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Have we found a timeline?
Have we found a timeline? Is this why 'march' has been a regular in the runs? along with 'February showing up 7 times in the DOWN Words from March 1 thru March 9? The following span is one month.

[Eagle1] February 23, 2015 - DOWN Words: power storm snake cut holding french image hours had wed expected river were mission
March 24, 2015 - It's very cryptic, but the lingo includes French (it was the French Alps where the plane went down:
There was no regular storm, so I'm thinking Shadewolf/NADW are right on here "Power Storm Snake" signifies CERN, IMO......and sure enough it's "Holding French Image for Hours" and sure enough, lots of Missions down into that valley, probably where at least one River snakes around the bends.

Next up for headlines?

February 25, 2015 - relief meanwhile researchers ace powder realizing introduced glance refer epic doubt comfortableoccasions bleachers reverse underwear adventure analytics trusted Eric closest names mat skinny American obscure security harry animal kind beach interact caught

Parliament Hill on high security alert after mysterious white powder ...
National Post-Mar 23, 2015
Earlier this month, suspicious envelopes containing white powder were sent to the Quebec riding offices of four federal cabinet ministers, with a ...
Envelopes with white powder sent to senators 'non-toxic,' security says
The Globe and Mail-Mar 23, 2015
Envelopes with unknown white powder sent to senators' offices
CTV News-Mar 23, 2015
White powder sent to 2 senators' offices found to be harmless 23, 2015
White Powder Sent To Canadian Senators, But It's Not Toxic
Huffington Post Canada-Mar 23, 2015


White powder found inside two envelopes in Toronto hours ago
Toronto firefighters stand outside of 21 Sussex Ave. where white powder was ... White powder was also found inside an envelope at 21 Sussex ...
Food and glitter causes panic at Canada Post and U of T
Toronto Star-19 hours ago
Unknown white powder found at Canada Post office, U of T hours ago
2 suspicious envelopes containing white powder found in Toronto
680 News-20 hours ago
White powder found in envelope, parcel at two Toronto locations
CP24 Toronto's Breaking News-21 hours ago

...and they will catch whoever did it....

DOWN: water King one book went game song bad where bobby up orange boss ship hill self there map sun yes thanks saw days boat were view

Oh, the horror! Stephen King denies claim he has fled Maine over ...
The Guardian-Mar 19, 2015
Stephen King says he and his wife 'pay every cent of their Maine income taxes and 'are glad to do it'. Photograph: Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty ...
Stephen King: LePage 'full of the stuff that makes the grass grow ...
Press Herald-Mar 19, 2015
“Man up and apologize”: Stephen King sets Maine's Tea Party ...
Salon-Mar 20, 2015

The following run still holds lingo referencing the above March occurrences but....

February 26, 2015 -  bell California view class embarrassment up sent bad astral skull cities flag time one nearly squeeze there dream powder around lack crowded david were underwear hang wed towel introduced tower reverse house ace

DOWN:   begin hey hit police chased wolves word shared lake wild beach family showed annoying dreamed mon catch energy swim scary adventure relief star spirit bite sometimes animals loved wars barry obscure

March 26, 2015 - DOWN Words: moon magic popular success candy number James self eye dance smile week security husband creepy hungry pregnancy professional song symbol church hill clocks overwhelming nap cool keeping annoying van hey love joy 2014 claim model cook tree castle

I keep going back to AD's dream (below). Above is some comparative lingo that crept into the Bot again a month later.

Projection: A hit in California goes too far, church bells ring and there is a major statement made.


Something AD posted here:

Tomorrow is the 27th, a number in the dream. We shall see. March calendar days are the same as February if one takes a look. All days the same except after the 28th of the month. hmmmmm
I looked up P Ano dream:

Dream shift- "I saw a Spanish style church on a hill. California popped in. I was given directions (instructions?) to be on 9th as the most direct path. The second choice was 27th as an alternative. There was only one (1) chance to take either the 9th or 27th to get to the destination, which felt like a time frame rather than location. The end point was California. I heard the following, "If you hit California, you've gone too far" and saw the words as though in a HEADLINE or billboard - "HIT CALIFORNIA, GONE TOO FAR". I was not sure what 'hit' signified however, it felt important. Then I was shown a piece of paper. It was coming out of the top of a printer. It was a STATEMENT rather than an invoice and the format looked like an ACCOUNTING format with a title- STATEMENT with lines and columns"

Well nothing has happened yet so what is the timing on this one?
2 days or 4 weeks?
February 24, 2015 - Barry speech cycle cat mon obscure elephant hate boss violence medical introduced drop underwear view forgot bleachers Jake director remembered occasions Eric sea punch trusted closest mum analytics war glance invasion skinny events

February 27, 2015 - deer Arab boss survey names rock spotlight academy palace tornadoes turned complaining memorable meal wow introduced Greek 2015 determine aliens lucid thank medical democracy dude up obscure invasion reverse ancient analytics into elevator [elevated]

DOWN:   laugh much church police lady lesson nearly bigger ride bad shop candy told basement funny boyfriend guy goal self were say bunch male thanks had cities astral god embarrassment days mon California

A month later....

March 25, 2015 - Saudi Arabia carries out air strikes in Yemen

March 27, 2015 - Oklahoma Tornadoes Kill 1: Residents Begin Long Cleanup in Sand Springs, Moore
Note: Slow start to tornado season where there hadn't been any tornadoes reported for nearly a month.

March 25, 2014 - California ballot proposal on killing gay people triggers backlash, frustration
February 28, 2015 - invades Romania breakfast fri monster verge dared coffee core folding gab mat ace class review repeatedly poem epic stadium complaining shark Eric medical snake reverse peaceful powers analytics squeeze liked invasion introduced loose

DOWN:   boat world hill giant jumping guide felt wood character awesome steps cool possible reading simply woman king mouth wedding turned request spotlight shop sent obscure survey deer

March 1, 2015 - march wasted sinking backs damn Thomas cancer America fishing trapped max cartoon afraid destroyed mad sat bleachers unless review bedroom poem nap steal hey patient ghost repeatedly mum fun stadium Texas bike plot

DOWN:   reading lead hotel figure map snow asking beautiful dreamed deer memory party train former apartment hours based February class coffee there gab Romania wed invades verge days wow

March 27, 2015 Romania questions ex-minister over 3 Picassos, 100 paintings
The Denver Post-50 minutes ago
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Romanian prosecutors investigating an alleged bribery scheme have questioned the former finance minister ...
Romania PM picks EU funds minister as new finance minister
Reuters-59 minutes ago
I'm not sure, but do you know about this meme and dream researcher blog?
Wow. Great find, chromalyn. How long have you've been watching their material? It looks like they use the twitter feeds to supply the data, so I'd be interested in knowing whether there is a constant, direct correlation between their word spikes and the dreambot.

Have you personally seen any correlations yet? Thanks for posting this link.
No correlations for me yet, Eagle1. To be honest, I was pleasantly surpprised by the serendipity of both your site and their site coming into my 'sphere of awareness' within a few months. I think I found them through an Iceland-based alternate to Facebook,
Thanks for the mention here, chromalyn. @Eagle1: I actually PM'd you last year to chat about data sources :-)

I monitor NDC closely and there are frequently correlations and "coincidences", although the data are highly different given NDC dreamers set an intention and incubate, whereas folks who openly share dreams on twitter are often citing the most bizarre and inexplicable dreams -- or those relating to popular "pop" items (like zayn malik leaving his band -- people are tweeting like crazy about that, presumably because other fans then retweet and go crazy for each other ... it's ... an interesting sub-community ... ;-) ). Point being, the dreams on twitter are likely largely self-selecting, but it is casting a pretty wide net!

Ooops, I apologize, Hack! I have been extremely busy, and only getting busier, but that is no excuse. I do remember looking at some sort of tweet sourcing for linguistics, and that must have been you! I do apologize that I didn't remember more.

So, do you account for retweets of the dream content? How do you differentiate between what is from dreaming vs what is being commented / retweeted? From what I can tell, the retweets MIGHT be considered what George Ure calls "meaningful resonance." In other words, comments/retweets on certain dream content is a form of highlighting that which might be the most important stuff. However, the philosopher would then need to be able to differentiate between what is "meaningful" vs that which is mere noise (or worse....purposefully injected trash by entities wanting to contaminate the results.)
No need to apologize, Eagle1, I completely understand!

I throw out retweets but you've got a point about looking at RT's and replies to bump a score to reflect that those symbols are resonating with others.

Often when a dreambot run is posted here, I check the terms with dreamtweets and find some correlation.  Some symbols/ideas overlap that were mentioned NDC within +/- 1-2wks of also setting off my alarms:

- blood
- tsunami
- hawaii

... there were more, but I don't recall offhand.

I began a new thread in the memes forum for our continued discussion and it will also serve as a warehouse for any connections that are made between tweet and dreambot. We need to keep track of those overlaps, as more we might be able to find meaningful trends later. Obviously, I don't expect you to do all the work, but if you do notice something, go ahead and document it over at this new link:

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