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5/21/16 Appreciation and Thanks
Trending: appreciated imagination prime opening deep hour finding sound sells deny cry worship stove grade fri tight thanks meant railing putting sunny cop tears awesome lesson words ajax trapped great init annoyed notified climbing taste age truth chat blanket birthday throat
Waning: confused field job gold past became into driveway bathroom sister following tree night cat bear beach remain dog need counter burial church interesting sun lady remove request dollar wow view

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
I only had one chance to get this right, and I was scurrying around the apartment while the bot was doing it’s thing. Bottom line….I have no idea why we got a half-ass bot run. Hey, at least we didn’t have just 3 words with positive surge scores (reference the run entitled “Poop.”) The top words in this run sound like an opportunity is awaiting us. Perhaps this is connected to yesterday’s burial of the dollar.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

IMO this entire run directly goes together minus a few random dream words, of course. Can't do it justice except the hunch is that dreambot indeed *intentionally gave very small runs before, both of them had their own messages and this, too is well, smaller botruns are happening to get our attention more, not less on the less words.

These matter more? think so.
Thumbs Up 
Excellent thought Nanny.
Appreciate it, gal and hope you're doing better and having a good weekend.

This line, "prime opening deep hour finding sound sells" sounds very much like an "opening" of a Wallstreet trading day and the bell "sounds." If it is, then can "prime" mean anything other than the interest rate? Maybe it doesn't need to, to be what this refers to.

"deny cry worship stove grade" Well, if I worked on wallstreet and a horrible sell-off hit in the opening-hour, and I lacked integrity........I could cook the books of my company or role at that time, "cry," and "deny" I was "stove grade" cooking the books as the old cliche goes?

"crying" & "tears"
"sun" & "sunny"

"gold" is here, so is gold "selling" too? or a replacement for those selling stocks in a frenzy?

"init??" Also, "ajax" is here, is this a "trapped" trojan for "ajax?"

"taste age truth" like this one, painful as it will be.

"chat blanket birthday" is birthday referencing July 4th? "blanket" with birthday? meaning what?

"confused field job gold past" something about how the price of gold has been controlled, if that is true? Shame I passed Economics 101 decades ago and then didn't give a hoot.

"bear" is a market term, but "cat" and "dog" what's the deal here?

Perhaps I'm way off the target and this run is not about the economy.
It's an important run, but of what?
"Cat" could refer to a dead cat bounce, which is a stock market term.
Wow, DLP, really?! LOL digg'in it, very cool, thanks

Editing this in....

*DOG* is a small business that has an of course small market share in a mature industry. WOW....looking this up this context is indeed working. Glad you pointed me in this direction gal.

Now to think of "dog" and "cat" with these market definitions and in the context of the run.

"dog need church burial" maybe this is saying that of course these small businesses in "mature industry" fail the fastest in this coming crash! Oh sheesh, this is a no-brainer and further helps build confidence that this entire run is basically to warn us of this impending crash of our dollar and/or economy.

I see it, now! "request remove dollar!" and we were just talking of Petrodollar death in yesterday's?? run?? YES.....this entire run is really about this impending financial emergency.

"dead cat bounce" is a recovery from a bear market/downturn, and then the market continues decline!!" Heck yeah, that's what happens fooling people, thinking it's all gonna be alright every time but Dreambot is warning us that this time that it speaks of....nope....things will bounce but continue downwards.

"lady remove request" and in this consecutive order is likely talking of one of the broads that are very powerful in the monetary system...removing what request? Oh, the Petrodollar?

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