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Aliens and Climate Change
I was standing on a road wearing a robot halloween costume. Nearby was a group of guys like myself standing before a military commander with blond hair. One in the group asked him about alien enemies attacking Earth from the south polar region of the sky. Commander said no, those rumors are false, they're actually coming in from the East, from the skyward directions of Alnilam, Alnitak, Regulus, and Regal. He said despite this alien war, we humans will be more preoccupied with trying to survive in the face of climate change, where weather would get rapidly colder over just a few generations. He implied this would be starting within a couple years, and that we need to prepare for this and be ready to put aside our petty life plans when it all comes crashing down. I got angry at hearing that modern living as we know it would be over so prematurely, and out of frustration began beating a broomstick against the ground saying repeatedly, "This can't be true, but it is."

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