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LA Destruction
Los Angeles in the dream, though I only lived there 5 years 20 years ago.
I'm outside of a restaurant, family is inside when myself and other on the street notice a large craft in the sky, not acting in a normal flying pattern. My first thought was that it was one of the huge milatary transport helicopters, but as it started to fall straight down I could tell that it was way bigger than that. Maybe the size of an aircraft carrier. the people on the street and I watched it fall into a big building (maybe 10 stories) and crush the side it fell into. It all looked slow motion. We were about 1-2 miles from it. In the dream I finally think to start taking video with my cell phone and as I do the rest of the building starts collapsing, and then exploding. I stay there filming thinking we have plenty of distance so we are safe, but large pieces of concrete start hurling all the way to where we are. I start running and pieces are landing all around, so I quickly try to get behind something large - like a solid SUV.
Dream ended there, but I kept thinking about the best way to hide.
I rarely have any dreams with this much clarity and then be able to recall. Never been to this database before, just familiar with Urban Survival.

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