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The eagle has landed
I was walking in a wintry scene. It was a long valley with cliffs about 50 feet high on either side. It was about a half mile from the cliffs on my right to the cliffs on my left. There was 2-3 of snow blanketing the scene and it was a densely pine-forested area. There were no other people and no animals at this point in the dream.
I suddenly hear a very large plane coming from my right and I start looking for the plane to come over the ridge. As the plane comes into sight I notice 1) its massive -- like the size of a c-130 and 2) it appears to be painted to look like a bald eagle. I need to see it more closely and I run toward it and in the direction it is flying. I know the landing strip is on top of the opposite ridge.
As it flies across the valley it follows the terrain so that when it comes across the edge of the ridge it lowers down to the top of the trees in the valley. It isn't painted at all! I think at first it's an eagle, but then I see it is a gryphon! As it's flying its 4 legs are running and it is flapping its monstrous wings and its mouth opens and closes as it turns its head side to side, as though it's searching for prey!
When it is approaching the landing strip the motion of its legs and wings stirs up the snow. It looks like it's going to land like a plane but instead when it gets to about the middle of the strip it stays above the ground, its wings flapping to keep it aloft. It looks like its talking to something on the ground but I'm too far to see through the snow he's churning up.
Then he flies back down to the valley and begins to run along the paths between the trees. I try to stay under cover of trees but stay close enough to see where it's going and what it's doing. It gets on a large path headed towards me. As I'm maneuvering to see it, there's suddenly a very large buck right in front of me. It lowers its head in an aggressive posture at me. I slowly try to back away, forgetting briefly about the gryphon, which is running in my direction. I look around for something to fight this deer with and there's a folding metal chair that I grab and use like a shield. The buck looks away towards the gryphon and I get up next to the trunk of a large spruce tree, holding the chair between me and the buck. He glares at me and back to the gryphon.
The gryphon is now about 10 feet in front of me and there are multitudes of animals following and encircling him. They are sniffing for me but they can't see me, only the buck can see me. I think I am doomed. They smell me and I am wearing this hot pink parka. As I'm looking at the animals surrounding me I'm also looking for something I could use as a weapon if I needed to, but all I see is a very old, rusted vacuum. The gryphon tells the animals they don't have time for this. He doesn't speak aloud but I hear him, as do the animals. He leaves and they all follow him. The buck looks back at me and I understand him saying he could've called attention to me, but he didnt.
When they are gone I come out of the tree and start to walk away, but then a centaur, who is my friend, comes running up to me. I hug him and tell him I am so glad to see him. The centaur's name is Chaos. He is the only centaur left as all the others have been banished. He is beautiful and he is a most trusted friend to me. He helps me up on to his back and we run to cover.
He takes me to a place in the rocks in the side of the cliffs to the right. It's almost like a cave, but it is just a space where rocks surround it mostly on all sides. I get down and he shows me things in the grotto. First there are 2 separate small caves downslope in the grotto -- one to the right and 1 to the left of the entrance to the grotto. He tells me to look into the cave on the right. There's water in the bottom and glowing lights. When I look more closely the light is coming from something like a tv. There's something important I'm watching, but I can't remember now what it was. The other cave has the same thing but the tv-like device is playing something else important that I also can't remember.
As I walk back to Chaos, I'm asking why he is showing me these things. He says they are important artifacts from ancient times. I see some things on the grotto walls. There are things that look like living beings but they are just drawings. There is something like butterflies and there are eyeballs. The eyeballs move like they are looking at me.
Suddenly the ruler of the centaurs appears. Chaos is about 8 feet tall at the shoulder, but this centaur ruler towers over him. As quickly as he appeared he banished Chaos and he vanished. I screamed "

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