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3/3/15 Red Alert: Position Terminal + Barry Laundry
Wow. The number of words in our list of surging words has PLUMMETED to an all-time low; however, the few words that surged really did so in an impressive fashion. 5 words exceed our Red Alert threshold, but as most people know, just having a 100-pt Surge Score will not automatically create a Red Alert.

Okay, so I’m going to apologize straightaway for how confusing this chart looks today. I had to overlay several important indicators, and they all just happened to be located in the same place. Thus, I’ll have to explain some of the labels I made here.

First, notice a very translucent Red Alert bar under the word INQUIRY. The Red Alert includes INQUIRY and all the words above it; however, here comes our first overlay. I personally see all the Red Alert words as just the first part of a bigger phrase (look for a green square labeled ‘1’). It reads like this: Absolute Height Block Inquiries Position Terminal Bold. That phrase is Group 1, and so I’m seeing the Red Alert section extending below the 100pt threshold to incorporate all of Group 1.

When I first read Group 1, I thought of Executive Power. I thought it could easily be considered “Absolute Height” and executive orders definitely “Block Inquiries.” The next words are “Position Terminal Bold,” and I interpret this to mean that this is a TERMINAL POSITION, meaning that this is the end of that position at the Absolute Height. The position stops. Furthermore, BOLD ends the phrase. The person sitting in that office is being Bold as the position ends. Question: Who exactly are we talking about? Well, it should be fairly straight forward here, but start looking for the double arrow blue line in our chart. It connects Group 1 with the name BARRY sitting down there at score 31.4.

Is there a coincidence that Ron is right next to Barry? Keep in mind, the second name isn’t Rand. No, sir. It’s Ron. Ron Paul is really the only one who truly and emphatically countered Barry from day one. And now he’s still railing against the tyrannical overtake of America (America making an impressive bot score on March 1st) :

Alright, now we must skip down to the word CRACKED. There’s a crack in the levy, and then Group 2 begins. EMBRACING INLINE CLOCK means that time is up. Wait a second, time is up? For what? Well, time is up that BARRY’S HIDDEN LAUNDRY is displayed. But this isn’t all! After that phrase comes “DESPITE EXPERIMENT PARALYSIS DECISIONS….DAYS FIRING!!

It’s no secret that this work in dream interpretation is very difficult and dicey, so am I just tending to just see what I want to see in these runs, or is Barry’s Laundry about to be revealed? And if that’s not enough, look for the 3 red arrows connecting this meme: There’s SMOKE in the CABIN, which indicates we’re going down in smoke, AND the people in the BACKGROUND (the PTW?) are DISAPPOINTED!

Lastly, the lingo closes the top rung of words with simply “LIE.” Yes, it’s all a lie. Wait a second, the linguistics is a lie, or the PARALYSIS DECISIONS/executive orders are lies? Before you answer that, we’re not done yet! Going to the biggest loser section,  these are all the words that people have suddenly stopped dreaming about, and it’s my contention that it’s not just the surging words that are predictive, but any words that are moving up or down.

Get this, Group 3 says DAWN BIRTH CHANGING CONTROL with HALF the NUMBERS. Jeesh…this goes back to the Medical Democracy discussion a few days ago. Of course, this phrase isn’t limited to just medical stuff, but rather our society as a whole. THE CONTROL IS CHANGING despite what it appears in the media. Have you ever wondered why all these executive decisions are all happening right at once? If the plan was going well, there would be no need for all these executive actions. Got it? Humanity is a runaway train, and the powers are trying to control it. And as I stated earlier today in a different popular news blog….>GOOD LUCK! That’s good luck to the power brokers who think they can keep pushing down the beach ball into the water without any repercussions. Physics is clear on what will happen: The beach ball of consciousness is poised to explode upward!!

And with that, one last thing. Biggest Losers says “Dreams Wild Up Cool,” and I couldn’t agree more. Just below Group 3 says, CLOUDS DANCING, and that wouldn’t normally mean much to me or most other dream readers, but it matches one of the most amazing/bizarre dream experiences of my life. In fact, the dancing clouds is what came first in my February 23rd dream sequence:    So the only question left is whether the yellow-clad giants will have anything to do with the “Changing Control Half Numbers.”

Maybe everyone sees this run completely different, and that is okay. All that would mean is a mismatch in meaning, which would decrease the chances of this run having any true ‘predictiveness.‘ Every once in a while, the bot runs are extraordinarily colorful and fun, and this one definitely fits the bill.


First, read the list for yourself with a clear mind. What's the context? Be honest with yourself and certainly don't take my word for it. However, keep this mind....there is an absolute truth in this run....either it is predicting something or it is not. So, if it is....what exactly is it predicting?


UP Words:     absolute height block inquiries position terminal bold skiing useful cracked embracing inline clock hidden mon laundry barry ron despite experiment paralysis decisions days firing cabin eating actually background disappointed smoke lie lucid classic

DOWN Words:   dawn birth changing control half numbers clouds dancing made egypt dreams wild up cool toilet virus awesome bathroom security request damn sent classroom trick sat humor doubt january
absolute height block inquiries position terminal, so i see this as a poetic phrase that makes sense to me. The "absolute" power on this earth is in serious doodoo. They are trying to block, at all costs, our enquiries and they are in a terminal position. They cannot anymore hide, from some of us, whats going on. And the rest of us, feel just really weirded out and like things don't make sense. I included myself in both 'we's' because we all have one foot here and one foot in the dichotomy that is occurring. We are separating. Inline clock hidden is a superb phrase, time is over in a sense. this is a waiting game…experiment paralysis is the same notion to me. Decision days, well is it us who need to decide, cos if you don't make your own decisions, someone else will gladly make them for you.

The above is within the context of 2/dual/second earth principle, that i see every night in my dreams.
You nailed Group 1 with "barry" well-below it in the list. But who's "Ron?" OH no, LOL could this be "Barry" blocking information which would make Disclosure of aliens forthcoming, and Ron is R. Reagan?! Something about information he was forced to keep secret is in the mix?! That was my immediate hunch. In the season we are treading, this could actually be true. What a trip, if so!

Dig how far-apart "terminal" is from "cabin smoke firing." Any other words in this run go with them?

Oooh for Group 3, cryptic? is to me. Well, gubmint (grin) is famous for halving any numbers that make them look bad.

I like "clouds dancing." Maybe just from the sound of it and in reality it's really bad like...a hint at chemtrail, weather-experimentation issues. Yech, if so.
There is a rumour that Egypt is preparing to take the ISIS situation into hand....well, 'cause 'America' isn't doing enough. Ahem!!

If that wouldn't fulfil this run, I don't know what would, especially since Egypt was in yesterday's run.

snake (ISIS/ISIL "Join us, or die!), invasion, stadium/bleachers or 'grandstanding', analytics as in analysing situations are a few of the words that have been around. This would be a first time an Arab nation would pummel another Arab nation if the focus is on Libya.

January 27 - Arab boss survey names rock spotlight academy palace
Feb 1 - cancer America fishing trapped max cartoon afraid destroyed mad sat bleachers
So, what happened yesterday that caused dreamers to dump dreaming about foreign countries and invasion and start dreaming about Barry's laundry?
I think we're in the wrong thread for Egypt. I don't want to move the post, though because the last time I did that, the post got deleted, as NADW and I found out. Also for clarification, the Cancer and America run was March 1st :

The bigger picture here is the major IRONY (in fact, another irony is that the word irony has never been in a run, I don't think). So the irony is that Isis came from Egyptian theology. And now SISI (isis spelled backwards is the president of Egypt) is going to try and KILL/Thwart ISIS!

Big time irony. The rebirth and death of Isis simultaneously. Anyone's head spinning yet? Round and round we go!
If only "cabin" was "cabinet" then "firing cabinet" with "despite experiment paralysis decisions" would make dang good sense and go with "barry" almost unquestionably.

"Laundry" is likely about "barry's" dirty-"laundry" as the cliche goes, but who or what does "Ron" have to do with, or is he part of "barry's" dirty "laundry?" Ron? Ronald? Anybody know the names of all of the cabinet members? Czars? LOL~

Here's "Ron" and he was not "skiiing" but paragliding. Do the dreams do this? "height" was a big part of the story, of course, and he fell to his death because his belt was not tight enough.
"Position" works in this sad story. "Bold" works with this because his 16yr. old daughter was doubling with him.
Exclamation THIS IS HUGE!!! Ok, after a lot of thought, here is what I think "absolute height block inquiries position terminal bold" means.

Today, March 4th 2015, The Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding The Affordable Care Act and whether one part of the Act is constitutional. The Justices will try to decide if language in the act blocks people from getting tax breaks on premiums sold by federally run health-care exchanges in 34 states. If they decide it is NOT constitutional, there will be HUGE fallout. Experts believe the entire thing will likely go down in flames leaving many people without coverage at best, at worst eventually needing to scrap the entire thing .

"Absolute height" is the Supreme Court. They have to decide if they will "block" part of the act. They will make "inquiries" and have an ultimate "position". Someone will have a "bold position" for sure. "Terminal", well, this is the end of the line for arguments, the Supreme court is the final destination.

This is HUGE!
Oh yeah...HUGE! The test isn't for the Supreme Court, but rather a test to see how corrupt the entire Executive/Supreme Court complex really is. Mandatory ANYTHING is specifically prohibited by our founding document, so yes, the BIG test is on. GREAT FIND!!

Oh, and consider this. Perhaps the real test to decide who has "Absolute Height," Supreme Court or Executive Branch. BTW, Congress seems to be completely on vacation the past 4-5 years. What the heck are they doing but bending to any desire the Executive Branch has?
We had King in a run recently, one side of the case…very intrepid sleuthing twice! I still maintain that these can be on many levels too. even that fact of some of the patients being terminal, or in the terminal stages of pregnancy….I have picked up the vibe that many here are against obamacare (such an annoying name!) but having the chaos of emergency rooms thronged with poor people who have the flu in winter is also wrong. If you want to keep people down, keep em poor, under educated and sick……..

King wins …..sush….

No. 14-114 IN THE
Supreme Court of the United States
On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari To The United States Court Of Appeals For The Fourth Circuit
MICHAEL A. CARVIN Counsel of Record
There are other ways to tend to the poor. First off, you get rid of the ultimate corruptness.....Federal Reserve, which is the main source or even all our socio-economic atrocities. Getting the private central bank out of there and chopping out the fractional reserve banking will do more towards your vision than anything having to do with forced medicine.

Once that happens, you let the private sector handle the "too poor for healthcare" folks. Churches, synagogues, philanthropists are everywhere, and they will do the job BETTER than the Medical Democracy that is set up today. And while you've got that going, there are specific programs to get people out of poor. Poor is more a mindset and lifestyle than it is a class. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will be required for generations to get huge swaths of people out of that mindset. BUT YOU CAN'T EVEN START IT UNTIL THE FED IS OUT!
well the run suggests, king might prevail, see edit to my last post. I don't understand the forced medicine though, where can i read about the force element of health coverage?

they were very "lucky" with their docket number hehehehe, jesus 144 and 11……they must have had their finger on submit for days hehehe
Oh, one more becomes more clear now.....Barry Laundry is Obamacare, yes? Or perhaps some more history comes to the fore.
All, I know you'll get a kick out of this one.....

"Supreme Court heard an hour of oral arguments in an Obamacare challenge, will cast votes Friday, and release a decision this summer."

Whoa there....screech as the record player stops. A decision THIS SUMMER??! How foolish I was, thinking that the VOTE, in and of itself WAS THE DECISION! No wonder I couldn't stand law class. The law process doesn't make any sense.
Yes, I have been thinking that it is a test of who has the Absolute Height. I wold say generally it is the Supremes, we shall see in this case. Vacation? Yes indeed though I see them as being firmly rooted in their own agenda direction with little bend towards any direction other than the one they are leaning towards to begin with.
(03-04-2015, 08:48 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Oh yeah...HUGE! The test isn't for the Supreme Court, but rather a test to see how corrupt the entire Executive/Supreme Court complex really is. Mandatory ANYTHING is specifically prohibited by our founding document, so yes, the BIG test is on. GREAT FIND!!

Oh, and consider this. Perhaps the real test to decide who has "Absolute Height," Supreme Court or Executive Branch. BTW, Congress seems to be completely on vacation the past 4-5 years. What the heck are they doing but bending to any desire the Executive Branch has?
Maybe it takes a great deal of time to get the NSA content records, not just meta-data on all of the justices. heh heh....yes, they too can be bullied. Remember when BO abused the SOTU speech to treat the court like naughty children?

(03-04-2015, 12:47 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: All, I know you'll get a kick out of this one.....

"Supreme Court heard an hour of oral arguments in an Obamacare challenge, will cast votes Friday, and release a decision this summer."

Whoa there....screech as the record player stops. A decision THIS SUMMER??! How foolish I was, thinking that the VOTE, in and of itself WAS THE DECISION! No wonder I couldn't stand law class. The law process doesn't make any sense.
I've written a lot of briefs in my day and I have to say, when I heard the news of the Supreme court (absolute height) allowing this case to be heard and what is at stake over SIX WORDS in the Act, I thought immediately of
1. the caduceus- Medical logo- snake
2. the Affordable Care Act really has Barry's name all over it-distasteful as it is Obamacare...ehem. its an
3. Agreed on all points with Twice Blessed. Spot on!!!

The Act was hastily thrown together, poorly written, and slammed through in 2010 much like the Patriot Act was shoved under the sleeping cocaine drenched noses of CONgress in 2001. This will surely boomerang back as the Universal Law of Cause and Effect is inescapable. Yessiree, time has run out. Time to pay the piper.
different point of view for the esoteric-
for those who've followed Drunvalo M. he is teachiung this week on something that looks familiar-
(sacred geometry)

the berkshire current- described to get humanity to ABSOLUTE HEIGHTS (Cosmic Grace)
looks a lot like the caduceus snaking up to Alpha and Omega body fields. Cosmic DNA flowing to
and from earth with every sunspot plasma ejection CME like a sexual union between the sun and earth.

AD: "The Act was hastily thrown together, poorly written, and slammed through in 2010"

i agree with most of this statement, but hesitate on "Poorly Written." Here's there ANYONE on the planet who has actually read every single word in this hideous document? I doubt it. Therefore, we'll never know if it was indeed poorly written Smile

AGREE on all else
I read it and I thought it was crap! Yes, I read the total package! It was full of convoluted passages and so full of legalease,
each part referring back to other parts and other laws already on the books. I think a bunch of failure as lawyers would be really embarrassed to put their names on it. I know the founding fathers were/are spinning in their graves.

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