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Nanny, Yes. This one has me absolutely baffled. I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless. If you had been there during my classified nuke training, you'd understand where I'm coming from. Everyone in the room (chock full of colonels and generals) were confused and looking around the room when the teacher told us that Israel somehow managed to avoid having to sign THE nuke treaty.
What it means is that Israel had cart blanche to go offensive, and no one could do anything about it. Some people like Dr. Judy Wood would argue that Israel's ultra secret nuke program was at least part of the story on how they demolished the twin towers....micro nukes. Non thermite is only half the story, apparently. I haven't kept up with all the latest evidence, but getting back to this.... This really is huge. It's actually one of the major pieces required for world peace. Everyone knows Israel had nukes and everyone knew that they did not have to answer to anyone, including the UN. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to any of the nations, especially the arab countries.
Blindly supporting Israel's foreign policies is absolutely dangerous. Israel isn't being run by victim-laiden Jewish people like the mainstream Christian TV programming wants everyone to believe. Rather they are being bulldozed by Zionists, who do NOT always have the lower peoples' best interest at heart. In fact, the Zionists aren't even 100% Jewish. Surprisingly, they come in all different shapes, colors, and religions. And even more surprisingly, their main religion is WORLD CONTROL.
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I'm an old-fashioned fart, that believes that nations have soverignty. I could care less about the UN and any nation getting permission from that disgusting club of nations. I want it out of my nation. May not surprise you that I'm also non-union, passionately.
Nation can deal with nation. they do it all of the time.
Of course Israel has nukes. How many other nations do, too? Israel needs them, for they have enemies that aren't wanting to "peacefully co-exist" but push them into the sea to no longer exist.
Yes, I'm a bible-believer but even were I not I would stand staunchly by this nation that was attacked the, wasn't it the next day after they became a nation?! They won, if I recall correctly, thankfully kicking a** and taking names sorta thing.
I blame 911 for entities in our own nation. I blame our own agencies and leaders because there was the insider-trading right before the thing, known but hushed. Those that traded not named or brought to justice but had foreknowledge.
Barry will hide secrets for those that hate us like Muslim Bro'hood but undermine our allies, and oh the insulting!
Sigh, what an upside down world we're in, and nation now, blatantly.
(03-26-2015, 05:39 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Nanny, Yes. This one has me absolutely baffled. I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless. If you had been there during my classified nuke training, you'd understand where I'm coming from. Everyone in the room (chock full of colonels and generals) were confused and looking around the room when the teacher told us that Israel somehow managed to avoid having to sign THE nuke treaty.
What it means is that Israel had cart blanche to go offensive, and no one could do anything about it. Some people like Dr. Judy Wood would argue that Israel's ultra secret nuke program was at least part of the story on how they demolished the twin towers....micro nukes. Non thermite is only half the story, apparently. I haven't kept up with all the latest evidence, but getting back to this.... This really is huge. It's actually one of the major pieces required for world peace. Everyone knows Israel had nukes and everyone knew that they did not have to answer to anyone, including the UN. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to any of the nations, especially the arab countries.
Blindly supporting Israel's foreign policies is absolutely dangerous. Israel isn't being run by victim-laiden Jewish people like the mainstream Christian TV programming wants everyone to believe. Rather they are being bulldozed by Zionists, who do NOT always have the lower peoples' best interest at heart. In fact, the Zionists aren't even 100% Jewish. Surprisingly, they come in all different shapes, colors, and religions. And even more surprisingly, their main religion is WORLD CONTROL.
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Another strange hit from this run! It's a bastardized version of my pretend prediction that "Two countries’ leaders declare war on each other, but none of the soldiers show up!"
In the following article, it demonstrates that no one wants to support the war racket anymore. The mainstream translation of this (or excuse) is that the young people today are too fat and stupid to join (those aren't my's the quote
"At the same time, only about a third of the 21 million Americans age 17 to 21 are eligible to join the military, with half unable to pass the entry examination and the rest ineligible because they are unable to meet the physical fitness or character standards, he said."
Payback is a bitch for the elite isn't it? They wanted us to get fat watching TV and playing video games, but now no one is left to go fight their petty wars! Absolutely hilarious.
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(03-30-2015, 11:45 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Another strange hit from this run! It's a bastardized version of my pretend prediction that "Two countries’ leaders declare war on each other, but none of the soldiers show up!"
In the following article, it demonstrates that no one wants to support the war racket anymore. The mainstream translation of this (or excuse) is that the young people today are too fat and stupid to join (those aren't my's the quote![Smile Smile](
"At the same time, only about a third of the 21 million Americans age 17 to 21 are eligible to join the military, with half unable to pass the entry examination and the rest ineligible because they are unable to meet the physical fitness or character standards, he said."
Payback is a bitch for the elite isn't it? They wanted us to get fat watching TV and playing video games, but now no one is left to go fight their petty wars! Absolutely hilarious.
My son was a recruiter for the Army until his accident. He would tell us how frustrating it was to try and make the quotas on what was available in his area(SoCA). Most of the kids wanted nothing to do with the military or, after a life of being told they were the greatest, couldn't grasp the concept that they wouldn't be considered the little princes or princesses and that they would actually have to follow what other people told them to do. Then there were kids who truly wanted to join but couldn't pass the test and were horribly out of shape. My son and the other recruiters had regular PT classes for potential recruits and they would tutor them on the test(and the kids would still fail). There were also the ones who might have made exemplary soldiers but had tattoos they couldn't cover or ear plugs in their lobes, both against Army regs.
I've read about the services lowering the requirements for potential recruits just to fill the ranks and get the numbers. It will be just like during the days of the draft-which I remember quite clearly even though I was young-but without the mandatory aspect. Yeah, that ought to work out real well.
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03-31-2015, 01:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2015, 01:17 AM by twiceblessed9.)
National Rally? Here is your National Rally! It is a HUGE RALLY!
INDY STAR ALL IN... Major Companies Condemn... Indiana Corporate Leaders 'Deeply Concerned'... Thousands Of Businesses Stand Up For Diversity... 'I've Never Seen Anything Like This. It's Been Just Awesome'... 2 States Boycott Indiana... Pence Defends... State GOP Leaders: Discrimination? What Discrimination?... GOP Indy Mayor Signs Order Protecting LGBT ..
Oh wow! This news totally goes with my signature line. lol
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Yes, this is a growing issue, ballooning is more like it.
I'm boycotting the businesses that are boycotting Indiana. Your signature is great because it encourages those of us on both sides of every issue. Very cool~
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04-08-2015, 10:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2015, 10:04 PM by Nanny.)
Jade Helm?? how much of this is? We Texans are more sovereign than tolerant if some authority gets its elbow in our face, so to speak. Hopefully, "soldiers fail" in more than one war event or war game, but not personally, as in PTSD, etc of course.
Maybe Jade Helm is about to fail.
There may be a better thread for this song, but right now it fits beautifully with what I just posted. This is a very new song, and group. The group is a family group of apparently 3 generations. This is *real* Texas, no glitter to the clothes, and singing what they believe to their bone marrow. Dig this...please. See and hear it in context of Jade Helm marking out state "hostile." Yeah, hostile to Injustice and the theft of freedoms.
Otherwise....nice and easy going.
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This is an important one, and runs alongside my utopian hope that soldiers would just not show up to the next fight:
"More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show.
-- Forty-eight percent or about 370,000 soldiers showed a lack of commitment to their job or would have chosen another if they had it to do over again. Only 28% felt good about what they do.
-- About 300,000 soldiers or nearly 40% didn't trust their immediate supervisor or fellow soldiers in their unit or didn't feel respected or valued. Thirty-two percent felt good about about bosses and peers."
"Retired vice admiral Norb Ryan, head of the Military Officers Association of America, and Joyce Raezer, executive of the National Military Family Association, said the results are not surprising. Fourteen years of war and recent decisions to downsize or cut funding for the military have left morale low, they said."
Excuses, excuses. Lemme explain something. Decisions to downsize and cut funding don't decrease morale in the lower rung. These are the things that cut morale in the decision-making corpse, the generals and colonels. Basically what happened in the Army is a $248M brainwashing program, hoping to defy Nature. Their positive psychology program sounds great on paper, but what's really happening here is one big contradiction. Hey boys and girls, go out there and kill, kill, kill, and when you come home, think positively about what you've done. THERE IS A SPECIFIC REASON WHY THIS WON'T WORK, and another reason why it's disadvantageous for it try and make it work. DON'T DEFY NATURE. KARMA'S A BITCH SOMETIMES.
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Bingo! Great find for "soldier fail."
(04-17-2015, 09:39 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: This is an important one, and runs alongside my utopian hope that soldiers would just not show up to the next fight:
"More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show.
-- Forty-eight percent or about 370,000 soldiers showed a lack of commitment to their job or would have chosen another if they had it to do over again. Only 28% felt good about what they do.
-- About 300,000 soldiers or nearly 40% didn't trust their immediate supervisor or fellow soldiers in their unit or didn't feel respected or valued. Thirty-two percent felt good about about bosses and peers."
"Retired vice admiral Norb Ryan, head of the Military Officers Association of America, and Joyce Raezer, executive of the National Military Family Association, said the results are not surprising. Fourteen years of war and recent decisions to downsize or cut funding for the military have left morale low, they said."
Excuses, excuses. Lemme explain something. Decisions to downsize and cut funding don't decrease morale in the lower rung. These are the things that cut morale in the decision-making corpse, the generals and colonels. Basically what happened in the Army is a $248M brainwashing program, hoping to defy Nature. Their positive psychology program sounds great on paper, but what's really happening here is one big contradiction. Hey boys and girls, go out there and kill, kill, kill, and when you come home, think positively about what you've done. THERE IS A SPECIFIC REASON WHY THIS WON'T WORK, and another reason why it's disadvantageous for it try and make it work. DON'T DEFY NATURE. KARMA'S A BITCH SOMETIMES.
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I wonder if other services of the Armed Forces would show different results.
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Nanny, "Bingo! Great find for "soldier fail."
...and also, "Soldiers Breaking."
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Hi, I've lurked forever, never really had any input till now. Not even sure if I'm doing this right, but this seems like a CHICKEN hit to me:
(03-22-2015, 10:47 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: DON"T EAT CHICKEN!!
Nanny called it yesterday with a possible recall of chicken, ( chicken leggings aisle big recall flow injury). That grouping was at the bottom of the up run.
Now today, (national chicken chasing), but this time flying to the top of the up run.
I would say this is a STARRING IN YOUR FACE message to us.
Seriously, DON'T EAT CHICKEN. I am totally predicting a MAJOR chicken recall.
Recalls don't usually happen until AFTER people get sick so stay away NOW.
And if I am wrong, well, so you missed chicken for a little while, big deal.
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VERY excellent observation. Great way to enter the fray
I actually found that same story and posted it over in the other overlapping lingo:
It was TwiceBlessed who actually predicted this, and so if you look at her post that follows mine at that link above, she did a nice job of documenting the overlap in linguistics.
You did perfect though because we really do need that documentation in both threads, so congrats on a job well done!!
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Thanks Eagle1! I knew I'd seen chicken a few times but couldn't locate the other runs. I wasn't sure how to do search and just started clicking and looking for it in the list.
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Yeah, that's sort of the problem with our layout. That problem won't be purely minimized in the new site, but maybe it will be improved. We'll see!
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Bird flu still a crisis. When they said " Chasing chicken" who knew it would still be happening. This virus is bad!
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Windy, I LOVE this connection you found with Iran/US nuclear chicken. I'm ready to call it a cametrue with someone else's approval. Also, now that I read "Breaking drag sword fail" I see this not as a failed attempt at war like I originally thought, but rather traditional war (i.e., SWORD) fails. I'm thinking this means that since the standard sword (or standard war) fails, they have to escalate to something beyond the standard sword, of which NUCLEAR would be included! Did I say that right? Basically, the chicken part hints at nuclear, especially with the direct news link you have with the same title, AND the "Sword Fail" also hints at something like Nuclear, in my opinion.
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I think it is a came true for the both this new meme and the Chasing Chicken for the Bird flu crisis already mentioned.
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Done deal. #CameTrue, and look at the timing. Several months it took to manifest.
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07-03-2015, 01:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2015, 01:43 PM by twiceblessed9.)
Believe it or not, More Chicken play!
"Advice for Greece: Never play chicken with Germany"
Greece and Germany really are playing chicken. And think of all the Greek rally's right now on the vote.