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3 Bodies In the Road, 3 Roads Ending
I was driving on a highway that led to a soaring bridge (like Portland's overpasses over the river). As I was crossing, I came across 3 dead bodies in the road, 2 fairly close together-- one to my far left, and the other almost in front of me to my slight left and the third body to the right. Inearly ran over the body in the middle, but-- just barely in the nick of time, I was able to carefully steer around and in between the middle body and the one to the right and was astonished and worried about dead bodies being left in the road like that. All 3 dead bodies looked like they had just fallen and died face-down. I couldn't believe no one was doing anything about these bodies. No official response at all. I drove down the other side of the overpass bridge, and it leveled out into a road. As I drove on, that road split into the same configuration the bodies had fallen into earlier. 2 roads split off slightly to my left while a 3rd went slightly to my right. I slowed down and took notice because I didn't want to take the wrong road. But Icouldn't stop so decisions had to be made swiftly.The far left road split off into a crime-ridden tenement neighborhood of very poor people. Blank faces stared from dirty windows of crowded buildings. I seemed to have safely steered past that turn off, though, and felt some real relief. I knew that once you drove into that place, you'd be trapped. Anyone driving in does not drive out again.The middle road to my slight left Istarted to go down, but then realized it seemed to go up but actually ended. If Ikept going along that road, I'd crash and die for sure. There was no warning of impending death on that middle road, but I happened to be alert for something to be wrong, and so avoided my certain doom.I pulled over to my right just in time to go down the third (and last choice!) road that veered off slightly to the right. It seemed the safest since it didn't end right away in an obviously bad place. But soon Isaw emergency vehicles up ahead, 2 more dead bodies (also on each side of the road, also face down) and all the cars stopped or backed up. In addition, the road itself went from paved to gravel. I found myself mired in a roadblock/traffic jam and there was no way to avoid the disaster right in front of me as opposed to the bad endings on the other 2 roads. The last thing Isaid was, "Oh SH*T!" just before Iawoke.

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