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Airplane dream, 3/24/17
11:00 pm, CST. Writing this so I won't forget it. Twice went to sleep and the same dream started. I woke myself up both times because I don't want to see it.

I'm  standing in a highrise bldg. Could be a hotel, not sure. The wall to the outside is all glass. Then I see a plane go by. It's white with red on the tail of the plane. Then I see the plane and it is falling to the ground. While falling, the plane starts to breakup. My Spirit follows the plane down.  

Will write more tomorrow if I go back to dreaming about the same event.

Update: Did not dream anymore about the plane. 8 hours later and this dream has stayed​ with me. I wrote more about what I saw.

I'm standing in the room and there are other people in the room. I see a plane​ flying straight toward us. I start screaming telling people the plane is going to hit the building. People stare out the window and are not moving. I tell them, MOVE NOW or you will all die. End of first dream.

I woke myself up, I don't want to see this. Went back to sleep.

2nd dream. The plane is closer to the building. People are now on the floor. Now the dream is in slow motion. I am screaming in my mind TURN TURN TURN, DON'T HIT THE BUILDING! The plane turned to the right. I see the tip of left wing of the plane hit building. The engine separates from the wing. I then see the whole plane falling. I walk to the edge of the room and watch as it falls to the ground. I float out of the window following it down. End of dream.
Didn't dream more about the plane. I'll amend the dreams with more details I remember.
Maybe if you have time, this has the tails and logos.
I checked on line and don't see what I saw. The tail was red with white verticle lines, maybe 4 white lines. Looked like the letter E but with 4 lines. You know how in dreams things can be distorted, so the white design may be different.
Was it the feel of some sort of accident/crash or a terrorist incident?
Posted about this dream on the airplane crash meme thread as it seams to be similar to a recent botrun.
Having the strangest reaction to reading your question. Just as I finished reading the it, my Spirit got all upset, like an anguish feeling. It's going to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So why do we get these if not to pray they don't happen? Regardless of how helpless I feel to stop this I WILL CONTINUE TO PRAY that lives be saved, even if it's just one person. One human being has as much value as many. Amen.

(03-25-2018, 03:38 PM)ThePaladin Wrote: Was it the feel of some sort of accident/crash or a terrorist incident?
(03-25-2018, 08:12 PM)Cassandra Wrote: Having the strangest reaction to reading your question. Just as I finished reading the it, my Spirit got all upset, like in anguish feeling. It's going to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it. So why do we get these if not to pray they don't happen? Regardless of how helpless I feel to stop thisI WILL CONTINUE TO PRAY that lives be saved, even if it's just one person. One human being has as much value as many. Amen.

(03-25-2018, 03:38 PM)ThePaladin Wrote: Was it the feel of some sort of accident/crash or a terrorist incident?

And I was compelled to ask.

So do you think it is an accident or perhaps not?
I don't know why things are shown to people when there isn't much which can be done. HOWEVER, I do believe we are in a learning process. Since I have been here, I have learned to pay more attention to my dreams. Well, I have learned a lot, but that is certainly one of the things. Maybe you are not supposed to be able to do something about this incident but when you do get enough information about something in the future, you will be able to save lives because you will have confidence and a lot of credibility, to the point where someone with power will take you seriously. Or maybe YOU will take you seriously and avoid a personal future "situation".
Just thinking out loud.
Yes DLP, I felt like someone wanted you to ask me the question. Interesting is right.
Thank you TB. Everyone here helps keep me sane. Tongue
Yesterday I felt the weight of this dream lift from my Spirit.

Found this website that shows airplane incidents worldwide.

All week I've been on the lookout for any red and white airplanes involved in incidents.  This one is not a crash, it was a a bomb hoax according to the news.

Makes me go hummmm. The bomb hoax delayed the flight. Did this chain of events prevent the crash? Yes, it did.
Plane crash, military.

Som red on the tail. ( USA FLAG)
Thanks TB. Nope not from my dream.

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