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3/29/15 RED ALERT: Mass Production of Viruses!
Since the discovery that an entire DreamBot run can be associated with one occurrence/event, I wrote this up to show once again that this is happening and in wonderment as to how dreamers can pick up on something this hidden and prompt exposure. The idea itself has been around for a while but that companies are actually initiating the development now, and how, is new news.

At the Cincinnati event hosted by Microbial Robotics, scientists demonstrated bio-engineered viruses called Virubots and a bacteria it calls Bactobots, both of which aim to aid the world's most humanitarian endeavors -- such as Virubots that implement "The Cure,” or living Bactobots that hunt down toxins to clean waste water without chemicals, and eliminate the need for drugs of any kind.

Granted, this article is from March 25 but how many dreamers read the EE Times buried deep on the web and meant for the global communications community? or spend any time at all thinking about robot viruses? Feels a bit like an injection into mass consciousness.

cough viruses robots triple induced reading cutting causing sat military yesterday virus faced belt ghosts swimming factory head nine slow non David computer ride peace profile private train feelings membership barrel send forum

viruses robots triple induced reading - robot viruses for multiple purposes [triple] introduced [induced] at a conference [reading] that included a computer model that can be used for train[ing]. They would be factory belt produced, no doubt, and would swim in the body like little ghosts.

Words alluding to the computer program: profile, private, membership, send, forum and even 'barrel' as in 'over the barrel' when hoping other big computer enterprises don't interfere. Big money and shady deals will be involved here....

The next day (March 30), the DOWN Words included 'crystal robots feelings reading fri important weirdness triple viruses', which, from my observations, means that we won't be hearing about robot viruses again for a while because of the wierdness and feelings associated with of the implications. People just aren't ready for this and maybe, should never be. But, this robot virus idea will continue to crystal[ize]. The comments toward the article indicate the concerns that EAGLE 1 alludes to in the intro and MisFit's observance about DAVID where DAVID is a database for Annotation Visualization & Integrated Discovery related to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Institute of Health (NIH) Bioinformatics.

There could also be a projection in there that frames a Project Año prediction that may be ready to happen: Año 07: (Timeframe: 90% 1st quarter, 10% 4th quarter) – Soldiers deployed on a military project/mission become sick

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RE: 3/29/15 RED ALERT: Mass Production of Viruses! - by Sherriann - 04-02-2015, 08:07 AM

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