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Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be
I had this dream 2 nights ago. I tried to do an intention to get clarification last night but didn't get anything. With all the talk of megaquakes I decided to do an intention on when the next megaquake will hit, where it will be in the world, and how big it will be.

In the dream, I am in a car. It is apparently winter. I am in the back seat. There is another couple, apparently married, driving in the front seat. I don't recall if anyone else is with me in the back seat. I don't know what type of car it was, other than a sedan. I comment about how ridiculously cold it is, its only 17 degrees. The man in the front responds back "oh, up north where we're from, it gets a lot colder than this".

There was more to the dream, but that's the only section that stuck with me.

I got what I'd call a signal before dreaming (I heard the sound of a doorbell, albeit not my house's actual doorbell, which has woken me up after what I'd interpret was a response to an intention so I could remember a dream), so I'm taking this as something that was a response to the intention.

I looked up 17 degrees; 17/17 is in the middle of Chad, so I find it unlikely to be a location. Could be 2017? Up North where its colder got me thinking Alaska or Kamchatka, although the man didn't speak with any accent that I recall to make a location call from that. Although 17 degrees has a lot of earthquake hotspots on it going east/west.

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Intentioned dream, when will the next megaquake be - by MTB_forums - 04-24-2016, 09:31 PM

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