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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Nova |
Posted by: metadreamer - 05-31-2012, 07:41 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This UFO Disclosure activist asked me if I had looked at his solar system simulator yet. He said to look at "planet scorpio" and what it was doing. He showed me the screen of his laptop and there was some simulated star system with numerous moons in chaotic (n-body) orbits. Somehow, intense stresses on planet scorpio were causing it to give off UV emissions. Then the central star exploded and created an accretion ring with regular (radioactive) type radion on the outer and inner edges of it, and some other kind of nonphysical radiation in between. Also depending on the angular segment of the ring, there were different compositions. It was earth directed, and depending on direction, we would be getting hit by different types of energies and particles from it. No ETA given on when.
Run |
Posted by: tommy06 - 05-08-2012, 07:39 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was running from demons. They were right behind me. The crazy thing is I had this bottle of cleaner, like amonia or bleach, and when I sprayed it at them they would stay back long enough that I could get away. I was running in what looked like an old abandoned industrial building in a town (Columbia, MO) 60 miles from the town I live in. I didn't see a sign, I just somehow knew it. They were just about to catch me when someone grabbed me by my arm and told me to follow them. I felt as though this was an angel. As I was leaving the building, this person told me to just run as fast as I could and he would stay behind to slow them down. I felt really bad to leave him behind, but I just started running down the highway as fast as I could. The faster I ran the faster time sped up. Quickly I was out running a train near the road. I could tell the demons were starting to catch me, So I veered off the road to a farm an ran behind a barn. As I got there I was quickly being surrounded and there were about six other people with me (I did recognize one of the people present. It was a little girl I went to church with). They must have been there already. We were surrounded by demons when we joined hands and started singing a song we knew from church. It was a praise song and as we sang, we started jumping up and down. The more we sang the further the demons would get away. As we were singing and jumping we would get higher every time. Before long we were jumping almost as hight as the clouds. I could see the town I was from 60 miles away. The demons were fleeing. And I've never felt so alive, free and at peace. It was amazing. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time. I didn't want to stop singing. I've never felt the presence of God so strongly. I didn't want to wake up. Now, when I am singing praise songs at church, I want to start jumping up and down.
Unusual and Unexpected Weapon Used on American City |
Posted by: Sharon in Mississippi - 05-08-2012, 08:53 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I recently had a dream about the use of an unusual and unexpected weapon on a major American city.
In the dream I was far enough away from the explosion to be reasonably safe, yet close enough to see a bright explosion on the horizon which went high and far very much like a nuclear explosion. I think I also felt a slight ground shaking but I was far enough away that it was minor. I immediately knew it wasn't a nuclear explosion I was seeing, but I had no idea what it was. For one thing there was no mushroom cloud, just a huge very bright expanding ball of fire seen from a distance.
I did not fear being harmed by radiation, but a part of me DID want find some kind of simple shelter just in case something big from the explosion might belatedly come flying my way. Strangely, the location I found myself in during the dream afforded very little shelter because it was open and desert-like. All I could find was what looked like a partially-built structure that had a shallow-dug foundation just a foot or so below ground level and standing walls but no roof. The door and window spaces were cut but there were no doors or windows, and the walls went up just barely over my head.
I told my brother about the dream and he said it sounded like a thermobaric (fuel-air) weapon had been used. He also told me that just a few countries such as Russia, IsRae22l and the United States have this kind of weapon and it is used (as far as he knows) just by the military.
The odd thing is, I had no idea such a weapon existed until I had my dream, and even odder, it just so happens that I will be travelling to a desert-like area much like that which I saw in my dream during the last week of May into the first week of June.
Oh and one more thing almost forgot: I heard the word "mall," that the explosion had gone off in some kind of "mall." Whether that's a shopping mall or some other kind of mall like the Washington Mall I have no idea.
I recently had a dream about the use of an unusual and unexpected weapon on a major American city.
In the dream I was far enough away from the explosion to be reasonably safe, yet close enough to see a bright explosion on the horizon which went high and far very much like a nuclear explosion. I think I also felt a slight ground shaking but I was far enough away that it was minor. I immediately knew it wasn't a nuclear explosion I was seeing, but I had no idea what it was. For one thing there was no mushroom cloud, just a huge very bright expanding ball of fire seen from a distance.
I did not fear being harmed by radiation, but a part of me DID want find some kind of simple shelter just in case something big from the explosion might belatedly come flying my way. Strangely, the location I found myself in during the dream afforded very little shelter because it was open and desert-like. All I could find was what looked like a partially-built structure that had a shallow-dug foundation just a foot or so below ground level and standing walls but no roof. The door and window spaces were cut but there were no doors or windows, and the walls went up just barely over my head.
I told my brother about the dream and he said it sounded like a thermobaric (fuel-air) weapon had been used. He also told me that just a few countries such as Russia, IsRae22l and the United States have this kind of weapon and it is used (as far as he knows) just by the military.
The odd thing is, I had no idea such a weapon existed until I had my dream, and even odder, it just so happens that I will be travelling to a desert-like area much like that which I saw in my dream during the last week of May into the first week of June.
Oh and one more thing I almost forgot: I heard the word "mall," that the explosion had gone off in some kind of "mall." Whether that's a shopping mall or some other kind of mall like the Washington Mall I have no idea.
Leaving the flood behind, heading for high ground. |
Posted by: Debora - 04-20-2012, 09:28 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was standing on what I felt was the south bank of a river that runs through a town. I am looking uphill toward the main street of the town there is a roadway between me and the some multi story glass buildings with people working in them. It is not raining, but it has been recently and the air is full of moisture and the sky is gray and low. The river to my back was running high and fast. This all looked vaguely like the layout of the river through Lawrence, but first, we don't have glass-multi story buildings anywhere in town, and there with but 3 exceptions, the buildings down town are no more than 3 stories. Anyway, suddenly, the glass buildings start filling with water and the people inside start climbing stairways trying to get above the water. I turn away from the flood... which strangely is happening on the high ground and yet down by the river where I was, the water was still mostly within the banks. 15 or 20 people are sitting in camp chairs or on the ground on blankets watching the river. They all have packs and all are dressed for cool weather hiking... the temperature is cool but not cold. These people felt like "my people" -- my "tribe". We watch the water a while and then one of the people, a man, stands up and says "Ok, Let's go; you know what to take." we picked up our stuff, rolled blankets, packed up and started walking upriver. End of dream.
The thing that bothered me about this dream the most was the direction we were walking "upriver" ... it was east. But for rivers here in the Midwest "downriver" is east. I recently had a dream about moving to Oregon (which was similarly clear and real) and I think between the two of these dreams I get it now... spouse and I are headed west, but why or when I do not know... I i do feel that the flood dream is after some kind of world changing disaster because, well, that is how it felt. Not that we were leaving the flood behind but that we were leaving "everything" behind.
Note that this is the second flood dream I've had.
Prepper Weekend |
Posted by: Kelley - 04-18-2012, 03:31 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I dreamed I invited a bunch of people to spend the weekend at my house so they could see the supplies I have, how to plant a garden, various gadgets that might be useful, etc. All the people who came were strangers to me. We discovered a tree on my property that was growing some unknown tropical fruit. The atmosphere was rather happy. Everyone was acting as if they were at a fun weekend sleep-over.
Floods |
Posted by: Bryan - 04-17-2012, 04:28 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In my dream, I sat in my apartment whichwas located onthe side of a harbor. As I watched, tsunami sized waves crashed into the harbor smashing buildings and everything in it's way. The dream reminded me of watching the Japanese tsunami videos. At the end of the dream I knew that I had to leave my building soon because the water was rising in the harbor.
Assigned Intel Groups |
Posted by: Krys - 04-04-2012, 02:32 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Lincoln NE 3:45am
A large, dark skinned and powerful commander was assigning code names for the imminent mission. "Number One - BATTALION....." I heard two others but focused on BATTALION (<sp?).
Koreans look into the sky |
Posted by: Backenstein - 03-30-2012, 05:29 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Korean schoolkids looking into the sky during the day, maybe mid-day to afternoon, looking in awe/ shock. Groups run off in different directions (not like it matters,) while a few are left staring. Obviously something related to light. (Don't know if Sun/ missile/ other/ etc.?)
Personal Opinion: Since the fighting stopped decades ago, unless you are personally affected, Korea is a money-making sideshow and will remain one. No fear - be at peace within, my friend.
Also: tough to place this dream into a category. 'Fire' may have worked, too, but 'Air' covers anything in the sky, it seems.
Auroras above Geraldton, WA. |
Posted by: Guineith - 03-24-2012, 03:16 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I dreamt that I saw the Aurora Australis in the skies above Geraldton, Western Australia. Everyone was outside at night, looking at them and OOHHHHing and AAAHHHing and it seemed as if I was the only one who was not in a good mood. I pulled one of my friends aside and I explained that this was not a good thing, that it was actually a premonition of doom. My friend seemed confused and so I explained that to see the Auroras so far north was an indication of intense solar activity and that we should all be very very worried indeed. The auroras were red, not their normal rainbow colours and somehow, this made things worse.
SARS was brought to the future |
Posted by: mcfarlandfamily3 - 03-17-2012, 04:10 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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The dream I had early this morning was jumping around in time, from the distant past (within the past few years) up to 10 years into the future.
When jumping time it looks like I'm walking through a slight distortion of the scene before me & once I am through the distortion, I see a pin hole of light burst behind me.
There are americans, mexicans & others involved in time jumping. The man from Mexico is from the future.
There is a fellow from the past, further back in the past then myself, he jumped through time while he had SARS. It becomes a devasation.
They find out which individual brought it, send someone to warn him, so that he will go back in time for the cure/antidote/vaccine.
I am stuck in the future as I have contracted something....maybe SARS. The mexican from the future is trying to help relieve some of my respitory issues. His techniques seem odd to me, but if it helps, I'm for it.
I don't know the outcome of the dream. Whether the infected man makes it back in time to save the future people...I guess we'll see.
(I assume the future didn't have the cure/antidote/vaccine to a particular strain, or maybe SARS was genetically changed & sent forward for some reason. I can only speculate.)