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The building with babies
My 4 year old came to me this morning with a dream she HAD to tell me. As I have said once before, she doesn't usually have dreams like this, but on few occasions they are strongly remembered & she feels the need to tell me about the dream. Today was like that & here is the dream she explained to me.

She told me the she, her sister & myself were in a building & that my husband & son were not. She said us girls were green in color, not like the normal humans (her exact words). My husband & son, she said, are white. In this building she saw babies, lots & lots of babies. All are boys & all are white, like normal humans. She said she could see or remember other families in the world & some had green babies & some had white, but all the babies in the building are white & they don't have families. She told me she saw a "THING" (like a pole) with many other things going down it (like other poles or tubes). She said she saw one little baby laying on his stomach with a "THING" on it's back & that she felt that the little baby was sad. My daughter explained to me that the building was as big as the world. She said there were no girls in the building other than us, but that our world had some white girls & some green girls, but that all boys are white.

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