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Speed Up/Caution Lights
I never dream in color and rarely remember a dream longer than a few minutes after I wake up. I had this dream on night of 11 May 2010 .
I was suddenly looking down(like out of body) at a carcareening very fastalong ahighway with urgency/emergency. It was at night, all black and gray. Suddenly a traffic light on the left floated in the air up to the driver's window and then paced along with the car. Ithad two lights, green on top and yellow on the bottom (no red) and both were shining. It was painted green on the top half, and yellow on the bottom half, unlike streetlights I have ever seen. Yellow and green were the only colors in the dream. As I watched from above the car as it rushed VERY FAST along the highway, the light kept pace to the left and shined at the driver, which I took to be me, with the green light telling me to hurry and the yellow light telling me to be cautious. I was speeding/ignoring traffic rules, desperate to get away, but no one else was in the dream and no one chasing me. I was in a desperate situation, careening down the road, and going someplace in a VERY URGENT way, but did not know where and the dream suddenly cut off. It just stopped as I was so shocked by this dream that it startled me awake.
Suddenly awake, literally jumping out of bed (normally I do not do when waking), and immediately had feelings of deep dread that permeated into my bones. Without time to ask myself what this meant, Iimmediatelyhad two WARNINGS pop into my head --one was that I needed to proceed forward quickly with my life's tasks(green light) but VERY cautiously (yellow light) as we are entering VERY dangerous times, which I understood to be NOW manifesting. The second WARNING came into my head -- without having to even ask myself what this car ride was all about, and without time to think about the first WARNING -- it was that I would in the very near future, perhaps in a few months, find myself in a car escaping out from the city (I live near Washington, DC) where there is chaos, to seek refuge in the countryside. It would be a very dangerous trip (Yellow Light) in the dark, at night, but I needed to drive very fast (Green light) without stopping, while ignoring the traffic rules, and it would be so dangerous that I did not know whether I made it or not to my escape destination. As I sat on the bed, still thinking about the WARNINGS, I found myself going through two mental check lists of 1) personal affairs that needed to be quickly cleared up, and 2) food and survival equipment that I needed to get and set aside -- that is I had the two WARNINGS pop into my brain and then the two check lists were placed in my brain for me to go down the items. I did not say to myself that since I had these two warnings, maybe I should think about getting prepared by doing checklists. I had the WARNINGS placed/revealed into my brain, and then immediately the checklists started scrolling through my brain. All of this occured FOR ME without my conscious brain deciding I should come up with a list of actions. ItCREEPED ME OUT!!!
I think about this dream every day since I had it, and it TOTALLY CREEPS ME OUT. I have my escape kit by the door, supplies in my car, and do not let the gas tank fall below half full. I am settling my personal affairs (Yellow light), paying ahead on bills, and taking care of some medical/dental issues; trying to push these tasks along quickly (Green light), but I have the feeling that there is not enough time to settle my affairs, to get ready/prepare when suddenly it will be time to make my escape drive to the countryside/flight from the city.

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