don't do or even like crossword puzzles.
(10-26-2016, 06:04 PM)ThePaladin Wrote: I'm dreaming and remembering. Seems to be a theme to my dreams, that all hell is about to break loose and I will be smack in the middle of it as part of my destiny.

And the weather will be wild, which will overshadow everything. Last night, for instance, it got COLD, Arctic-like cold here in TX and stayed cold.

My waking in the middle of the night, feeling a need to pack and bug out? I feel like something is about to break loose as well. Maybe this was my Grandpa yelling at me again, getting through this time in a limited fashion. I really had no idea where I was when I woke up.

Julie - your dream about crosswords seems to be a literal response to what this is all about. We're trying to puzzle through it and figure it out. Must be serious for it to affect us, and I believe that someone made sure you were paying attention to ask the question.
Yes, GG I think I was trying to figure it all out. I remembered a little more during the day today. I was standing looking at a window or a screen. Then I would go to a dry erase board and work on the crossword puzzle and then go back to the window. I did this a few times before waking up.
Wonder if you should try and go back to the window for a closer look....

And would it be ok if I tried to join you at the window? It would be interesting to compare.
Just noticed I didn't clarify that the cold weather part was also a dream, one of several of late having to do with weather. Last night's dreaming also involved weather, this time rain and flooding in a place that reminded me of New Orleans.
Remembered a fragment upon waking this a.m. 
The scene...I see homes, people, we're outside...sewer pipes all stopped and are exploding everwhere! Excrement is raining down! Myself and others are running and hooking giant poo sucking hoses to the sewer caps to clear the poo...the backed up force behind the sewers keep exploding through the hoses...we've been working at this a long time...we're focused, determined, much like a rescue team...trying to both relieve and clear the poo storm...
Julie - I tried to join you at the window, but I woke with nothing. Had two opportunities, and usually when I wake at 3 or so, I will definitely remember something in the morning. But today - nada.

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