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Electronic voice message

I see huge strides coming in your personal dream journey. Don't give up. Here's just a bit of what I learned from Project August and all the other intentional dream projects we've done. First, don't ever, ever, ever assume that your dreams aren't giving you what you wanted. Sometimes a single intentional dream holds a key metaphor for the critical component of the future headline. By default, you should at least write your dream down, even if you don't post it on the website. That way, you can look back and see how you shortsighted yourself in the interpretation.

Next, it is so important to remember that a SINGLE INTENTIONAL dream has a high chance of seeming irrelevant, skiddish, useless, etc. If you are dong intentional dreams for the future, you really need to have multiple dreams with which to work. You either need other companions to help incubate or if doing this alone, you really need multiple nights of documented dreams. The reason is simple: you need context and themes. Both of these are darn near impossible to ascertain in a single dream. Therefore, keep the incubation consistent and get multiple dreams. Then, compile all of them together to see what themes are present.

Finally, great job catching your incubation mistake. You do really want to make it very specific. The dreams will give you what you want, but you must make sure it's specific. Very specific. Also, put emotion into it. State the incubation out loud, not just on a piece of paper (although I DO agree with using the piece of paper!), and if possible, keep reflecting on the incubation throughout the day. Hammer your brain with this incubation and really get your feelings involved. More emotion the better.

AWESOME start, D4! I'm giving your reputation points for trying this out. I promise it will be worth it.

Oh yeah, finally....never, never, never criticize your dreams if you seemingly get 'nothing' of what you wanted. Criticizing will only guarantee that you won't get what you want in future dream sessions.

Messages In This Thread
Electronic voice message - by d4n33 - 08-01-2015, 03:15 PM
RE: Electronic voice message - by Eagle1 - 08-02-2015, 01:25 AM
RE: Electronic voice message - by keswickman - 08-02-2015, 07:59 PM
RE: Electronic voice message - by d4n33 - 08-02-2015, 08:18 PM
RE: Electronic voice message - by Cassandra - 08-03-2015, 08:35 AM

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