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A Drunk and Smallpox
2017 Nov 08-Dream-Drunk and Smallpox
05:45 PST

I am working in a pharmacy. There is a man at the counter, unshaven, winter coat and a porkpie hat. He is weaving in place, apparently drunk, and I can’t understand what he is saying. He puts a paper on the counter.
“Have I or did I, didn’t I have to pay for this – or not?” he asks me, “because I shouldn’t have to pay unless I have to, or go someplace.”
The paper has a few rows of numbers and letters in heavy black type (about 40 point) but it isn’t a prescription.
“Sir, I don’t understand” I tell him. “This is not a prescription. What are you trying to tell me?”

He reaches into his pocket. “Here, I can show you,” he says.
He pulls out a cardboard box and takes the lid off. It has a folded paper in the bottom that appears to have the same sort of large letters and numbers as the paper on the counter. On top of that is a long glass ampoule with a clear liquid inside (but no label) and a metal rod about the size of half a chopstick.
He takes out the rod and hands it to me. It is a two-tined metal trident. The ends of the trident are tiny sharpened blades, but no barbs.
“There it is,” he mutters. “Now can you answer it?”
With growing horror, I realize that I am holding a bifurcated vaccination needle, the same type used to give smallpox vaccines. What is in the vial?
Dream ends.

Was it smallpox vaccine in the vial, or some sort of smallpox weapons stock? A vaccine would have been labeled. The paper might have been lot numbers of a manufactured product, but the type font was way too big.
He put a paper on the counter with the letters and numbers but no vial. Had he opened a second vial already? What was it? Was he really drunk, or dying?
Hmmm. This could be a message about vaccinations or an illness in general. They say that this year's flu shot will not work against one of the viruses. Perhaps a virus we thought we irradiated will come back?
(11-09-2017, 02:18 AM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Hmmm.  This could be a message about vaccinations or an illness in general.  They say that this year's flu shot will not work against one of the viruses. Perhaps a virus we thought we irradiated will come back?

Influenza frequently mutates, so the annual flu vaccine is a bit of a crap shoot. Here's a link about this year's flu efficacy;

Hopefully, the dream does not indicate a return of smallpox, or any other virus such as ebola. However, the only virus that has ever been eradicated by human efforts was smallpox. Also I am not aware of any vaccine (other than the smallpox vaccine) that is given with the little two-pronged pitchfork, so to me it was a very scary dream...

If you plan to get a flu shot, try to get "Flublok" as it may be more effective.

It's probably also a good idea to take 4000 to 6000 units of Vitamin D3 each day from about Oct 1 to March 31. Besides being good for bones, Vit D3 is one of the things that allows all of us to maintain immunity against viral infections. During the sunny months of the year, we make our own Vit D when the sun hits the skin. It only takes about 20 min of Summer sun to make the full daily requirement. But when the days get short and cold, the light is less intense, and not as much hits our skin. Vit D levels go down, the antiviral immunity gets less effective, and starting in October, we are all more likely to get viral infections like colds and the flu.

I work in Pharmacy, and people are coughing in my face all Winter long. As a personal experiment, I did not get a flu shot from 2009 to 2014, and took 6000 units of Vit D each day, Oct to March. In those 5 years, I did not get a cold, or the flu. That's only data from one person, but its intriguing.
I also talked my doctor into ordering Vitamin D blood levels. During that time, the labs changed their lower reference limit for Vitamin D in blood from about 20 ng/ml to about 45 ng/ml. Taking 6000 units a day for a 200-lb male gave me a blood level of 50 to 60 ng/ml.
Young sharecroppers working in California in the Summer have a blood level of about 80 ng/ml, so that's probably a good upper limit. There is no known benefit from levels of 100ng/ml and above, and toxic effects begin at about 400 ng/ml. So if you take about 3000 units a day for each 100 lb of body weight, that will probably get you into the right zone....
Don't know if this will be like the 2014 or 15 pandemic in Africa that came to the states but I don't come here often and remembered this story bubbling to my awareness a week or so ago.

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I don't do flu shots.
I have heard that about vitamin D and have began taking it more regularly. I appreciate all of you information about vitamin D and the research you have read.
Thank you
(11-10-2017, 02:18 AM)ablelba Wrote:
(11-09-2017, 02:18 AM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Hmmm.  This could be a message about vaccinations or an illness in general.  They say that this year's flu shot will not work against one of the viruses. Perhaps a virus we thought we irradiated will come back?

Influenza frequently mutates, so the annual flu vaccine is a bit of a crap shoot.  Here's a link about this year's flu efficacy;

Hopefully, the dream does not indicate a return of smallpox, or any other virus such as ebola.  However, the only virus that has ever been eradicated by human efforts was smallpox.  Also I am not aware of any vaccine (other than the smallpox vaccine) that is given with the little two-pronged pitchfork, so to me it was a very scary dream...

If you plan to get a flu shot, try to get "Flublok" as it may be more effective.

It's probably also a good idea to take 4000 to 6000 units of Vitamin D3 each day from about Oct 1 to March 31.  Besides being good for bones, Vit D3 is one of the things that allows all of us to maintain immunity against viral infections.  During the sunny months of the year, we make our own Vit D when the sun hits the skin.  It only takes about 20 min of Summer sun to make the full daily requirement.  But when the days get short and cold, the light is less intense, and not as much hits our skin.  Vit D levels go down, the antiviral immunity gets less effective, and starting in October, we are all more likely to get viral infections like colds and the flu.

I work in Pharmacy, and people are coughing in my face all Winter long.  As a personal experiment, I did not get a flu shot from 2009 to 2014, and took 6000 units of Vit D each day, Oct to March.  In those 5 years, I did not get a cold, or the flu.  That's only data from one person, but its intriguing.  
I also talked my doctor into ordering Vitamin D blood levels.  During that time, the labs changed their lower reference limit for Vitamin D in blood from about 20 ng/ml to about 45 ng/ml.  Taking 6000 units a day for a 200-lb male gave me a blood level of 50 to 60 ng/ml.  
Young sharecroppers working in California in the Summer have a blood level of about 80 ng/ml, so that's probably a good upper limit.  There is no known benefit from levels of 100ng/ml and above, and toxic effects begin at about 400 ng/ml.   So if you take about 3000 units a day for each 100 lb of body weight, that will probably get you into the right zone....

This is such a shame.
Madagascar has had many issues to deal with over the years and many of it's people are poor. I am aware that they produce 80% of the vanilla beans in the world, a cyclone destroyed a large portion of crops this year and it takes 4-5 years for the plant to produce vanilla beans.
(11-10-2017, 08:06 AM)ybul0229 Wrote: Don't know if this will be like the 2014 or 15 pandemic in Africa that came to the states but I don't come here often and remembered this story bubbling to my awareness a week or so ago.

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That's why vanilla is so expensive for me to make good ice cream.

Not to make light of their plight. But yes they are having a rough go of it. Cousin used to live there and just went back this summer. I hope that all just calms down everywhere it is do crazy.

But that was a vision I had a couple years ago that things were going to seemingly get crazier and crazier until the multiverse is no longer able to be slid between so easily -whenever that transpires.

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