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2/27/19 Galactic Core Pops (ascension???)
Folks, this is a bot run to remember. Regardless if something magnificent happens, this bot run is special for lots of reasons. First, notice the unbelievable percentages and surge scores. These are unprecedented. I have seen this action before, but it was always a digital malfunction in the database, which when corrected, the surge scores and percentages would all go back to “normal.” I went through the same protocol as I always do to clean up the and sort the database and then re-ran the bot run. Same exact result. Wow. Unprecedented. Something big might be coming. I don’t have time to do a special video on this, but I’ll speak to it on tomorrow night’s CIRF report. The lucky few who are regularly checking in to each day's bot run are the benefactors. 

Bottom line is that the collective is seeing something galactic, some “event” that is “honored” and “grand” and could be considered a form of “ascend” or ascension, or perhaps the “core” “pops.” Folks, I don’t have any other sensation that excitement, just as last night’s CIRF report suggested. If you haven’t seen the most recent CIRF, do so now. Link is here:

What is a CIRF Report?

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  galaxy cost average number attributed tab touch note total based ace events conversion received occurred honor information estimated iii unique ascend prime pro grand tracked pixel campaign recorded core pop

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How to read DreamBot runs:
I'm pretty sure "galaxy," "note," and "pixel" are all cellphones.
What the HECK!?!

And on the phone note from Ghost, we also have number, conversation, and received and recorded.
So, perhaps something to do with phones or communication. Perhaps a conversation recorded.
Or Universe communication.
(02-28-2019, 01:23 AM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Ummmmm.
What the HECK!?!
Both of these contributions would suggest that the planet MERCURY is at play in a very significant way in the collective unconscious. Recall the trivia question in the last CIRF report. Mercury is currently at furthest point away from the sun and will soon go retrograde. Perhaps this bot run suggests that Mercury retrograde will much bigger (i.e., influence us much greater) than we (I) previously estimated.
I wonder if this event has anything to do with all the deceased people I've been dreaming about for a week. I've also been feeling people around me and there is no one physically there. Makes me go hummm.
Very interesting, Cassandra

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