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Wow, esholars, great work! I stand corrected. There has been one person on the planet that has read the documented. AD was right
Also, I'm copying my post from another thread because of the potential for more Barry Laundry:
The Hillary part of this story doesn't belong in this thread, but the Egypt part of it does. I also wonder if the Hillary emails might become more "Barry Laundry."
Well there ya go. Barry's name shows up with the Hillary emails!
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(03-04-2015, 10:17 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: AD: "The Act was hastily thrown together, poorly written, and slammed through in 2010"
i agree with most of this statement, but hesitate on "Poorly Written." Here's there ANYONE on the planet who has actually read every single word in this hideous document? I doubt it. Therefore, we'll never know if it was indeed poorly written 
AGREE on all else
I read it, up to about the half way point when I got so disgusted I felt nauseous. Part II made my hairs stand up about implants. It reads like IRS codes. To me, it is purposefully convoluted so that the average peep cannot fathom its content and attorneys can argue almost any interpretation to one's advantage.
Well now, seems SIX words of that convolution is slamming back to the Supreme's interpretation and it may lean toward whatever political advantage serves the uber politician's hubris. Think back to the elections of 2000.
What is clear is that 'checks and balances' founding fathers placed are vaporized or at the very least- messed with..
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Escholars, you rock for having read this mess of pages! I can easily imagine how they wrote it so convoluted that as time passes they can interpret it which ever their subversive wind blows!
Was that awakeneddreamer that read half of it? Wow....way to go.
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It only took the lawmakers about 30 seconds to read that document. How long did it take you to finish, esholars? Rhetorical question
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March 3, 2015 - embracing inline clock hidden
What else could it have been? People are compelled to 'embrace' getting their clocks 'in-line'. We can't see time [hidden] but it still affects us. Well, not me because we don't change our clocks where I live.
Daylight Saving Time: 6 things to know as you change the clocks hours ago
Most people in the United States change clocks forward by 60 minutes before heading to bed Saturday night due to Daylight Saving Time, but ...
Daylight Saving Time 2015 in the USA: What Time Do the Clocks ... hours ago
When Does Daylight Saving Time 2015 Start? March Time Change ... 7, 2015
Daylight Savings Time: 7 Surprising Things You May Not Know
National Geographic-Mar 6, 2015
Daylight Saving Time 2015: Don't forget to spring forward tonight hours ago
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Concur. Is it just me, or am I just cranky....I can't STAND moving my clock twice a year to follow the herd in this ignorant display of logic. Daylight Savings? What a bunch of bunk. Moving the clock doesn't save you any daylight; it just moves the times when you'll see the sunset and sunrise. No, the real HIDDEN CLOCK can't be moved; can't be tampered with. Can we just go by that clock instead? How about everyone just go to GMT and shut up already?
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03-08-2015, 01:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2015, 01:44 PM by *AD.
Edit Reason: spelling correction
(03-08-2015, 10:30 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Concur. Is it just me, or am I just cranky....I can't STAND moving my clock twice a year to follow the herd in this ignorant display of logic. Daylight Savings? What a bunch of bunk. Moving the clock doesn't save you any daylight; it just moves the times when you'll see the sunset and sunrise. No, the real HIDDEN CLOCK can't be moved; can't be tampered with. Can we just go by that clock instead? How about everyone just go to GMT and shut up already?
I rebelled, I kept my alarm clock set at daylight savings last year. it worked great !
So much that I didn't have to wrangle the settings to change it last night.....AND on a subconscious level I was always on DST...
one could move to Arizona where they don't change time zones.....
(03-05-2015, 08:12 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: It only took the lawmakers about 30 seconds to read that document. How long did it take you to finish, esholars? Rhetorical question 
On this note - not to belabor the ACA issue and who or how long it took to read if you were/are a legal beagle or not - more importantly is this piece of legislation below. A legal loophole tucked away?
After seeing this, I stopped reading the ACA. It was all moot
42 U.S. Code § 18115 - Freedom not to participate in Federal health insurance programs
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It's wonderful to have that code in our hip pocket, but the finaglers have a loophole of their own. It's called the IRS. The whole IRS enterprise is a huge loophole for so many "lawmakers" and banksters. Okay, so to test this out, we simply give the big finger on the IRS tax forms. Then, regardless of whether you managed to put the US code into the notes or not, they come storming to your house and bust down the door with full military gear. They rule by fear and in the past it has worked like a charm. I don't even want to guess how much of the taxpayers' dough goes to buying riot gear, tanks, and M16s, let alone all the training that is required for their paramilitary forces.
What a racket.
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In addition to the previous laundry post, I have a question.
Why is there repeatedly more truth coming out of Iran than from the White House?
Even more Barry Laundry:
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Because in Iran, it's same'ole same 'ole, but in our nation, *this WHouse is different than any other, nevermind what party it is right now. Those in power right now have temporarily stolen the party they claim to represent. NOTHING is real with this group, as they do not have allegiance to either party but to everything opposite of our founders and our nation, and most of us.
The people of Iran know what they are dealing with. We discern, many of us do but we've got a fungus among us. Truth? They are the mindbending, fact twisting artisans of Psychopolitical Mindgames in our WHouse. They're laughing at us everytime they make any official statement. Like kids 'playing opposites' it's that bad.
Okay, off my soap-box, err apple crate.
(04-09-2015, 09:31 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: In addition to the previous laundry post, I have a question.
Why is there repeatedly more truth coming out of Iran than from the White House?
Even more Barry Laundry: