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California is gone...part one.
Sunday August 14, 2011 A.M.It was evening and I was walking outside, I was holding a child's hand his name is Zavier a wonderful, beautiful three year old that I know. While we walked outside, we came across a half a wall of marble and all around it, there was rubble… It was marble stone and it was laying all over the place in disarray. I could very clearly see beings in the clouds and I pointed them out to Zavier. As we looked up at them, sitting on their thrones, I noticed that it was a very large gathering of many, many beings in a specific ordered arrangement. As they were looking at us, Zavier was playing at my feet, on the ground. He would glance up a them while he continued playing with something on the ground. I pleaded with them to help earth and to help the humans, to give us another chance. I could see their faces and bodies sitting on their stone thrones. One in particular, was sitting higher than the rest, he was at the top center like a pyramid choir of thrones. I remember he had a beard and white curly long hair that was barely touching his shoulders. He was holding a large staff. These beings reminded me of the ancient Pantheon of Gods. I turned and walked into a building. It was a bright white light inside and I saw two people that I have known since childhood, Jack and Dixie. Jack whom has been ill for several years, but now looked healthy, was walking around making coffee in the kitchen. Dixie was in the other room and she was ill. I looked at my feet and I was barefoot, I thought I was bleeding, there was a reddish translucent fluid kind of like blood on my feet and also on the floor. My daughter Connor then appeared, she thought maybe it was ketchup or something. Jack and Connor helped me as I washed my feet and realized that it was not ketchup. I turned to looked out the window and I could see a very expansive lake and it was a lush green outside and very wet looking. Still inside the room, we were all standing, then a shorter man with short dark hair appeared just standing directly in front of me and his phone rang. He answered and quickly hung up and said, with a blank look on his face "I don't know how to say this, I don't know how to say this".. "But California is gone." I said "Gone?" He said gone, it had slid off into the ocean. As I thought of all the lost lives and at that moment, coming from the west, there was a shadowy wave of energy that engulfed the house, the lights went out and it became dark inside. . Then I asked, "Who called you?" He said: "I can't tell you who, but it is someone who calls me and tells me things." I said "I have someone like that too." I remembered thinking to myself that they have called me since my childhood in my dreams. That is how they would tell me things. That was how I knew about the tsunami hitting Indonesia since I was a child at the age of eight. We decided that we needed to leave. Surrounded by mountains, we drove north through the water and the water was everywhere. We then came to the top of a valley. From there we could see a long road that was headed to the Northeast. On that road there were many, many people on and surrounding the road.

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