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Future dream of Isles of California
Dream was in 1995- I found myself on a desolate land with red earth small amount of grass coming up here and there, at a distance was a high rise building sticking out of the earth at a slant. It was perhaps the top most floors the rest was under the earth. We decided to walk over the the building try to get inside to see the terrain at an distance. I was not alone I was with someone I called my sister in the dream but not my real sister in life. I never saw her I just knew she was there with me. We climbed into the building and found a staircase still intact went up a few floors and then wandered into a nearby room to look out a window. Then we saw a few people headed toward the building they were wearing rough hand woven clothes in earth tone colors we though perhaps they were scavengers looking for things they could use. We didn't want them to see us because they would know we weren't from there. So we hid in a back room being quiet but they walked in on us. It was an older women maybe in her 40-50's and two younger men late 20-30's. She asked us who are you and were did you come from? I said with great difficulty that me and my sister are here from the past here to observe the future. She said to me what time period are you from? I said I was from 1995. She then said where are you located? I said in San Rafael, CA? She then turned to her companions and said we should tell them! She then said to me "GET OUT OF THERE!" It's on the wrong side of the line! I was so shocked that here I was casualy there to observe the future but then the future was warning me the area I was in was not a safe place. I immediately woke up, shot out of bed and walked across my room. I have no idea why I did this, then something strange happened a huge chill ran down my body from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, my whole body shook. I had a full blown realization and vision, I knew in that moment that a lot of people where going to die at once that the government knew that some event was going to take place and I just kept on saying to myself they know but they aren't going to tell us. I immediately burst into tears, crying deeply sobbing for all those who would parish during this event. I was so wigged out that I lite candles burnt sage and actually called a friend in the middle of the night it was after midnight. It just so happened that she was up also, she told me that there was an event in San Diego that night where the whole night sky lite up and something fell into the ocean. I stayed up for a while then went back to sleep, I had a normal dream, but then again found myself back in the building with those people in the future. We were standing over a map unlike any map I've seen, it looked like it was made with water colors and it was a map of the Isles of California. I was lucid in this dream.

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