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10/07/14 TEMPLE + Dragon Deceased and Barry rises yet again
Other than Dallas, I don't think there has been any other word as persistent as Barry. How many times have we seen that name now? Is it just a general meme, or is Barry Soetoro going down? Day residue or predictive? Uknown, but I don't think day residue has this kind of persistence.

Watch word is temple, and of course this could mean many different things, which is one reason no red flag came out of this. Up 3,500% there is certainly something here, and I know Rebecca's recent vision might support this. DFs may want to look into this for a possible headline.

Also interesting is that Dragon is Deceased, or is that just an illusion (Illusion Dragon Deceased)?


Text version:
10/7/2014    %Change from Ave    % Change from Yesterday

temple    291.0%    3500.0%
apprehension    96.5%    1200.0%
illusion    88.4%    1000.0%
dragon    202.0%    966.7%
deceased    50.4%    900.0%
visiting    152.1%    550.0%
sweet    107.8%    500.0%
tom    64.5%    450.0%
pet    54.6%    450.0%
west    133.4%    425.0%
determine    75.1%    400.0%
constant    90.1%    366.7%
becoming    50.1%    333.3%
finding    191.6%    312.5%
non    160.7%    244.4%
barry    199.3%    200.0%
pleased    88.2%    200.0%
stairway    86.1%    200.0%
vibration    124.7%    166.7%
adventure    58.7%    150.0%
brick    58.3%    150.0%
joe    103.0%    133.3%
deck    52.5%    120.0%
shoes    89.6%    116.7%
enemies    112.3%    114.3%
military    62.4%    112.5%
mon    132.9%    111.1%
unable    94.8%    109.1%
this one covers a bunch of bot words; Temple, illusion, becoming and determine. Also ISIS!
The Temple of Set: Is it Satanic?
This is old but I like what it says. It also has many words from many bots.
10 Most Common Signs from Deceased Love ones
There is a Temple, Texas very near Ft.Hood and many of the soldiers likely live there. Just in case....thought I should mention this.

Illusion Dragon deceased, dragon for China? they're strong as ever. Is anyone recently or soon suggesting they're weakened and less of a threat? Military context with the dragon? or am I wrong for associating words that are so far from each other, on the list? (Hope it doesn't drive y'all batty for me to ask this again. I'm so very dang new at this, can't help it, well sorta can't, grin.)

Barry, yes I believe it's gotta be the "barry in chief" everyone's or most are dreaming of. The bots are finding plenty of proof that dreams are most-often prophetic, many personally and many others, of our current events.

Barry pleased that some think the dragon's deceased, but pleased because he knows it's an illusion??

But, if this isn't Temple, Texas, could it be talk about the third Jewish temple? I googled the search terms "Israel Blood Moon Oct. 8, 2014 temple" and got this, which is food for thought
temple apprehension illusion dragon deceased.

temple apprehension illusion dragon deceased. There's the Temple of the False God  and there's the Temple of the faithful and both could be said to be illusions. Temple, apprehension, and illusion seem to go together and have overlapping implications in both dream data and in the scope of meaning.

(Temple apprehension) fire breathing (dragon) leaves (deceased)

Fears over Ebola will effect public markets: Temple Texas has a public food market for example. There are religious temples, and there are the financial markets which are thought of as temples of capitalism.

I'm reading this as future headlines like these.

"Temples apprehension grows as parishioners vanish in wake of illusion over fears of Ebola dragon."
"Fire breathing dragon leaves deceased in Markets."
temple apprehension is an illusion
Ebola dragon deceased

Barack Obama: King of Indonesia

Obama not Nixon, Carter or Clinton but the president who hates the U.S.
This will probably sound as weird to you as it does to me, but I recently watched this video with Alfred Webre, Paradigm Shift In Process (beautiful images instead of talking heads)
I was surprised when he said that he'd heard that both Satan and Lucifer had been captured, had not chosen the Light, and were no more - I guess you could say "deceased", but I believe they are saying this was more final than that. More strange for me is that I read this somewhere too, but can't remember where. The last few weeks have been totally non-stop on all planes, it seems.
That would certainly explain my perpetual deja vu experience...
What a sweet/nice thing to do.
Michigan officer buys booster seat for girl instead of writing mom ticket
dragon for China:

Chinese hotel posts hilarious sign instructing about how to use Western-style toilet

Hundreds injured as magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes southwestern China
(10-08-2014, 06:19 AM)ParadiseReturn Wrote: This will probably sound as weird to you as it does to me, but I recently watched this video with Alfred Webre, Paradigm Shift In Process  (beautiful images instead of talking heads)
I was surprised when he said that he'd heard that both Satan and Lucifer had been captured, had not chosen the Light, and were no more - I guess you could say "deceased", but I believe they are saying this was more final than that.  More strange for me is that I read this somewhere too, but can't remember where.  The last few weeks have been totally non-stop on all planes, it seems.

"They are manufacturing disease and attempting to make them as virulent and deadly as possible."

"'Author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?, Horowitz says the swine-bird-human flu strain, reported to be found first in Mexico in late-March 2009, could have only come from Dr James S. Robertson and his colleagues in association with the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and vaccine manufacturer Novavax, Inc, which was ready to profit from the release he says."

A logical outcome since corporations are dictatorships and the nature of any dictatorship is to be ruled by a psychopath with a supporting army of amoral sociopaths.
Balsa! yes, this loudly resonated with me....your headline you are imaging....I like saying it that way instead of saying "imagine" cuz it's such a likelihood, to me. *(never mind grammar....sometimes the message works better with our own insults to grammar, says I, the silly woman, LOL)

"Fire breathing dragon leaves deceased in Markets." says Balsa/you! Dig this headline, the real one...says same thing, I think.

" That's it! yes? no? check one....grin.
(10-08-2014, 08:14 PM)New Nanny Wrote: Balsa! yes, this loudly resonated with me....your headline you are imaging....I like saying it that way instead of saying "imagine" cuz it's such a likelihood, to me. *(never mind grammar....sometimes the message works better with our own insults to grammar, says I, the silly woman, LOL)

"Fire breathing dragon leaves deceased in Markets." says Balsa/you! Dig this headline, the real one...says same thing, I think.

"  That's it! yes? no? check one....grin.

What I'm thinking is a market meltdown, probably relating to Ebola since the dream data appears to me to be mixed up with this as metaphors for storms, disasters, and trouble. There is that one about a stockbroker getting hit with a Flame Thrower, so that one is very specific. What I'm sensing is that a market meltdown will sort of become lost in greater troubles, which would be saying something.

Frankly, making this prediction of market disaster is like predicting it will be 6 O'clock tomorrow. There's simply no way that the out of control policy makers (Corporate Associations,Contractors,Foreign Powers) who aren't accountable to anyone can run the operations they are running without eventually having the minions (politicians/authorities/military) whom are like their janitors, finally encounter a problem which even they cannot clean up. Ebola and messed up vaccines would probably be right up that alley. So I think prediction of a fire breathing dragon leaves deceased in markets is yet to unfold in a really grand manner. Rolleyes
Folks, I found Tom. I'm sure of it!
I had this this morning I just could not find which bot to post it under.
NY court to hear arguments that chimps have rights
True, it is a no-brainer that the market will crash worse than ever before. They've set it up, its very overpriced by Market-manipulation and so fake that one can roll their eyes just hearing "seventeen-thousand..." with any number.

What I'm thinking is a market meltdown, probably relating to Ebola since the dream data appears to me to be mixed up with this as metaphors for storms, disasters, and trouble. There is that one about a stockbroker getting hit with a Flame Thrower, so that one is very specific. What I'm sensing is that a market meltdown will sort of become lost in greater troubles, which would be saying something.

Frankly, making this prediction of market disaster is like predicting it will be 6 O'clock tomorrow. There's simply no way that the out of control policy makers (Corporate Associations,Contractors,Foreign Powers) who aren't accountable to anyone can run the operations they are running without eventually having the minions (politicians/authorities/military) whom are like their janitors, finally encounter a problem which even they cannot clean up.  Ebola and messed up vaccines would probably be right up that alley. So I think prediction of a fire breathing dragon leaves deceased in markets is yet to unfold in a really grand manner. Rolleyes

Wow, this is timely. Year six of current admin. that has a CZAR that literally said that animals should be able to sue humans, with a human representative, I kid ya not.

(10-08-2014, 11:33 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Folks, I found Tom. I'm sure of it!
Want to share your holiday at a temple?
we feel our holiday display sends a very important, affirmative message that goes above and beyond that of superficial season's greetings.

Satanic Temple again seeking approval of Capitol holiday display
I don't like this Non!
More than a dozen states plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare
Which U.S. States Have the Most Immature Men?

Estately set out to determine which states have a higher percentage of adult males still sleeping between their childhood Star Wars sheets by using these (typically male) immaturity measurements…
(10-08-2014, 07:48 PM)Balsa Wrote: A logical outcome since corporations are dictatorships and the nature of any dictatorship is to be ruled by a psychopath with a supporting army of amoral sociopaths.

Yes, exactly, but if their "leaders" are deceased - then why would "Barry" rise yet again? I've read that the devil is in the vaccine, not the "ebola" - if that's the case, then many are worried that Barry's executive threat of martial law might rise again to make it so.

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