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Cern / Portal / Giants (Original Meme Discussion)
I was pondering cern yesterday. since humans are basically walking electromagnets, what effect does cern really have on us? how many of us feel the time skipping thing? is that cern? we've seen what cern is doing to the earths magnetosphere. when they crank that thing up to max power, what will that do to our body? eliminate our perception of time, even if briefly?
If CERN can touch, access or affect dark matter in our Milky Way, heck yeah great questions, Still! What are we feeling from the thing now or what will we be, in the near-future?

What if....huge SciFi sorta imagining for fun, and the teency percent chance this could be reality.
What if CERN's Collider facility is "the beast that no man could reason with" in Revelations?! I have thought it maybe a computer for awhile, and now am learning of this beast/thing. Probably not....and a computer actually could be what it refers to.

It said that men were worshipping this beast, and it hit me....we sit in front of these machines and monitors, arms outstretched and our hands on what maybe looked like teeth, to a person thousands of years ago having a vision of computer setups. Hands outstretched towards the thing....worship, to them? and also the internet is so versatile that if we make the experience the most important thing in our lives...isn't this a type of worship, in reality??
This week brought a new US/CERN agreement that was signed in our White House. Technical explanation of this, here with a mere mention of our Waxahachie facility that bit the dust back in '93. (Ours was on-course to be more powerful than this one will be at full-force.)
Typhoon #Dolphin threads the needle between Guam and Rota. May 15
CMS & LHC experiments reveal new rare particle decay

A little light reading for your evening time. Big Grin
CERN just made history last night! Yep....13's the page with pics of the energy experiment.

A month before June that the date they'll use to hit it full-force? Summer solstice?
Wait a second....since when was this LHC thing called "The Atlas Experiment?" Light bulb coming AwakenedDreamer's old Atlas Shrugged dream comes into play (except I don't remember all the details)
(05-21-2015, 07:35 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Wait a second....since when was this LHC thing called "The Atlas Experiment?" Light bulb coming AwakenedDreamer's old Atlas Shrugged dream comes into play (except I don't remember all the details)

It occurred to me that crash is synonymous with collide and isn't that what CERN does? collides/crashes particles?

here is a segment-
"9/1/14 - It seems the data/message is coming in dribs and pieces, vividly one night at a time yet it also 'feels' HUGE. The feeling upon waking up is ominous/important/attention grabbing, I cannot stress this enough....
TECHNOLOGY, and something along the lines of 'unexpected' or unparalleled...and the word crash.
Too many variables in the quantum soup right now.
In all the dreams-
The village chief and last night the mayor/governor/CEO was not allowed entrance into the ceremony, only the humble that represented the common man/woman.The common workers were all in charge of manufacturing/distributing the new technology. All is on a level playing field. No lack. Like in a John Galt world; Atlas finally shrugged!"

This is also the dream with the OPRAH segment. The meek are the winners. This dream also overlaps with George Ure's around the same time. His had a female figure too that came out with three or five colored symbols too and an important message. He had it in his column that week.
OMG, AD, I just guessed that your Atlas dream was a match; it was just my intuition. All I really remembered was Atlas, but wow!

AD, you were all over this! We had absolutely no awareness of CERN back then. Was this dream a Project August dream, by the way? If so, I think that incubation opens the door to the future, and according to the bell curve of manifestation, most of what we get will be inside the time period specified, but there will be 50% outliers, and so this dream of yours was one of them (if it was PA).

I'm shocked at this sequence between our two findings and your old dream.
It started the day after august- September 1. I believe there was a P1 mission to incubate for the month of September after the success of Proj August. We weren't documenting in the subtitle sections- specific incubation yet- back then... Here is what I wrote-
"I placed the dream incubations in this category for want of putting elsewhere. I do this for documentation purposes

Before bedtime I meditated, focusing on a candle flame in order to calm the daytime monkey mind. My intention was to receive anything significant that will unfold within the next week to the end of the month (Sept) anywhere, not necessisarily in the U. S.

Dreams began vivdly on 9/1/14, continued 9/2/14 and throughout. All interconnected to the same theme. A crash, new technology/data coming out/and/or collapse of some kind. The attention grabber for me was the repeat symbols and the over all sense of impending -> something. It certainly felt important, urgent."

Remember- the Mind in dreamtime is non-local. I agree with DLP that the more time that elapses after a dream, the more likely a timeline will change. However, if it is huge- like a collective- I wonder if that necessarily applies. It is written recently that the Vatican already knows the future (and is looking out for itself/preservation) with that knowledge. Well heck, they already time travel to the past- I wonder what they know but aren't telling us!
Eagle, people talk of "portals" a lot now. I see why. Are wormholes portals? Sounds like it.

Is it true that there's a giant wormhole in the center of our Milky Way?

Even in my twenties, and when I had not cared diddly about physics or things in space I insisted that the bottomless pit spoken of in bible had to be a tunnel in space that goes on forever.
Now, it makes sense to hear of this wormhole and read about CERN in the article, too.

CERN, to me just seemed like something, yeah it's huge but something that was likely to start fires. Just something that is down here and is playing with energy.

It really may have far-reaching abilities and they know it. It may be the key to the bottomless pit and this is why CERN is seriously talked about in relation to the center of our Milky way. (Chani may very well exist and of course is a demon. Any demon with any genius/brains would be so very nice and caring, oh yeah.)

There are so very many underground bunkers, they're under highways accessed by doors in literal tunnels, etc. *(many other types of locations too.) They are maybe for TPTB knowing that Wormwood or Planet X? Nibiru? is that some conspiracy idea or does the thing really exist?

Well, TPTB have bunkers and what if............what if they also have them because they fear that CERN is really going to accomplish something catastrophic. What if they WANT them to because, as Lord Bertrand Russell said, this is not an exact quote but very close,

"Wars simply have not killed enough people."

In closing...maybe one idea I typed is right but this doesn't all go together as I wrote it. Maybe TPTB aren't thinking it's CERN and this is coincidence that CERN may do....unthinkable things during Jade Helm, but it's sure feeling like it all goes together.

So, maybe no wormwood, but that veil is about to be torn bigtime and this of course will soon materialize into our physical world wildly......finally ushering in the

"Big change" instead of their "Big Bang."
Quote:Remember- the Mind in dreamtime is non-local. I agree with DLP that the more time that elapses after a dream, the more likely a timeline will change. However, if it is huge- like a collective- I wonder if that necessarily applies. It is written recently that the Vatican already knows the future (and is looking out for itself/preservation) with that knowledge. Well heck, they already time travel to the past- I wonder what they know but aren't telling us!

Sometimes there are events which I call "crux points" in the timelines. These events are locked in time, possibly across all the timelines, that act as markers. They WILL occur, no matter how much people try to change them or their timing.
All NDC readers,

Please re-read DLP's statement. You may not agree with it, but THIS IS PARADIGM 1. P1 is all about finding the absolute futures, and as DLP says, they do exist. I find it amazing that I just talked about Paradigm 3 in my previous post, and then DLP's statement just happened to be next.

What does that mean? Well, P3 is coming back, folks. I can't wait.

For those needing a refresher on P3, it's here:
Here's this cool link to CERN Bulletins...even things like when they change phone numbers as well as big things. This really is a pretty full resource because there's a lot of clickable links on the right side of the page. Some of them are sorta curious, well one for sure.

What the heck IS this? a Hackathon at CERN in October? Please look at this poster, and notice the link to the Hackathon's page. I went there but it was loading slowly....very colorful...was it hacking me? LOL I have a computer issue that I've got to have son-in-law coach me long-distance on, so I closed it, that is "for now."
I can only hope and pray that in our Pentagon currently, we have such aware, awake and enlightened souls that know the truth of this. This was decades ago.

"The UFO presence on our planet, the Pentagon group believed, was designed to seduce us into believing aliens were amongst us, when the reality – as they saw it, at least – was that we were being led to accept that belief as a means to allow Satan’s minions to get his claws into us." Source/credit of quote here...

Yep, I am in total agreement here. No coincidence the past 30 or so years have been filled with UFO movies and references. They will be part of The Great Deception that is coming and I mean per Project Bluebeam. When Jesus comes back if He takes folks before living on earth another season, it'll be called a huge UFO Kidnapping. Minds are sufficiently prepped to deny any supernatural event from God.
LOL! found this thread with the NDC search engine. I did NOT have any idea it hadn't been used since a year ago today. (If I'm ly'in, I'm dy'in)

That dang, new tunnel under the Swiss Alps...had seen a lot of still pictures of it. Oh no, see the insanity and evil in video. This one is just a few minutes long and last couple of minutes is just two dudes talking so makes it even shorter. To think that a official of Italy attended and watch this freak show, as did Merkel of Germany and others.
OK I watched the Youtube video you shared Nanny and I am now Spiritually nauseated. Hope what I saw has some other meaning than what I am thinking. Made me want to do the sign of the cross over me 10 times. Do you think this really happened?
Julie yes it really, REALLY happened. Some high-ranking dignitaries watched including Merkel of Germany and I forget the title of the person from Italy.

I find it easy to believe and yet very sickening, yet I saw the "dance of death" that was performed at the re-inaugurating of the Hadron Collider. Have you seen that one? Not nearly as sick and insane as this Swiss Alps tunnel **** but really nuts.

It must really *be* showtime. Rereading Revelations may be more riveting than ever before. No drama or embellishing on my part. Get right with God and stay right...saying that to myself and millions of us, not preaching at you, sistah.

Julie, there's a link under this one to Huffington Post, saying they among many reported on this insanity to celebrate the restart of Hadron last year.
Switzerland, both the Hadron and this historic tunnel....hmmm.....both way underground. Closer to Hell?
Nanny - Yes, I know you are not preaching to me. You are feeling the Holy Spirit urgency to speak the truth.
I just found pictures on BBC of the CERN opening ceremonies. Even BBC said it was strange.

I'm going to have to listen to light positive music the rest of the day to clean my Spirit!
Sistah, only in Jesus' name will THIS level of evil be defeated. will be. But we're all gonna be increasingly tested.

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