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Been "buzzing" for two days now, its my earthquake feeling
Every now and then, I get a "buzzing" feeling; everything is vibrating. It really puts me on edge. Multiple times when I've felt this, an earthquake has hit. Not necessarily Landers or Northridge, but something. In addition to myself, one of my cats was extraordinarily agitated last night - at the same time I felt most agitated. I tried to target a dream, but I couldn't really sleep well between the cat and the edge. There have been a few times where I've felt this and nothing came of it, hopefully that will be the case again. I mentioned to some other people, and they noted that their pets were acting funky. I do have one cat that isn't acting strange, but he's too young to have been in any kind of earthquake. I'm in Southern California, wondering if anyone else around here is getting a feeling like this.

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