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2/3/15 the new WAR MEME
To me, this has a 1776 sort of feel. Start with TEA in the OCEANS by way of RENDERING ATTACKS. Also, BOMBS are enough to make us want to HUG our DOLLS (I’ll have to borrow one of my kid’s dolls  Shy ) Group 2 adds to the war meme and Group 3 says, “Bet party finished (today)”

There is a bit of positivity in the biggest loser section. Group 4 indicates some AWESOME HEALTH is going to hit the planet. I’m sure the lingo isn’t talking about vaccines. Merck is freaking out right now because in order to stay alive as a company, they NEED the government to mandate vaccines. That’s why they’re shaking…


UP Words:     bombs hug doll rendering attacks tea oceans channel opportunity class grandfather owl friday dancing repeating min actions advance enemy worlds hamster edited bet party finished today mon up slope removed needs reload comp
This bot run seems metaphorical - lets take TEA. The EIC, English India Company started by good ol' QUEEN Bess in 1600 , the first Queen Elizabeth gave approval for this ( owned and run by elite aristocrat class) corporation of our grandfather's granfather sail the WORLDS OCEAN(s) and channel(s) toward the silk road region waging/advancing wars not only of guns/bombs but opium (drugs) to suppress their customers (make HAMSTERS ? out of them RENDERING them dull like a ragDOLL).
So what is circling around regarding China (china doll)?
Or the Patriots welcome home Party this Friday (snow/cold delays parades).
CHINA is doing some major hacking!!!
I think!

Min is a dialect spoken in China and a river in China.

Hamster, has technology meanings. (
1. (From Fairchild) A particularly slick little piece of code that does one thing well; a small, self-contained hack. The image is of a hamster happily spinning its exercise wheel.
2. A tailless mouse; that is, one with an infrared link to a receiver on the machine, as opposed to the conventional cable.

repeating min actions advance enemy worlds hamster edited
(Recurring Chinese actions advance enemy (through) world hacking edits).
(02-03-2015, 12:57 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: WOW!  
CHINA is doing some major hacking!!!
I think!

Min is a dialect spoken in China and a river in China.

Hamster, has technology meanings.  (
1. (From Fairchild) A particularly slick little piece of code that does one thing well; a small, self-contained hack. The image is of a hamster happily spinning its exercise wheel.
2. A tailless mouse; that is, one with an infrared link to a receiver on the machine, as opposed to the conventional cable.

repeating min actions advance enemy worlds hamster edited
(Recurring Chinese actions advance enemy (through) world hacking edits).

Well someone got up a lot earlier than everyone else, hehehe, its a compliment from old ladies in the british isles! brilliant. I will see what i can see…well done.

"Oceans channel opportunity" - this could be a lot of places in the world but the new canal in central America comes to mind.
'On December 22, 2014, Monday, the China-backed canal announced construction started in Rivas, Nicaragua. HKND Group Chairman Wang Jing spoke during the starting ceremony of the first works of the Interoceanic Grand Canal in Brito town. Construction of the new waterway will be run by HKND Group—Hong Kong-based HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co Ltd., which is controlled by Wang Jing"
Hong Kong based company - chinese now.
a new war indeed….
(02-03-2015, 01:28 PM)NADW Wrote: Class, Grandfather, Owl, Friday, Dancing.

Grandfather is an elder, and we learn form our elders, he is the old school teacher in the world class room, grandfathers used to teach us how to pow wow, or dance. Owl's represent wisdom, and they are pray animals with strong medicine.

This is a call to PAY ATTENTION!

I heard you, i will, thank you

"Tea" in group one? pointing at China involved in this war? I don't know what things tea may be a metaphor for, just that my mind thought of China first because of one of Mama's generation's old cliches "for all the tea in China" or something about the "price of tea in China."

It sure seems that Groups 1 and 2 go together. I wonder if it's so.

"Downtown Chicago" was still dreamed, that's noteworthy.

"Ann" to be added to that list of names, thread.

Group 4, is that the health of the planet, or our health, or yet something else being pointed to?
(02-03-2015, 11:53 AM)awakeneddreamer Wrote: This bot run seems metaphorical - lets take TEA. The EIC, English India Company started by good ol' QUEEN Bess in 1600 , the first Queen Elizabeth gave approval for this ( owned and run by elite aristocrat class) corporation of our grandfather's granfather sail the WORLDS OCEAN(s) and channel(s) toward the silk road region waging/advancing wars not only of guns/bombs but opium (drugs) to suppress their customers (make HAMSTERS ? out of them RENDERING them dull like a ragDOLL).
So what is circling around regarding China (china doll)?
Or the Patriots welcome home Party this Friday (snow/cold delays parades).

east india company, just in case anyone wants to look it up, oh and thus began a terrible reign…..
February 2 - Vatican saves Spanish downtown Chicago con era salad por texture February confirm 2015 torture mon index university organization planes meeting couple hamster crap boring mist slope lands hide loading removed save reload submitted

February 3 - bombs hug doll rendering attacks tea oceans channel opportunity class grandfather owl friday dancing repeating min actions advance enemy worlds hamster edited bet party finished today mon up slope removed needs reload comp

I figure the 'War Lords' are on a hamster wheel.

Pentagon seeks to reload amid air war

Also in the news:

February 3, 2015 - Flying Hamster 2, the spiritual successor to Wonder Boy, changes name to Monster Boy

bombs hug doll (backpack) rendering attacks tea ocean channel (Boston Harbour)

February 2/3 Headlines: Trial of accused Boston Marathon bomber delayed by snow again. Snow forces cancellation of Tsarnaev jury selection again.
doll... I think of  mannikin. all those 'dolls' dressed up for an oscar party. Glamorous BOMBshells guys wanna hug, ( or better).
 East India Company was a tea trader however, Sherriann may have a winner with the Boston TEA party area. That false flag for sure pays a part in future developments.
here is a P.S.
Not much luck surfing for news headlines on s-l-o-w...internet. Gotta clean up my 'news' bookmarks.

However, I did catch this very odd news, which flows with the 'church'/religion/christian meme:
Seems it was 'approved' for use this past week even though put on the books years ago (1991) and is circulating around again. Makes sense about the 'rumor' I heard a few years ago that the local army base up here has a guillotine on base. Was never sure why. yikes.
Grandfather owl- PAY ATTENTION !! [yup its in there!]
I guess ISIS won't be the only ones lopping off heads.
A plane in Taipei crashed and landed in the water after hitting a bridge. The video is CRAZY! Maybe "tea oceans channel opportunity" fits. There were survivors. Maybe more will fit once the story is fully covered.
There's an old saying, "I wouldn't (do something) for all the tea in China", meaning "I wouldn't do that for anything."
bombs hug doll rendering attacks — words from 3 feb. I had a huge hunch that this was an image, but its weird because it also seems to be one of those "message stories", what I call them when there seems to be quite another conversation going on over our heads. I used to keep a list of what on the surface looked like really meaningless stories until you looked at the words used and they were all very symbolic. So hug doll, attack…
Kayla with doll

But this is the first one i had found a few days before but didn't make sense till i found the above one.

Cayla hacked doll

There is definitely a conversation happening here, considering that Kayla means the keeper of the keys
In English the meaning of the name Kayla is: Variants of Kay: keeper of the keys; pure. Famous bearer.

Someone else maybe twice blessed, sorry if I'm wrong pointed out that min was a hack of some kind.

min actions advance - words from same run.

I just don't think that the hack is about dolls, i think these related, one seeming meaningless story and the other some real or symbolic sacrifice of Kayla, is a conversation of some kind. A little announcement if you will. Has the keeper of the keys been hacked, and what does that mean for us and the portal words we got. …humm….
You may have something with the doll, that is creepy. I did make a post in this thread about "min", but it was that min was a Chinese dialect and a Chinese river. The hack part was that "hamster" is also a code that is a hack. The doll still is fits your thought and China could be behind the hacking of the doll. It seems they are hacking everything.
(02-08-2015, 04:06 AM)G0 Wrote: bombs hug doll rendering attacks — words from 3 feb. I had a huge hunch that this was an image, but its weird because it also seems to be one of those "message stories", what I call them when there seems to be quite another conversation going on over our heads. I used to keep a list of what on the surface looked like really meaningless stories until you looked at the words used and they were all very symbolic. So hug doll, attack…
Kayla with doll

But this is the first one i had found a few days before but didn't make sense till i found the above one.

Cayla hacked doll

There is definitely a conversation happening here, considering that Kayla means the keeper of the keys
In English the meaning of the name Kayla is: Variants of Kay: keeper of the keys; pure. Famous bearer.

Someone else maybe twice blessed, sorry if I'm wrong pointed out that min was a hack of some kind.

min actions advance - words from same run.

I just don't think that the hack is about dolls, i think these related, one seeming meaningless story and the other some real or symbolic sacrifice of Kayla, is a conversation of some kind. A little announcement if you will.  Has the keeper of the keys been hacked, and what does that mean for us and the portal words we got. …humm….
(02-08-2015, 01:00 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: You may have something with the doll, that is creepy.  I did make a post in this thread about "min", but it was that min was a Chinese dialect and a Chinese river. The hack part was that "hamster" is also a code that is a hack.  The doll still is fits your thought and China could be behind the hacking of the doll.  It seems they are hacking everything.

(02-08-2015, 04:06 AM)G0 Wrote: bombs hug doll rendering attacks — words from 3 feb. I had a huge hunch that this was an image, but its weird because it also seems to be one of those "message stories", what I call them when there seems to be quite another conversation going on over our heads. I used to keep a list of what on the surface looked like really meaningless stories until you looked at the words used and they were all very symbolic. So hug doll, attack…
Kayla with doll

But this is the first one i had found a few days before but didn't make sense till i found the above one.

Cayla hacked doll

There is definitely a conversation happening here, considering that Kayla means the keeper of the keys
In English the meaning of the name Kayla is: Variants of Kay: keeper of the keys; pure. Famous bearer.

Someone else maybe twice blessed, sorry if I'm wrong pointed out that min was a hack of some kind.

min actions advance - words from same run.

I just don't think that the hack is about dolls, i think these related, one seeming meaningless story and the other some real or symbolic sacrifice of Kayla, is a conversation of some kind. A little announcement if you will.  Has the keeper of the keys been hacked, and what does that mean for us and the portal words we got. …humm….

Thanks for the clarification, I got it a bit upside down there, but still I feel, this could even work with
'combo effect", there's definitely is something else a foot with this story. Firstly what a weird story from the bbc, also a weird pit of strangeness these days and what the 'programmer" made the doll say. I can do whatever i like now or something on those lines…..
Keeper of the keys too….
But the other day i said i felt the hugging doll was a photo, and i think this really fits.
I have a strong hunch but nothing but that hunch, that this bot run at and near the top, is referring to Kayla, the 26yr. old aid worker that has been confirnmed as dead, whether married to and killed by Isil/Isis, or by bombs in Jordan.
This current admin. is using this horrible news story to try and get BO authority to declare war.

I don't yet think the couple of news stories that I've read have confirmed my hunch on this. Just seems to scream it from Groups 1 and 2.
(02-11-2015, 10:13 PM)Nanny Wrote: I have a strong hunch but nothing but that hunch, that this bot run at and near the top, is referring to Kayla, the 26yr. old aid worker that has been confirnmed as dead, whether married to and killed by Isil/Isis, or by bombs in Jordan.
This current admin. is using this horrible news story to try and get BO authority to declare war.

I don't yet think the couple of news stories that I've read have confirmed my hunch on this. Just seems to scream it from Groups 1 and 2.

me too Nanny, its the photo, of her hugging a doll (i had a huge feeling that the top 4 words were an image)
Thanks, glad it hit you the same way. Almost feels like a no-brainer to me, when reading both Groups. There's so many stories of her out there. Maybe she even looked like a doll herself in that one pic of her in a white shroud? did one story say? of her deceased. I suspect so. What a sweet spirit of a gal. Afterall, it's motive more than actions--wise or unwise, that define us and I believe determine our eternal destiny.

(02-12-2015, 02:51 AM)G0 Wrote:
(02-11-2015, 10:13 PM)Nanny Wrote: I have a strong hunch but nothing but that hunch, that this bot run at and near the top, is referring to Kayla, the 26yr. old aid worker that has been confirnmed as dead, whether married to and killed by Isil/Isis, or by bombs in Jordan.
This current admin. is using this horrible news story to try and get BO authority to declare war.

I don't yet think the couple of news stories that I've read have confirmed my hunch on this. Just seems to scream it from Groups 1 and 2.

me too Nanny, its the photo, of her hugging a doll (i had a huge feeling that the top 4 words were an image)
Never mind the war, we have hamsters dating.... Big Grin

February 2, 2015 - meeting couple hamster

February 3, 2015 - worlds hamster edited bet party

Hamsters go on a Valentine's Day date

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