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Hawaii - Going From Point A to Point B
I was in Hawaii. I was swimming close to one of the islands and the water was very, very choppy. I decided I needed to move to another swimming location because it was too difficult to swim. I came out of the water with my husband and went on to the beach and packed up our towels and beach items. I feel agitated because I have to move and because I have to pack up the towels. Second part of my dream--I'm still in Hawaii. For some reason I had to move from where I was staying to another location. I walked in to the new location/room. The room was small and had white walls with two windows with curtains and one bed. Again I remember feeling agitated because I had to move (from point A to point B again). Third part of my dream--I'm still in Hawaii but I am now driving on a road with lots of green vegetation all around. Driver behind us is mad because we are driving too slow and then he/she passes us on the road on the left hand side. I am with other people in the car. One of them is a female friend from high school. We eventually came to a fork in the road and selected the road going right. I know we are driving to some type of water feature. We drive a little more and than park. We get out of the car and walk to what looks like a swiftly moving river. The water is blue in color. There are a few people in the water moving very quickly down this "river". In my dream I am thinking--look those people are tubing and I give them the thumbs up sign but I am also thinking that water is moving way too fast and is carrying those folks away.

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