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10/09/14 Vaccine Caution and Cool Energy
Other than the obscure inference on lines 1 and 2, we've got a relatively exciting bot run today!

Group 1. "Egg Homicide" - call me a conspiracy theorist, and that's totally fine. I love theory and conspiracies are all over the place in today's world, so let's just say, I don't have my blinders on, which I consider to be a good thing... although I will say that sometimes I wish I was completely ignorant on some of these issues. So, to me, Egg Homicide has everything to do with the inevitable "SOLUTION" to the alleged Ebola outbreak. Is there really a Dallas person dead from ebola, or is this all made up? Don't know, but I DO know that some really greedy companies are absolutely salivating at the idea of the hoards of sheep lining up for a poke in the arm. Many conventional vaccines are developed in egg proteins, and I'm thinking that the collective unconscious is either predicting or warning about these egg-based vaccinations...a potential homicide waits in the wings. Not to mention...the chances of "Homicide" making it big in the dreams? Unknown, but that word does seem like a little too cumbersome to be a common dream work.

NOTE: in between groupings 1 and 2 are some interesting words:

- "Prof" -- yesterday, "Professor" made it big with "Murder" ( ), and now today, we have an abbreviation for that word hitting it big too. This time, it's surrounded by "Aliens" and "Invitation."

Group 2: We saw people packing their backpacks on the first of October ( ), and now we see humanity expecting an adventure soon. The adventure itself is about something to which we're inexperienced.

Group 3: "Glad Cool Energy." Look out folks! COLD FUSION is officially in the collective unconscious, and our recent P2 tests might have been the catalyst for this golden opportunity. By the way, Cold Fusion is a form of "free energy" that is very controversial. Mainstream science says it's just theoretical and technically impossible, while alternative science states that not only is it real, but many scientists have been "offed" because of this technology. No matter you view, what is exciting is that "Cool Energy" is officially now in the collective unconscious, which arguably must take place before the future can happen.

Today's punchline may be reduced to this: New energy...HERE WE COME, AND WHAT AN ADVENTURE IT SHALL BE! (and watch out for the ebola vaccine).


Text version:
10/9/2014    %Change from Ave    % Change from Yesterday

egg    130.1%    1700.0%
homicidal    114.5%    1200.0%
driverless    105.3%    1100.0%
remind    75.9%    1100.0%
invitation    96.4%    1000.0%
prof    55.5%    1000.0%
aliens    80.9%    700.0%
thursday    77.0%    600.0%
beginner    109.5%    500.0%
wow    214.7%    483.3%
adventure    161.7%    480.0%
travel    134.6%    420.0%
analyze    76.8%    400.0%
figuring    66.9%    400.0%
fellow    52.9%    400.0%
luck    77.6%    366.7%
drunk    90.6%    325.0%
climbing    79.7%    250.0%
grandma    66.1%    233.3%
blind    85.4%    225.0%
impressed    89.5%    220.0%
rough    60.6%    200.0%
sandwich    105.2%    160.0%
brief    83.9%    157.1%
football    68.6%    157.1%
glad    77.1%    142.9%
cool    141.4%    109.7%
energy    70.2%    107.1%

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10/09/14 Vaccine Caution and Cool Energy - by Eagle1 - 10-09-2014, 11:45 AM

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