05-19-2015, 10:45 PM
I decided to start a new thread so it's easier to just jump right to the good stuff.
Okay. First up, the dreams.
Windy's dream:
5/18/2015 Intention 1283
Date: 5/18/2015 11:45pm
Location description:
I at the location, but not in my own body, I am in the body of a young woman, and experiencing the location as she did. Through out this experience I do not get to see the young girl only feel what she felt. I believe she is young, 16-20 years old or very naive, Especially sexually. She is overly friendly and has captured the attention of a disgusting pervert.
Location is a building, tall skinny house is the feeling I get, while I am standing inside, there is lots of brick, stone, granite at this location. Red brick wall, granite counter tops, Chefs kitchen, red wine. The red wine tastes really good but for some reason I am not suppose to have it.
I want excitement, fun, adventure so I go down stairs, out of the front door, the small porch is made of stone blocks, the whole foundation is, lovely plants on the porch, and dark wood railings. The man inside of the house (Mental picture without seeing him) Large Italian male.
The house does not have a wall with the other two houses, but the walls are built so close together that it looks and feels like it has combined walls. The closest I could compare this to since this architecture is not present in California that I have seen, maybe new york, from movies.
Everything inside looked modern, now standing outside I get the feeling I am in the past 60's or 70's maybe earlier. There is a motor home of sorts parked outside and there is a couple there, I know them, but not really, as if I know of them, maybe neighbors, or friends of the family.
I go inside of the motor home with the couple and for some reason I am laying down between the man and the woman. The man keeps getting up and sitting beside me and trying to get me to touch him, all he is wearing is blue under ware. He is older than I am 40's maybe, and I am very uncomfortable, okay grossed out. I keep pulling away and finally I ask the woman if I can lay on the other side of her and she agrees.
They both seem like they are irritated with me, so I get up to leave and there is a large dog (Rottweiler I believe) guarding the door. I can not get out.
I woke up not wanting to be touched feeling very yucky.
Still's dream:
First scene im floating high above a city.. everythings dark. Feels like gotham city. Industrial area. I sense fire. I cant see it or smell it, but I know its there and im trying to find it.
Next scene. I am at some kind of truck loading area. There are 2 trucks outside the bay and one truck inside. The substance they are loading is white. I can see the residue of it on the loading spout. In my dream I think Cotton? Suddenly theres smoke. Everyone starts to panic. Im confused cuz im the new guy. Ive never done this before. I don’t understand how theres smoke. Its coming from inside the loading spout and truck. Maybe its vapor? Chemicals? Not really smoke. Im scared and these people aren’t telling me anything. They are yelling orders at me. Theres a young girl sitting on the platform in the loading bay. Somethings wrong with her but I don’t know what. The “boss” is there now. She is yelling orders to get out here to the other trucks and move this cargo around. She is a white woman with short white hair cut in a bob. White long sleeves or jacket and black pants. It is freezing outside. The stuff is freezing in the trucks. Move these boxes to that other truck. I start moving boxes. They are grey storage tubs about 1.5 foot almost square. Moving them one truck to the other but one box is red. Then the boss walks to the edge of the loading area. I see her. There is a fence around the whole area. Its cream colored and its like a containing wall or dividing wall made of abot 3 feet high concrete and about 4 feet tall steel panels on top of the concrete. The panels aren’t solid though. They are like fencing, but not slatted. There is black ocean beyond the wall. I feel like we are on top of a tall building near an ocean. I move another box. Then I see the boss collapse against the wall. I think she has just tripped into the wall. I move another box. I see her still in the same position. I go to help. She has a black rope around her neck and is hanging. I quickly remove the rope. And im like what are you doing?!?! She says I didn’t try to kill myself. I fell into the rope. I don’t believe her. I don’t believe anything any of these people are telling me. It is all fishy.
ive never been to this city. all I can say is it reminds me of gotham city in the batman movies.
Actual location: I picked somewhere familiar to me for this first run, just so I could be sure on the details, plus somewhere I knew no one but me would know about it. This is the business that rebuilt my CJ7's engine. I was out there just last week.
I chose this particular photo because it gives a good view of the actual building.
At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything that correlates with the location in either dream. Upon second reading however, I picked up a few details that could apply: The motor home in Windy's dream corresponds with a mobile home that's about fifty yards from the shop, and the truck loading area in Still's dream is very similar to the shop bays. What can't be seen in the photos on the site is there are ancient trucks parked everywhere around the property. The owner buys them at auction, either uses them for parts in other projects or fixes them up and sells them.
My take: It's like the dreammasters had dreams they wanted dreamed but there was still bleed-over(for lack of a better word at this point) from the intentions set. Bits of the location bled through into the other dreams, so to speak, making it appear that the experiment wasn't successful at first glance.
Okay, now it's y'all's turn.
Okay. First up, the dreams.
Windy's dream:
5/18/2015 Intention 1283
Date: 5/18/2015 11:45pm
Location description:
I at the location, but not in my own body, I am in the body of a young woman, and experiencing the location as she did. Through out this experience I do not get to see the young girl only feel what she felt. I believe she is young, 16-20 years old or very naive, Especially sexually. She is overly friendly and has captured the attention of a disgusting pervert.
Location is a building, tall skinny house is the feeling I get, while I am standing inside, there is lots of brick, stone, granite at this location. Red brick wall, granite counter tops, Chefs kitchen, red wine. The red wine tastes really good but for some reason I am not suppose to have it.
I want excitement, fun, adventure so I go down stairs, out of the front door, the small porch is made of stone blocks, the whole foundation is, lovely plants on the porch, and dark wood railings. The man inside of the house (Mental picture without seeing him) Large Italian male.
The house does not have a wall with the other two houses, but the walls are built so close together that it looks and feels like it has combined walls. The closest I could compare this to since this architecture is not present in California that I have seen, maybe new york, from movies.
Everything inside looked modern, now standing outside I get the feeling I am in the past 60's or 70's maybe earlier. There is a motor home of sorts parked outside and there is a couple there, I know them, but not really, as if I know of them, maybe neighbors, or friends of the family.
I go inside of the motor home with the couple and for some reason I am laying down between the man and the woman. The man keeps getting up and sitting beside me and trying to get me to touch him, all he is wearing is blue under ware. He is older than I am 40's maybe, and I am very uncomfortable, okay grossed out. I keep pulling away and finally I ask the woman if I can lay on the other side of her and she agrees.
They both seem like they are irritated with me, so I get up to leave and there is a large dog (Rottweiler I believe) guarding the door. I can not get out.
I woke up not wanting to be touched feeling very yucky.
Still's dream:
First scene im floating high above a city.. everythings dark. Feels like gotham city. Industrial area. I sense fire. I cant see it or smell it, but I know its there and im trying to find it.
Next scene. I am at some kind of truck loading area. There are 2 trucks outside the bay and one truck inside. The substance they are loading is white. I can see the residue of it on the loading spout. In my dream I think Cotton? Suddenly theres smoke. Everyone starts to panic. Im confused cuz im the new guy. Ive never done this before. I don’t understand how theres smoke. Its coming from inside the loading spout and truck. Maybe its vapor? Chemicals? Not really smoke. Im scared and these people aren’t telling me anything. They are yelling orders at me. Theres a young girl sitting on the platform in the loading bay. Somethings wrong with her but I don’t know what. The “boss” is there now. She is yelling orders to get out here to the other trucks and move this cargo around. She is a white woman with short white hair cut in a bob. White long sleeves or jacket and black pants. It is freezing outside. The stuff is freezing in the trucks. Move these boxes to that other truck. I start moving boxes. They are grey storage tubs about 1.5 foot almost square. Moving them one truck to the other but one box is red. Then the boss walks to the edge of the loading area. I see her. There is a fence around the whole area. Its cream colored and its like a containing wall or dividing wall made of abot 3 feet high concrete and about 4 feet tall steel panels on top of the concrete. The panels aren’t solid though. They are like fencing, but not slatted. There is black ocean beyond the wall. I feel like we are on top of a tall building near an ocean. I move another box. Then I see the boss collapse against the wall. I think she has just tripped into the wall. I move another box. I see her still in the same position. I go to help. She has a black rope around her neck and is hanging. I quickly remove the rope. And im like what are you doing?!?! She says I didn’t try to kill myself. I fell into the rope. I don’t believe her. I don’t believe anything any of these people are telling me. It is all fishy.
ive never been to this city. all I can say is it reminds me of gotham city in the batman movies.
Actual location: I picked somewhere familiar to me for this first run, just so I could be sure on the details, plus somewhere I knew no one but me would know about it. This is the business that rebuilt my CJ7's engine. I was out there just last week.
I chose this particular photo because it gives a good view of the actual building.
At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything that correlates with the location in either dream. Upon second reading however, I picked up a few details that could apply: The motor home in Windy's dream corresponds with a mobile home that's about fifty yards from the shop, and the truck loading area in Still's dream is very similar to the shop bays. What can't be seen in the photos on the site is there are ancient trucks parked everywhere around the property. The owner buys them at auction, either uses them for parts in other projects or fixes them up and sells them.
My take: It's like the dreammasters had dreams they wanted dreamed but there was still bleed-over(for lack of a better word at this point) from the intentions set. Bits of the location bled through into the other dreams, so to speak, making it appear that the experiment wasn't successful at first glance.
Okay, now it's y'all's turn.