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10/5/15 Barry's Spaceship
Trending: sleepy device blond countryside barry spaceship bunk fruit survive breaks hat sun difficult upsetting area interaction blonde executive christ membership kiss abandoned aunt rack landing profile high dealt yard listening private arms determine send learned hitting request wet corridor trapped
Waning: drive lake during when passed often normal mouth orange arm short reality wife cute still restaurant roof energy recall noticed death snake cover caught level action sea loved shop course possible dawn focus spirit wed

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Oh the stories we can make out of these bot runs….. The Aryan race of giant aliens, perhaps called Nordics return in their spaceship to pick up their creation…..Barry. No coincidence that “Executive Christ Membership” is also present. This fits perfectly! But the ship breaks down and becomes very upsetting for the whole area.

As for prediction in today’s run, I would focus on the very top…..the sleepy device. That has me very intrigued.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Overlapping dream about presidents and spaceships!
Hmm.  Eagle, as you noted, blond(e) is noted twice.  
sleepy device blond countryside barry spaceship bunk
interaction blonde executive christ membership kiss
Pairing this with the dream yesterday (linked above), I feel strongly that this is about Jimmy Carter, not Obama . I believe that Obama was simply signifying "president" and blond barry is blond president.  Now, adding blonde executive (blonde president) we have a repeat in meaning. Carter is a known staunch Christian and still teaches Sunday school. Carter is blonde. Add the dream about Jimmy Carter and a spaceship ( linked above) and blond countryside spaceship from today's bot run and we have is a trifecta pointing to Carter.  AD also showed Carter believed he saw a spaceship in the 1960's.
We also have sleepy and bunk. Bunk is a bed you sleep in so this is a double pairing. With the multiple pairings and dream from yesterday, the bot is really trying to get our attention.
I believe it is telling us to prepare for the falling asleep of President Jimmy Carter.  This is not a shocking thought as he is battling brain cancer.
Regarding the alien aspect, well, that remains to be seen. The spaceship/alien tie is either just there to let us know it is Carter or there will be more coming on the spaceship tie in a few weeks, likely from Carter.

Who- Jimmy  Carter
What- Death
When -within 6 weeks
Wow, awesome summary there, Twice. Outstanding. I also like the prediction you made, and along those lines, a WHERE component might also be implied in the today's run......COUNTRYSIDE. Might that reference his hometown of PLAINS, Georgia?
Yes, Eagle, I thought countryside might be a reference to where but couldn't remember where in Georgia his hometown was located. Of course it is Plains Georgia. How could I forget Plains. haha! That would totally be the "where".

By the way, have we ever had a dream FORESHADOW a dreambot run?
That is just too cool!! Especially just a day before? I really don't think we could have linked Carter to the run otherwise. Even though all the information is contained in the run, it would have really been hard to put that together without a lead.
send learned hitting request wet corridor trapped- MORE hurricanes/tropical storms over the same area. Request for help with those trapped. Florida/N. and S.Carolina would be my first guess. Perhaps more in the Bahamas. S. Carolina can't take any more rain and while we could say this is day residue, I think more is on the way. I wonder if this is the reason for the evacuations that DLP saw. Waves of major storms hitting the same coastal areas...?
We have had at least one instance of dreambot foreshadowing, but I have no idea what it was exactly. I remember us talking about whether we should start tracking those.
Eagle 1 the bot runs are beginning to TALK to us now. Nostradeceous-like lingo aside- what got my attention is the TWO's.
Now remember the thread I put up about POWER and TWO- my itch is that when we start to see two's to pay attention.

There is a powerful force at work.

Onto the next point, again with the two's- it might be the black magick played out by dark forces here folks-
the ones who can carry out WEATHER WARS-
Troy Gowdy, the talented prosecutor turned Congressman for South Carolina
is due to head up a hearing for Benghazi calling Hillary C. as key witness on..drum roll............... October--> 22.
There are TWO Carolina's (and 2 dakotas maybe THIS is the dakota in disguise).
Interesting that when one connects the dots that officials are kept busy in that state with a distraction of
FLOODING, a major water meme of late.
Will our tenacious chairman of the Benghazi committee be too
distracted with his waterlogged constituents and damages to hold a hearing in TWO weeks?
Fox News interviews Trey Gowdy on Clinton email scandal (He discovered the emails in his investigation of the embassy attacks)
Oh by the way- Gowdy is quite BLONDE and now HIGH PROFILE with what is coming up.

just saying

p.s. Great connecting the dots TB9 I love the action- like playing mahjong. Good instincts.
You should go into forensics.

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