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3/6/25 Active Still
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Yesterday, 10:25 AM
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2/26/25 Morning Hustle Bu...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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02-26-2025, 11:15 AM
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Tanks Attacking Castle/Ma...
Forum: Public Dreams
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02-24-2025, 04:18 PM
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2/19/25 Collective is Hav...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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02-19-2025, 12:04 PM
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2/12/25 Air War
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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02-12-2025, 09:53 AM
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2/5/25 February Killer
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02-05-2025, 12:38 PM
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1/29/25 Universal Frequen...
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01-29-2025, 12:29 PM
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1/22/25 Mercury Extremes
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01-22-2025, 12:07 PM
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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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jalopy |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 04:15 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was driving down a narrow, rutted, very long dirt road in a very old (think 1910-ish) black car. im frustrated because I really don't know how to work this old thing im messing with something in the middle of the front floorboard where the shifter should be and the shifter is on the left between my seat and the door. im having a hard time shifting and I think the gears are probably all full of dirt. but I shifted and it went a lot faster. then someone came and fiddled with the gadgets in the middle and made the car work a lot better. I know a man was working on it but I never saw him. before he cam I remember thinking I would drive it back home and then tow it with my truck.
buying a throne |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 04:09 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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in this dream I was with my 6 year-old son. he had a dream that apparently God needed a throne because my son said he needed to buy Him one for a gift. he wanted me to take him the furniture store. I asked how big does it need to be? he said "450 feet". we are looking at chairs and I said "I think we will have to order a chair because they don't make chairs that big. are you sure it needs to be THAT big?" I pointed from one wall to the other wall in the store and said "that is about 80 feet" he just looked at me surprised/ then the next thing I knew we were looking at a map but it was like google earth and we were flying above. he was trying to show me where he saw God. he knew the general area but he was frustrated he couldn't remember how to get there. the area we were flying over is southern Bulgaria to Istanbul, turkey.
two words |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 03:54 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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"Tennessee shortwave"
I have no idea what that means. 2 months before this I woke up with what I thought was a radio call sign WKKE. when I googled it I found a radio staion in Mississippi with those letters. thought this might be somehow related to that.
can i go? |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 03:51 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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my parents were at my house for Christmas. when they were leaving to go home I asked them if they could wait 5 minutes so I could go with them. they said sure. I went to change into comfortable clothes for the drive - its 13 hours when the weather is good. when I was looking in the closet for something to wear, I thought "clothes don't matter. just go!" so I did.
nine fifths |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 03:46 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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driving down the freeway with an African American friend. not someone ive met in real life but played online video games with and facebook friend. his game name is ninefifths. suddenly all traffic is stopping and pulling off into the center median. ahead we can see a line of all African americans standing by their cars with their hands on their heads. theres one white man who was driving with a black woman. at first I am shocked. then I have a thought that they are being chained together like a "chain-gang" from an old movie. then I realize they are all being arrested for something. ninefifths and I talk about how the heck is this happening?!? how is this OK?!? a few minutes later the rest of us in our stopped cars are allowed to get back in our cars and leave. the next scene I am at someplace that has a wall of cubbies with peoples belongings, shoes, purses, coats, etc. my son's coats and shoes are in like the first 4-5 of these cubbies on the top row.
slender |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 03:34 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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my house had doors that wont lock. slenderman is in my house. theres something about a camo rope belt I cant remember. I am looking out front glass door.
expecting |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 02:17 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I am observing myself in a cartoon setting. like a video game. I can move myself around. its night and I am in a car floating on an ocean up to a port in a city. I am pregnant. I go to a large hotel. there are probably 6-10 floors. its just a big square. the animation is like sims 3. we go to the desk. the clerk says he only has one room and its the suite that takes up the whole top floor. I think to myself "its a game. I can make all the money I want". so we check into this room. I was thinking we were staying here til the baby comes which is about 2 months. then I - the observer - began to rearrange the room. I moved the beds that folds, like you can raise the head or the knees or the feet. so I folded it with raised head, and knees and put the cartoon me in it. the room had an oasis in it. a pool and a palm tree. the room was blue, the carpet and the bed, too. then the next moment the cartoon me is the real me. the hotel room is a real room. im not alone. my pregnant friend "chris" is with me. (not a real friend) we are laying in the 2 beds. im in the left and shes in the right. im messing with the baby through my skin. you know how you can poke at your belly and the baby will push back. I was watching my belly with my shirt raised up. I would and "he" would try to hold my hand. I was amazed I could see his little fingers trying to grab mine. I aske dmy friend how long she had left. she said "about 2 weeks". I said I have about a month, but it could be anytime. she said " (I don't remember) our other pregnant frien has only 1 week". I was excited. I said "wow we're gonna be just 1,2,3". I got up and went to the restroom. there was a kitten. a "Russian blue" about 2-3 months old. he was sleeping in an open drawer. the top of the clear plastic storage dresser had been left open a little and nothing was in there but the kitten. he started to wake up when I went in there. the bathroom floor was kinda dirty and I was sitting on the stool. I saw a black widow run along under the edge of the vanity on the white tiles to the corner. then I had like a flashback in the dream. we had sometime recently called someone in to clean the room and kill bugs and fix something like a broken sink or pipe in the bathroom. I envisioned the man in the bathroom on the floor fixing stuff. he was wearing a worn out white t-shirt with red trim around the neck and sleeves and he had cut the neck as though the tightness of the neck had bothered him. the shirt was threadbare he had worn it so much. he was wearing jeans and work boots. I had come into the bathroom when he had been fixing things and I had asked him how it was going. he had said "all done". I remembered this encounter now in the blink of an eye while the spider run into the corner. I thought to myself "what did he come here for then, if we still have spiders in here now?" the kitten had seen the spider and jumped out of the drawer to get it. im still sitting on the stool. im frantic for the kitten to stop because he's going to get bitten by the spider. "kitty! leave it alone! no kitty!!" but the kitten keeps trying to catch it. finally I get up and push the kitty away from the spider and now its not a spider. its a weird looking bug. looked like it had scales and was black and orange striped. I looked around and found a bowl on the floor and squished it. I went back out into the room.my friend asked if there was a drink over there. I walked around looking for a drink on the floor. the floor was covered with trash under the beds. I saw a water bottle that was 1/2 empty and gave it to her and said "this is yours but its from yesterday". then I went and laid back down in my bed. the kitten came and jumped into my arms. my friend and I both "awwww'ed" at it. I asked her what we should name it. my friend said "vonna". which made me think that was our other pregnant friends name. and I said "Vaughn". the kitten was gone then and I was plying with the baby again.
angels and demons |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 01:48 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a nightmare about angels and demons fighting in the heavens over dominion of the earth. I awoke terrified and had a vision of this happening as humanity is oblivious. I felt a presence in my room. I felt something that had been in my room sit down on the end of my bed. then I saw a crow shaped shadow fly up to perch on my ceiling fan.
plane fall |
Posted by: lurker - 11-11-2014, 01:42 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was floating above observing crazy massive flooding. the earth was covered in what looked like plants and trees covered in layers of white frost. not snow. it was like an ice storm except you could see the crystalline structure. little crystal fingers were growing up off of everything. but around this frozen scene a massive flood surge was flowing down. it was full of debris. there were houses, trees, tec. then I was watching and narrating like a news reporter, some kind of press member, as the surge went through like a town or something. suddenly there were hundreds of people in the water. you could see them being churned around. I said "oh no! if they don't get out before THAT theyre going to die!" meaning there was like a small dam kind of thing where rocks were naturally stacked that was just ahead. the rocks were catching debris. I knew if the people hit it they would die. I saw them begin hitting it and being smashed and some were being thrown over.
then there was a scene change.
I was in a very small plane. we were in a huge hurry to get in the air. there was an infant swing beside me in the back of the plane. the swing had 2 helmets. there was a large military helmet, army green - like from MASH - that was in the swing and there was a child looking helmet. the army looking helmet was in the swing and it puzzled me. so I took it off the swing and put the infant helmet into the swing. this made the cockpit alarm go off. I heard the alarm but it didn't register on me for a while that the alarm was because I changed the helmet. when I switched the helmet back the alarm stopped. I adjusted something else in the seat of the swing. I thought it might've been a weapon of some sort. it was also army green and I made sure it was buckled in. then the plane began to move. there was a pilot and co-pilot in the 2 seats. the back hatch was open and there was a man back there looking out. just sitting at the edge looking out of the back of the plane as we started to fly. we would make turns and we would get tossed around in the back of the plane. I was trying to hang on to things. there was a nylon strap and I tried to grab it. I ended up grabbing onto the carpet that was coming loose in a corner. I told the man "you need to hang onto something". I was screaming because the open plane was so loud. we made a turn and we almost fell out. we were in such a hurry. flying crazy trying to get away from something. then the man looked at me. the first time I saw his face. he said "don't you know it is finished?" then I jumped up and saw the man was Obama and I was suddenly a child. I jumped in the co-pilots lap. I didn't see her face but I knew it was my now deceased grandma and the pilot was my husband. he was afraid. he steered the plane straight up. I looked back at Obama and saw flames and sparks and smoke coming out of the back of the plane.