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Intentioned dream, will there be an earthquake in the immediate future
I'm posting this before reading anything else, and sharing in case it fits in with anything that anyone else is seeing. The intention came about after seeing the info on the carbon monoxide burst, and the information that there might be a link to carbon monoxide bursts and earthquakes. My intention was "I am asking God to give me dreams that will show me if there will be an earthquake in the immediate future, and if there will be, where the earthquake will occur, when it will occur, and its severity".

There were 3 parts that I recall from the dream. I'm posting almost a day after the fact, so my apologies for missing details from a really detailed dream.

In the first part of my dream, I am in what I feel is my house. It wasn't the layout of my house, but I seem to be the owner. There are animals all throughout the house. I recall specifically that there were birds and lizards to begin with. There is one snake, rather large, that goes slithering through. I pick it up, I think its about 10 feet long. Its not unhappy with this, it just wants to continue slithering and struggles to go on its way. It was black, with glossy scales, and a yellow "beak" in the front. In my mind I was calling it a black mamba. I am walking through the house, I am noting that a hawk has taken up a roost on one shelf. I have cages in one room where there is a lizard and some other type of bird. The lizard is something special I suppose, because I'm thinking I want to get another lizard from San Diego to pair with it. I look over at the cage and see that the black mamba is slithering by the cage; there was a hole in the wall and it was going around from room to room. I'm relieved it didn't go into the cage. I go off into some other room, I have forgotten why now, but was discussing things with my wife. I go back into the room where the cage was; I sigh, my hunting cat has broken into the cage, and killed both the bird and the lizard. I say to my wife we might as well just call animal control and get rid of some of the animals. I state we should get rid of the black mamba, and the hawk. I'm on the phone with animal control, and they ask "but don't the birds make a mess in the house". I respond "no, I'm not sure how that doesn't happen. My parents have never complained". I don't seem to recall that my parents are in the house.

I don't know how but I have moved onto another scene. The lighting is low, somewhat bluish. I am in the front row of what I take to be an ampitheatre. I don't think there is a stage; there are folding tables at the front of the room. They have fruit on them, like some sort of buffet, I remember the smell of pineapples. The front wall is very high, like it could be a movie theatre. I don't recognize any of the people in the front row, but they are talking and laughing. There is one lady, blond, around 30, who will be going into some sort of arbitration. She is talking with a man who is Dutch, he is the arbitrator. The husband is on a phone call, I guess it must have been a speaker phone. I walk up to the "buffet". There is a large bulbous thing; if you press on it, a large stream of white pus squirts out, which I happily have dodged.

I move onto another scene. I am walking around the block. I pass three parks on the first pass; they are empty. I continue walking, making right turns each time. I don't remember why, but I am supposed to put some sort of lotion onto one of my hands. Its supposed to be some kind of a vanishing cream; I don't know if its suntan lotion or a cleanser, but it has that kind of consistency. I have a bottle of it, squirt some out, and rub a little into one of my hands. Also while I'm walking, I'm continuously thinking about copper wires; the thought is going through my head of guage 3. There was something about needing to be a Navy Seal to have guage 4 (I don't remember the details), and something about having writing on the back of a jacket to indicate what gauge of wiring you would have. Its reversed, but for some reason the higher gauge meant larger in the dream. In the end, things had gone back and forth somehow between 2 and 4 and settled at 3. And apparently I was in a thought argument with myself, nobody else was with me. I have a jacket on, which I take off. I then decide to squirt some more of the lotion out; I get too much. I am continuing to walk, and get back to my starting point. I have put the jacket between my legs as I try to run the lotion in, but that isn't working well. I figure I need to stop. The first park is now occupied, there are kids playing baseball and softball. I decide to go on. The next park now has a tent, and a bunch of seats under the tent, it seems there's some sort of event going on. I go on. I go into the third park, which is mostly empty. There's an older lady that has a lot of tattoos on her. Her daughter is also there. I have gone into the park and I've rubbed in whatever the lotion was so my hands are clean. The daughter is complaining; she has gotten a new tattoo, but is saying that it doesn't really look like her, its all wrong. The older woman is saying to her something like "you get the tattoos that you deserve", I've forgotten her exact words. The daughter is complaining that the tattoo looks more like a teddy bear than her. I look at my hands, they're clean, I have no tattoos.

I was woken up at this point.


After waking up, I focused on remembering what I could. Was this related to the intention? I don't know. The first part, Black Mamba had me thinking "Kobe Bryant", Los Angeles. I follow basketball quite a bit, so I don't know how many of the animals were basketball related. Golden State did just play the Hawks, and the Hawks will be at the Lakers on the 4th. Those were two animals that I was calling animal control to get rid of them.

The second scene struck me a bit as "Hollywood". Actor's and actresses getting divorced, and otherwise being a bit of a pustule (no offense).

The third scene involved the wire gauging meme a lot (like 90% of it), but I can't remember the details so much. In the end I was thinking if this referenced "severity", it meant that this would be a moderate earthquake, not "the big one".
Thanks for your dream.  It is interesting that you asked about earthquakes.  Yesterday earthquake was in the bot run AND park was near it. So was "view arguing".  
dome fire knock beside highway otherwise very intense tab short park last earthquake view few arguing .  
snakes was in the waning section.  You had many of the bot words in your dream.  Interesting.
I think part of your dream about earthquake location came true. There was a huge earthquake in Indonesia today. Indonesia was once owned buy the Dutch and called Dutch East Indies. Pineapple is a big crop in Indonesia.

Your Dream Mentioned Kobe Bryant. He just played his last game the 11th of April, then we had Japans quake on the 14th and Equador the 16th of April. I think he might have been a time marker .

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