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Meme: Generally inconsistent overlaps from External Sources
09-24-2014, 10:37 PM  

Post: #1
[Image: avatar_1.jpg?dateline=1410374475]
[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
NDC Elder
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Head's UP: External memes coming our way
Reddit moderator sends this to me...

Just a heads up. Two similar dreams were submitted back to back at reddit dreams.

One involved an elaborate attack on the southern border in California by terrorists. The dreamer said the attacks felt like they were staged.

The second dream was about nuclear attack on LA. I suggested to the dreamer that the nuclear attack could be related to the Fukishima radiation bathing the city.

A third dream was featured on Before Its News. A pastor described an elaborate dream about a terrorist attack on the southern border.

Thought you might be interested.

Sorry to hear about the hacker attacks. Considering the cutting edge you are on, it doesn't surprise me. I hope that all works out.



Could someone please analyze those dreams and report your findings to see if they hold any overlap value for either lingo or DreamBase dreams? Thank you.

09-24-2014, 11:56 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2014 12:14 AM by Sherriann_P1.)
Post: #2
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Sherriann_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
California, gunshots and phones are common in the SoCal and LA reddit dreams.

This may be the link to the BeforeItsNews piece:

From the NDC DreamBase (I didn't exactly see the plane; just thought it. Could have been a bomb. Cardiff is in the UK like the LA reddit dream said the bomb came from Britain. Do SoCal homes have red tile roofs???)
The SoCal reddit dream has helicopters as does the Blue Man dream.
The LA reddit dream and the Destruction Downtown dreams have, well, city destruction from a nuclear bomb.
Then there are dates: October 1 or 2 and 8 at NDC.
TheSoCal reddit dream and the prophecy both indicate terrorists on US soil.

There doesn't seem to be any consistent cross-over unless someone else sees one.

If I were to put a headline to it I would say on or about October 1 - 8 a small nuclear explosion creates devastation and pandemonium downtown in a SoCal city where terrorists take to the streets; maybe LA. Helicopters would be a given.

09-25-2014, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2014 01:52 AM by balsa.)
Post: #3

balsa_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
NDC Dream Base
(Cardiff is in UK. Possible Double Attack? Described Cardiff Stadium
Redit Dream Base
(Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base South of LA)

(Numbers 13 & 17 - "the number 13 with a childlike drawing of a dagger" - Poorly planned)
Awoken from on 9/18/14
Dreaming then on the 17th?

Amit -length, linear, running, friend, comrade, friend{ popular names given to Jewish boys in Israel.
Lakir- Hindi - a kind of poetry from a broken heart

Using available dreams:

2 references to California, one specific to Pendelton
1 reference to UK at Cardiff Stadium
1 reference to other cities outside of CA.
Date range October 6-17th

Reviewed and updated my post. I agree
"There doesn't seem to be any consistent cross-over unless someone else sees one."

Headline. Bleak October as suicide helicopter bombers and soccer hating jihadists strike at two locations.

09-25-2014, 09:26 AM  
Post: #4
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Sherriann_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
Is it OK if I have a chuckle over your headline, Balsa? [Image: wink.gif]

I did a quick intent about this meme last night, nothing specific, and saw a female ambulance driver seated at the wheel of an ambulance wearing a blue shirt and all the usual uniform attachments like badge and walkie-talkie, looking over her left shoulder out the passenger side window as if watching and waiting for something. Her left hand, with a bloody bandage, was on the wheel. The badge was blurred but it looked like it may have had a triangle on it. It was a large image with the feeling of intensity. I could have just reached out and touched her face. She had chin length layered brown hair swept away from her face and was very pale, almost sweaty.

09-25-2014, 04:19 PM  
Post: #5
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Sherriann_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
Iraqi PM says Islamic State plans subway attacks in U.S. and Paris

ISIS Plotting US, France Attacks, May Target Subways According To Iraq's New PM

09-26-2014, 09:08 AM  
Post: #6
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Sherriann_P1 [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
September 26 Dream

I watched that ambulance driver gas up her vehicle.

09-26-2014, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014 06:15 PM by NADW-P1.)
Post: #7
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NADW-P1 [Image: buddy_away.gif]

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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way

Arial view watching several small nuclear bombs drop go off inside of a city, next to a college, US soil.

I shouldn’t go in there but they want me to, bombing the poor people. Wait how much radiation is too much?

2 men, attack Security at a zoo. (Security Attack, by 2 men, at a zoo)

Money, Drugs, relationships, gone bad. (did we fund and support this, or is this a relationship gone bad with the South American gangs that we gave guns too?)

I am seeing Arial view from a satellite camera, that zooms in on the North East Coast line, Between Washington and New York I see War on US Soil. Boats & Soldiers are in black and white (world war II of the past) The black and white lets me know this is not actual boots on the ground but a hot debate and a divided nation on previous war decisions and current decisions, WWIII is now, but WWIIII will be on us soil.

Tȟaté makȟámaniyaŋ wóihaŋble Súŋ

09-26-2014, 07:00 PM  
Post: #8
[Image: avatar_1.jpg?dateline=1410374475]
[b]Eagle1[/b] [Image: buddy_offline.gif]
NDC Elder
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RE: Head's UP: External memes coming our way
And then there's this dream supplied by a trusted friend Sept 26:

Hello again - so sorry I disappeared - long story ..... What I want to share is a dream that might fit into what you're interested in. I took a nap this afternoon and the dream/nightmare involved people working on fixing polluted rivers, but they turned into a sort of 'movie' of a clean river, a facade that made people think the water was clean - but it wasn't. THen I was in an office talking with an Asian coworker - in a building where the windows were high and narrow, so all we could see was the sky - and all of a sudden I saw bombs falling - they were long, narrow, silver with red tips - about 10feet long - one broke in half as it fell and I said "OH SHIT!" and woke up feeling so terrified and filled with dread.

It was so totally unlike any others of mine - and so REAL - and it was "HERE" in a city in the US - I got the feeling it was on the east coast.

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Meme: Generally inconsistent overlaps from External Sources - by Eagle1 - 09-30-2014, 07:01 PM

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