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Healing Energy
This dream occurred on 26 Jan 11; but first a little background. I believe in energy healing; i.e. laying on of hands and other forms practiced by healers throughout the world. I fell and fractured my right hip on the 21st of Jan and had a partial hip replacement. Was released from the hospital on the following Tues and that night, had a half-awake/half-asleep dream in which I was kind of floating and above me there was a circle of moving energy, light, electric blue in color swirling around. Weird thing was, I was part of the swirling energy, but I was also in my body. I was rubbing both hip joints with the palms of my hands in a circular motion and it felt wonderful. My husband was laying next to me and he woke up and asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was rubbing my hips and from that point, I don't remember the circle of energy, but I continued to rub my hips in that circular motion until I went back to sleep. Not sure what to make of this dream, but it was very real and now, whenever I feel pain in my hip joints at night, I rub them in the same way and it's very soothing.

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