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War of the Worlds: Redux, Redux
This was a very long and detailed dream. Part anxiety and part UFOs and monsterous machines. Much of this dream was dominated by very obvious symbology and caricatures from the classic War of the Worlds movie.
It started on a sunny Fall afternoon. I was running errands with my teenage son, driving around in a suburban area on the main drags near businesses and strip malls. The trees were still full of colored leaves and the sun was lowering to the horizon. A report came over the radio of "another" attack beginning in another town and I was thinking we had some time to get ready. This was not the case.
Things changed very quickly into a more panicked mode. My son says "look, they're here already" and we look to the sky to see the usual "fireflies" I see as UFOs in the upper atmosphere. Swirling and swooping formations of star-like lights. Only now they are red and a little larger, yet still just lights. Also they are streaming in a direction pointing to outside of town. I got the idea that they would be landing and approaching our area on the surface.
At this point we made some decisions and the anxiety part of the dream really started. My son and I were on foot for some reason and the car was maybe a mile away where we left it. I needed to go somewhere else very important before we were going to leave town to our retreat. So I handed my keys to my son and said "Get the car, get the guns and meet me at the place" He left at a jog.
I proceeded to visit several people's apartments for one reason or another, none explained, just a clear idea of going from point A to B to C to D. On foot, light fading, doom approaching. During this long interlude I had several "flashbacks" to the first time this threat had attacked. This is where the War of the Worlds comes in.
The flashbacks were of large three legged machines with tentacles marching about destroying cities and towns and blasting things with energy beams. I "recalled" myself hiding from one of the tentacle-eyes in a room. The machine apparently unable to detect me under a blanket. Terror.
Unlike most anxiety dreams I have like this, I actually accomplished my mission and headed to the house where my son was to meet me. I caught a ride at the last stop I made in suburbia. He was there with a big duffle bag filled with several rifles and hand guns and a ton of ammo. Just then the smoke and sound on the horizon caught our attention just as the last light of the day was fading.

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