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Cern / Portal / Giants (Original Meme Discussion)
Morning All, trying to figure out how to navigate on here, LOL...

Where certain posts should go etc....

Cern Will fire up today or Tom.,


Also I see mention of Chani/Chanti...would like to know what YOU all are referencing here, as I have something to add that maybe hasn't been discussed here.

The Chani project

The Chani project & Cern Are Connected

the original article By Nexus Mag., Long but worth the read

Comment posted on Main GLP thread discussing Chani/Entity

ALL original compilation "entity" comms that the "RAnD corporation "CHANTI" project that THEY executed HERE are VERY important. Do,U know what RAND is? See! That window of continued communication with "entity" was 1994 - nov 14, 1999 (I think that was the end date). 5 yrs of continual dialog, all recorded, logged, worked. We know there were many more exchanged that were not, due to security level, chosen for release to us by RAND. That they were echelon lvl security. We know it was something like a channelled holographic access network interface. Hence CHANTI..

And further anyone trying to comment or critics, confused MUST read the June july nexus magazine 2011 article on this to get understanding of what this is all about. And what CERN is about & what they r trying to recreate. It was the South African version that first made contact. We have documented records that world leader DID go to that site on THIS matter.

We also know what shut down the communications with "entity" was the y2k patch. Then the thing that made the last CERN activation fry up, damaged machine & shut down.. and THAT manifestation. This info went global, & then a cover up by adding a bird into the story, that all the initial witness media reports did not have.. The massive international work & $$$ fortunes spent on repairing ( combined more than most nations entire yr budget) up grading CERN to over double capacity, pushing to edge. Yet we know that when old lower power systems have gone active they cased magnetic field disruptions, volcanos, earthquakes, etc.. Go straight down to opposite of earth see our resent historical massive volcano that erupted now.

For all U RV, intuites, patter watchers, who note, observe, make notebooks of predictions, patterns, seeding.. U have seen events of late matching up.

Then throw in all our brilliant numbers tards, astrology tards, astrology tards, historical tards, spiritual history tards, numbers tards, prophesy tards, this in some John Titor, nastrodamus, the insane things with the popes, and you see all things lining up..

We have had yrs of this info given to glp..

I feel it must b watched, researched, matched, up & see the new events as they evolve.

Yes we need to get the more resent clean composite thread back up that so many worked hard on. And I am great full for everyone's work, effort, dedication, & higher thinking.. The awake.. Thank you


Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with parallel universe in days

If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too. It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.
Magnets are involved and we have had 'snake' or 'snakes' in the runs lately. Well, off and on for some time now.

Note: Siberian snakes are chains of 4 helical dipole magnets.
Looks like those collisions are now pushed back from May so say maybe....June? Interesting...
#44 -> says it SHORT circuited....hmmmm
Divine intervention?
Right there with you on divine intervention.
(03-24-2015, 06:42 PM)awakeneddreamer Wrote:  -> says it SHORT circuited....hmmmm
Divine intervention?
LOL very busy day and not even reading links but sure am glad to know what they're saying thanks to y'all!~ Hahaha, short circuited?!

Reminds me of the mammoth, brand new NSA center in Utah. It was to go online last Sept. but was having little fires inside, said one reporter. No news if they fixed it early or if it's still going online this coming Sept, as had been reported.
Divine indeed.

(03-24-2015, 06:55 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Right there with you on divine intervention.

(03-24-2015, 06:42 PM)awakeneddreamer Wrote:  -> says it SHORT circuited....hmmmm
Divine intervention?
No time right now to ponder this little history lesson about CERN and report about a facility to study light being built in Amman in the Middle East. Just want to bring this here because it's got history going back before I was even born. Diggin it.
Hi all,

Here is the website of CERN / LHC and their actual state - live

And here are more details:
Scroll down the left window to LHC Operation/"page 1" - you get information about beam setup and some other stuff. I am not familiar with the details, but it looks as if they were in operation again.

See also this article:

best wishes

PS: May 14 is Christian Holiday Ascension....

operating schedule:
.pdf   LHC_Schedule_2015.pdf (Size: 229.57 KB / Downloads: 0)
News article about CERN:
This page says that at the moment of the Nepal Earthquake that a previously-unknown particle was discovered at CERN. Gotta check the news at CERN and see if they say exactly when it was found, or what/how this author knew it. WOW....and hmmm.

The rest of this page is "food for thought." Food worthy of at least a consideration, IMO of course.
(04-13-2015, 10:03 PM)DLP Wrote: News article about CERN:

Note: There will be more milestones over the next few weeks, but scientists hope to declare the LHC to be fully operational late in May, after which we can hope to hear of discoveries. The LHC will run for several years before another planned upgrade period.
(04-30-2015, 07:46 AM)Sherriann Wrote:
(04-13-2015, 10:03 PM)DLP Wrote: News article about CERN:

Note: There will be more milestones over the next few weeks, but scientists hope to declare the LHC to be fully operational late in May, after which we can hope to hear of discoveries. The LHC will run for several years before another planned upgrade period.

Now why did I hear Lando yip "That deathstar is operational!" when I read Sheriann's post?
The Russian ISS supply ship is falling back to earth and they don't know where it's going to land?? Dodgy
That's a bit worrisome but moreso is, "where are the reports about our and their astronauts?! How close are they to running out of any supplies?!"

Previously, the US Anteres cargo ship didn't make it very far off the ground before it exploded. They say the guys are fine up there for now. Are they having a space war? Huh
Dang, that's right! that was just in October and uh oh, this is six approx. months later. So this Russian ship that's wacky and lost is the first ship that's tried to do there since then?! I want to look this up and find out how often a supply trip is made. Never cared or wondered about it before now. If they're still waiting for supplies that didn't make it last Oct.....well, could be getting slim pickings, so-to-speak.

(05-01-2015, 07:38 PM)Sherriann Wrote: Previously, the US Anteres cargo ship didn't make it very far off the ground before it exploded. They say the guys are fine up there for now. Are they having a space war?  Huh
I think all of you here are enlightened and I remain thankful. Are any of you informed/educated on black holes in space? I'll get to reading about them a bit but asking to save time for now. Are they just holes? or tunnels that likely go on endlessly?
(05-03-2015, 12:51 AM)Nanny Wrote: I think all of you here are enlightened and I remain thankful. Are any of you informed/educated on black holes in space? I'll get to reading about them a bit but asking to save time for now. Are they just holes? or tunnels that likely go on endlessly?

For a quick overview:

The thing about black holes is that no one has ever seen one. They've been deduced to exist because of the way light works around them. Beyond what they are and how light works, not much is known, like what might happen if one goes into a black hole.*

*My take on black holes, based on dinnertable discussion with the physics offspring. Any misinterpretations are mine, not his. He's a marvelous teacher, BTW. Big Grin
Thank you! I maybe brain-fart, thinking I've heard there are definitely black holes in space. I am assuming....hoping? Wink that the biblical reference to "the bottomless pit" has to be and of course is one of the black holes in space.

(05-04-2015, 08:38 PM)DLP Wrote:
(05-03-2015, 12:51 AM)Nanny Wrote: I think all of you here are enlightened and I remain thankful. Are any of you informed/educated on black holes in space? I'll get to reading about them a bit but asking to save time for now. Are they just holes? or tunnels that likely go on endlessly?

For a quick overview:

The thing about black holes is that no one has ever seen one. They've been deduced to exist because of the way light works around them. Beyond what they are and how light works, not much is known, like what might happen if one goes into a black hole.*

*My take on black holes, based on dinnertable discussion with the physics offspring. Any misinterpretations are mine, not his. He's a marvelous teacher, BTW.  Big Grin
Big CERN news per a discovery of certain dark matter particles at the center of our Milky Way. I won't even try to wrap my head around this right now....since CERN is not a telescope, how the heck can they access or "point" to this dark matter in the location mentioned?? Sigh....well, here's the article..

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