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Brace Yourself
Had this dream the other night. Thought it very interesting in light of the state of things. I worked for FEMA for 17 years, but have not been with them for a decade. This is pasted from an e-mail I wrote a friend and just realized you might find it of interest.
Despite the lack of sleeping and no use of spikenard, I had a really crazy dream. I haven't worked for FEMA for ten years, but in my dream they called me up. I had no idea where I was being sent. I hadn't heard of any particular disaster and wasn't told where I would be going, that I would find out when I picked up my ticket. At the airport I bumped into an old FEMA friend who was headed to San Francisco, so I figured that was where the action was. When I went to get my ticket I was surprised to learn I was going to St. Louis. Now is when things got interesting. A good bye ceremony was held, which basically told us we would not be returning from this mission. I was assigned to a group wherein I was the only male. I had worked with all the women in my group before, they were incredibly competent and compassionate people. Our mission was to go forth and basically tell the public "We are fucked, brace yourselves." Wow!!!!!!!!!!
Of course I doubt the government would ever get real with the people. Perhaps if they did we could find a way through this.

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