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6/27/15 Southern Ice and an Unknown Threat
There is a famous skateboarder named Mike Smith who founded Skate for Change.
I totally think Windy's goes with this run, but I think another might be connected with a Smith and skate at some point.

flow scared map cleared bridge rock pipe loads paying
Reading this I get a few different things.
- Look for an issue to crop up with transportation, either trucks or trains most likely. With this issue, look for the following things:
-There is possibly an accident which disrupts the flow of traffic and it involves a bridge
-the issue might include a pipe bomb and thus would be scary
- the issue might include a rock slide
-the issue might involve commercial vehicles that transport goods or on a toll bridge (paying)
-the issue might be a continuation of Bridgegate with Gov. Christie. Perhaps more will ROCK the news. He sure has been "
paying" the price for this old issue of his

former snakes threat unknown june david searching association field law

I believe this is speaking of David Sweat, escaped prisoner who is still on the lam. The law is still searching for him and he is a former prison (snake) as he isn't in prison currently. How much of a threat he is right now is unknown.

You know, highway skate might have to do with him also. He has been skating by the law for weeks now.
In fact, I would like to also add that the whole bridge, rock pipe thing might also be with David Sweat, perhaps how this whole thing ends if it moves to the highway.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 6/27/15 Southern Ice and an Unknown Threat - by twiceblessed9 - 06-27-2015, 06:37 PM

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