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2/1/15 February Ultimate Fail
Welcome to February. “February Ultimate Fail.” Match that with our archetypes, which show humanity as extremely negative, and this could mean a harsh and troubling month. Let’s start with group 1 because the word Rabbit reminds me of my old “Bunny turns to coyote” dream ( )  After conversing about the dream, I learned that coyote is a term for illegal alien. The dream itself came on the night I intended about Dallas, and the punchline was that the coyote (or illegal alien) can stay within our yard. So, could it be that group one is all about a failed attempt at a terrorist action, which will be blamed on an illegal alien? I mean it doesn’t just imply a failed attempt, but also a “Momentarily potential sentence.”

Group 2: A doctor in Boulder dies.

…and then there’s more financial lingo, pointing to a transformation yet again. This is the exciting part of the run “Bend cashier view transform.”


UP Words:     february ultimate fail rabbit downtown momentarily potential sentence plain nova registration doctor boulder dies organization days hamster mass bend cashier view transform dialogue interaction defeat handle bass formed lands collapsed chicago surprisingly moon
Nova is still there. I attributed it to Google but, as you indicated, there seems to be a much larger picture being drawn.

nova - a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months.
(02-01-2015, 09:57 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Welcome to February. “February Ultimate Fail.” Match that with our archetypes, which show humanity as extremely negative, and this could mean a harsh and troubling month. Let’s start with group 1 because the word Rabbit reminds me of my old “Bunny turns to coyote” dream ( )  After conversing about the dream, I learned that coyote is a term for illegal alien. The dream itself came on the night I intended about Dallas, and the punchline was that the coyote (or illegal alien) can stay within our yard. So, could it be that group one is all about a failed attempt at a terrorist action, which will be blamed on an illegal alien? I mean it doesn’t just imply a failed attempt, but also a “Momentarily potential sentence.”

Group 2: A doctor in Boulder dies.

…and then there’s more financial lingo, pointing to a transformation yet again. This is the exciting part of the run “Bend cashier view transform.”

UP Words:     february ultimate fail rabbit downtown momentarily potential sentence plain nova registration doctor boulder dies organization days hamster mass bend cashier view transform dialogue interaction defeat handle bass formed lands collapsed chicago surprisingly moon

Hi there, this is the second day there are not down words in word format at the bottom, but today your words in the up category include things that are not on the chart? "bass formed lands collapsed chicago surprisingly moon", are these just typos, if no no worried but i an a big watcher of the down words as they seem the most likely or relevant and in this case just an error of cut and paste?
Thanks for the observation, G0'd. No, there's no typos there, let me explain.

First off, my DOWN WORDS list converter broke in excel. I have no idea what happened, but the list is made up of all 0s.

On the UP WORDS, there are actually about 139 or so words on the list. Of course, I only paste the top 15-20 on the picture, but I have a converter for the UP WORDS that remains consistent as far as how many it will display (32). So the horizontal word list is always 32, but the picture is typically less than that for various reasons. The biggest reason is typically because the severity of the surge gets too boring, unimpressive to put on the picture. The picture looks mainly at the bigger memes, but the horizontal list helps with the linguistics phrases. It reads more like a book...left to right instead of top to bottom.

Saying it another way, if I always pasted 32 words in the picture, then the picture would always mirror the horizontal list. But since the two serve different purposes, they don't always have the same number of words, BUT there is no error. Seems like I'm talking in circles. I hope all this make sense. I don't know when the down word list maker will be fixed again, but I have much higher priorities (is why I decided to just move on instead of fix that section).

Great question, and really shows you're paying attention Smile

I'm just totally perplexed about Nova. I think you're on the right track of watching the story that emerges from the linguistics around it. Its so sticky...shows up in the same place every day. Totally weird.
Here's a big financial transformation in Europe:
(02-01-2015, 11:27 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Thanks for the observation, G0'd. No, there's no typos there, let me explain.

First off, my DOWN WORDS list converter broke in excel. I have no idea what happened, but the list is made up of all 0s.

On the UP WORDS, there are actually about 139 or so words on the list. Of course, I only paste the top 15-20 on the picture, but I have a converter for the UP WORDS that remains consistent as far as how many it will display (32). So the horizontal word list is always 32, but the picture is typically less than that for various reasons. The biggest reason is typically because the severity of the surge gets too boring, unimpressive to put on the picture. The picture looks mainly at the bigger memes, but the horizontal list helps with the linguistics phrases. It reads more like a book...left to right instead of top to bottom.

Saying it another way, if I always pasted 32 words in the picture, then the picture would always mirror the horizontal list. But since the two serve different purposes, they don't always have the same number of words, BUT there is no error. Seems like I'm talking in circles. I hope all this make sense. I don't know when the down word list maker will be fixed again, but I have much higher priorities (is why I decided to just move on instead of fix that section).

Great question, and really shows you're paying attention Smile

well the only thing i have for ya on that is winnie….as we would say in Eire, tis between us it is…heheheh

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”

havent clue what you said there, but i am tired today and will look tomorrow, suffice to say if i just type those down words in the picture, will they be the down for today? i will do that for you, if you like as its a very valuable way to use them after in analysis.

thank you sincerely for the response — a bear of very little brain.
I'm sorry, I tried explaining the best I could. Yes, you have that correct....if you type the words out from the vertical list into a horizontal line, that is precisely what my excel converter does (did). Smile

Just be sure to realize that there are normally hundreds of words between the UP list and DOWN list. Thus, those two lists are lingusticially separate.
“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”

I totally get this. *L* Happens to me all the time and something that is formulating toward a headline goes right out the window. Still, something someones posts may be important and thus, caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
(02-01-2015, 12:40 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: I'm sorry, I tried explaining the best I could. Yes, you have that correct....if you type the words out from the vertical list into a horizontal line, that is precisely what my excel converter does (did). Smile

Just be sure to realize that there are normally hundreds of words between the UP list and DOWN list. Thus, those two lists are lingusticially separate.

that fact that they are very separate makes total sense to me as my mind sees them as totally different times, if you will.

the bear with the thinkish things


“Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything.”

Seriously, i didn't even take note that february ultimate fail RABBIT, were the first 4 words
Bass: low, low-pitched, resonant, sonorous, rumbling, booming, resounding, baritone

(D) February 1, 2015 - February ultimate fail rabbit downtown momentarily potential sentence plain nova registration doctor boulder (Boulder) dies organization days hamster mass bend cashier view transform dialogue interaction defeat handle bass formed lands collapsed Chicago surprisingly moon
(02-01-2015, 02:34 PM)Sherriann Wrote: Bass: low, low-pitched, resonant, sonorous, rumbling, booming, resounding, baritone

(D) February 1, 2015 - February ultimate fail rabbit downtown momentarily potential sentence plain nova registration doctor boulder (Boulder) dies organization days hamster mass bend cashier view transform dialogue interaction defeat handle bass formed lands collapsed Chicago surprisingly moon

yes but I'm still at odds, were they in the run or not? Sorry if i seem thick, i blame hunger and tiredness at this point. but this does make a very interesting phrase. Chicago is a word for which the meaning has been lost, it could mean low country or onion field or there are a few other possibilities, also for us in Europe the one that stands out the most is "paris of the prairies' - our populations are almost identical, along with interest in art and architecture.

list of nicknames if it bubbles up anything for you guys out there….are you out there?
Yes. All words displayed in the original post were in today's run.

The picture displays less words because it takes up too much space. I include more words of the run in the "UP WORDS" horizontal printout below the picture.
"Sorry January voted" and at the top "February ultimate fail." "Ultimate" sounds like we won't immediately know Feb. failed, but in what context is this failure, the good side of the force or the bad side?

"Doctor boulder dies" sounds like a headline all of its own, but how to know for sure with these bot run lists is another of the things I wonder about, and assume we rely on our hunches for.

Oohh, "cashier view transform" is fascinating! Yeah, because cashier is aiding this transform. Does this refer to the IMF or Fed? Hmm...

We have a "rabbit downtown" and a "hamster mass." Okayyy...this too is a run to return to and let it hit self again, perchance to get more hunches.

Fun stuff....well, or is it? Metaphors enmasse?!

I like the questions you are asking. I had all kinds of technical questions when I came here and still do.

We are getting a lot of new members, at least 26 a couple of days ago and when I stop and think of how many of them don't know most or all of the technical stuff it makes me appreciate your questions even more.

(02-01-2015, 03:08 PM)G0 Wrote:
(02-01-2015, 02:34 PM)Sherriann Wrote: Bass: low, low-pitched, resonant, sonorous, rumbling, booming, resounding, baritone

(D) February 1, 2015 - February ultimate fail rabbit downtown momentarily potential sentence plain nova registration doctor boulder (Boulder) dies organization days hamster mass bend cashier view transform dialogue interaction defeat handle bass formed lands collapsed Chicago surprisingly moon

yes but I'm still at odds, were they in the run or not? Sorry if i seem thick, i blame hunger and tiredness at this point. but this does make a very interesting phrase. Chicago is a word for which the meaning has been lost, it could mean low country or onion field or there are a few other possibilities, also for us in Europe the one that stands out the most is "paris of the prairies' - our populations are almost identical, along with interest in art and architecture.

list of nicknames if it bubbles up anything for you guys out there….are you out there?
Hurray ….february Fail…..thank god, for the moment. I won't even joke about the 'all night negotiations'……this is BIG Germany too I guess. Hollande is a numpty and i haven't met a ukrainian politician that wasn't totally corrupt. Putin is well himself but merkel, whatever she has on all of them is a literal freakin machine….oh and of course she speaks russian and can fix your nuclear power station if its in trouble. Oh yeah and a serious catholic….

But all quiet again, TG

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