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The senate just voted to do WHAT?!? What ROCKhave I been living under???
This is not a post about whether this bill should have been passed.
It is a WHAT the HECK post!!???
How did I NOT know this was even up for a VOTE???
HAS THIS EVEN BEEN DISCUSSED RECENTLY??? In the News? By any senator? Anywhere that a normal person might read?

The senate just approved mandatory registration of women for the draft.
I mean, does this not get any significant airtime BEFORE the vote?
Did I miss something?
What rock have I been hiding under?
I knew it was being discussed, didn't realize it was attached to the defense bill.
When will the insanity end?
I saw this come up in discussion in Mainstream News a few months ago, but really figured it would be more public than it was before being voted on.

I was just talking to someone yesterday about the absurdity of several things hitting the news lately too. From men in Target berating a young mother breastfeeding her 2-month old infant (until security escorted him out), to attacks by Islamists in the US (yes, I'm talking about Orlando) that it only takes 2-days to ignore the self-professed ISIS terrorist's intentions, or his Muslim faith, and instead focusing on the fact that he did it with a legal firearm he purchased (if he had blown up the crowd with a gallon of gasoline, or drove over them in a new SUV, would this still be about firearms while we ignore the 10,000 pound elephant in the room?)

There is no return from this level of insanity without a MAJOR paradigm shift. Since those who own the paradigm and control it also happen to have their hands on the nuclear weapons and paramilitary civilian forces, I doubt this change ever comes.

(sorry, but god is the world depressing with no end in sight)
Only in April did have our first woman enter the US Army infantry and allow her to do full combat roles. Now 6 weeks later... the draft.
I am glad at least you both saw some airtime a while ago.
This should have gotten more coverage. It is all the candidates all the time ( unless there is a huge crisis taking place).
The draft? That is epic on so many levels.

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