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Cover up
September 2, 2014I'm standing outdoors in the front yard and look up to see clouds roiling across the sky. I call my husband to look and as we watch the sky we see an aircraft breaking over the trees on the horizon to the north. As it comes closer we are trying to decide if it's an airplane of some sort but it is silent. It approaches closer and we see that it is square in shape and realize it's not an airplane but an unknown craft. It's dark in color, black but has a lot of external metallic features and what looks like turrets of some sort on the four corners. It is approaching horizontally and suddenly as it nears us we see it flip around and go down. A plume of smoke and dust rises from where it went down and I ran down the road for a closer look. It crashed a hundred or so yards past my front yard on the far side of the road. As I was running closer to see, there was already several trucks speeding down our country, dirt road and getting there just ahead of me. When I reach the spot there are already people there with shovels and they are digging in the soil below the trees and covering up the aircraft. Standing on the embankment just above the craft are four people dressed in featureless black suits with helmet/masks that look just like "Darth Vader" characters. I run over to the workers who are digging the soil and plead with them to not cover it up but they are frightened and mentally push me back without speaking. The four "Darth" characters stand there silently and motionless but they are "in charge" and the shovelers are obedient. I'm frustrated and back off but keep watching. I walk back home and then to other houses up the road and I am trying to tell someone what happened and about the aircraft but they won't listen and just keep interrupting me.

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