02-11-2011, 05:47 AM
In the mid to late 70's I had a dream that alwayssticks in my memory. I live in Duluth Minnesota nowas I did then.
The Elevation of Lake Superior is about 600 feet.
In my dream I was near the top of the hill somewherearound a 1000' of elevation (Duluth is spread out withmuch of it on the top and side of a hill).
I was running up the hill because water was comingtowards me. I cameto acave in the hillside andthought of jumping in but was afraid the water wouldrush in. I continued running for another 2 blocksor so then stopped. I turned around to see the watersloshing into the cave I ran past but it stopped justbefore it reached me. Everything was flooded.
I woke up sweating and heart pounding.
With all the talk regarding pole shift, this dream comesto mind much more these days.