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7/30/15 Chocolate Chips and September Snow
There is a lot here today.
evil stand fighting dictionary orange neighborhood - This makes me think of Northern Ireland.  Orange is associated with Irish Protestants.  Here is a recent article about some trouble arising in N. Ireland earlier this month. I would look for news about conflicts in N. Ireland.
History or the Orange Order-

A Hillary "Event"?
crying baby properly enjoy current lead hill gun shoot giving kept dressed nice kill minutes edge pregnant journey-  If hill means Hillary, this doesn't sound good.
Crying baby (like at a political event)
properly enjoying current lead hill -she is currently in the lead for democratic contenders
hill gun shoot giving kept dressed nice kill minutes- Hillary is shot at an event wearing a nice outfit and someone, she or someone else, is killed within minutes. It could be the shooter who is dressed nicely.
edge pregnant journey- this could be part of the same meme.  Hillary's pregnant journey ( presidential bid) is taken to the edge from this incident.

chocolate chips.... ladder recall negative loading- look for a recall involving chocolate chips or ladders.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 7/30/15 Chocolate Chips and September Snow - by twiceblessed9 - 07-30-2015, 12:57 PM

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