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10/8/15 Living the Paradox
Trending: wed excitement fox chamber complex simple war encounter field class love cool liked epic dimension demons gift silver glad elevator unexpected kinda were classmate type image kennedy offer ride stuff plane wow puppy meal book familiar appearance cleaning part agreed
Waning: journal normal animals nose lots land scene mirror clock sense yeah spiritual state future rather ocean better snakes kissing wars house self moon seriously appreciate learned crazy terrorists john mon stars star thanks crossing worry

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
A run full of opposites! Love and War, Simple and Complex, Unexpected and Familiar. What is going on? Here’s another opposite: ‘War’ is surging, but ‘Wars’ is waning.

Group 1 reminds me of CERN, although I thought gold (not silver) was the gift of choice for the dimensional beings. But what do I know?

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

(10-08-2015, 07:14 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: wed excitement fox chamber complex simple war encounter field class love cool liked epic dimension demons gift silver glad elevator unexpected kinda were classmate type image kennedy offer ride stuff plane wow puppy meal book familiar appearance cleaning part agreed
Waning: journal normal animals nose lots land scene mirror clock sense yeah spiritual state future rather ocean better snakes kissing wars house self moon seriously appreciate learned crazy terrorists john mon stars star thanks crossing worry

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
A run full of opposites! Love and War, Simple and Complex, Unexpected and Familiar. What is going on? Here’s another opposite: ‘War’ is surging, but ‘Wars’ is waning. I think here it may be that the number of smaller wars are coalescing into larger regional wars  - so hence fewer total number of wars, just bigger ones.

wed excitement fox chamber complex, simple war encounter field Sounds like some ground troops found some of their adversaries fox holes, and were excited to find them. Could be discovery of ISIS supply tunnels that can now be shut down/taken over/or destroyed.
class love cool liked inter-societal class relations may be cooling off between groups formerly really liking each other. Pre-lude to more race/class wars?
epic dimension demons gift silver glad There's a shortage of physical silver supplies, and it's currently way undervalued, if someone gives you some hold on to it! It will be even scarcer in coming months/years.
elevator unexpected kinda were Something gets an unexpected lift
classmate type image kennedy, offer ride stuff plane, wow puppy Some interesting cargo gets transported by someone young, might look similar to a Kennedy
meal book familiar appearance, cleaning part agreed The (global) menu (of crap) we are being served has the same old look as ever, more people coming to the mindset that a good cleaning is in order.

journal normal Write down what seems normal now, because soon normal will change.
animals nose lots (-wow puppy - fox) Watch the animals, they know more than we do. We are like puppies occasionally doing something noteworthy, watch the fox as they are experienced and cunning.
land scene mirror clock, future rather ocean better our surroundings are a good mirror of things happening, being away from the oceans in the future is better than living next to them.
sense yeah spiritual state Dream bot is definitely sensing a more spiritual state alot of people are entering
snakes kissing wars Fairly self explanatory with all the little wars going on right now
house self moon seriously appreciate learned Something learned at/close-to home recently or shortly upcoming will be a seriously appreciated bit of knowledge/skill
crazy terrorists john mon stars Expect some pretty theatrical effects in upcoming terrorist events
star thanks crossing worry This could be someone famous switching sides from where they previously were, which is or should be a cause/signal for worry/concern. Why did they switch sides?
crazy terrorists john mon stars star thanks crossing worry- This could be  "Jihadi John".  He is a star terrorist.  Is this pointing to his "crossing over" ?  What is the crossing worry?
excitement fox chamber complex simple war encounter field class - Sounds like Fox News is in for some excitement in the war field somewhere.
(10-08-2015, 03:54 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: crazy terrorists john mon stars star thanks crossing worry- This could be  "Jihadi John".  He is a star terrorist.  Is this pointing to his "crossing over" ?  What is the crossing worry?
excitement fox chamber complex simple war encounter field class - Sounds like Fox News is in for some excitement in the war field somewhere.

Jihadi John did come to mind when I initially saw this. Has anyone else seen recent stories about the beheading videos being done in a studio owned either by a Brit or a US high profile person. Darn I should've clipped that url when I saw it...It is not surprising though since we know that ISIS was created and is funded by the US government as a proxy army.
puppy meal book familiar appearance cleaning part agreed - Perhaps Purina Puppy Chow or Dog Chow will be cleaning up their label and offer a better dog food soon.  

Mirror-  Here is part of an abstract that I find very interesting regarding mirrors.  Mirror is frequently in  our bot runs and I would like to know more about what it could represent.
 "Quite early in China's history, mirrors were seen as possessing great religious significance. Instead of passively reflecting the objects that came before them, mirrors were thought to respond to their environment in active and dynamic ways, evidencing a mysterious power. Some of the earliest recorded references to bronze mirrors (jian) are found in the Zuozhuan (Commentary of Zuo). The Zhouli and the Huainanzi both refer to the use of bronze mirrors and concave mirrors (fu suior yang sui) in ceremonial practices.7 Mirrors came to be seen as active, responsive objects because they could be used to produce fire and water. When placed outside, concave mirrors focused sunlight to produce fire, while bronze mirrors gathered condensation in the light of the moon. But it was not simply the fact that mirrors had the power to gather or produce that made them objects of religious significance in ancient China; it was what they produced. Water and fire were thought to be the pure essences of yin and yang, respectively, and the fact that mirrors appeared to draw these substances from the sun and moon reinforced ..."
Mirror Magic too-
mirrors are known to reflect the infrared/astral dimensions- mirror focus in the hands of an
amateur can mess with your mind (demons).

Recall the 'sayings'-
smoke and mirrors
house of mirrors

China was producing some poisonous animal food several years ago, which had to be pulled from the market.
Many pets died. My sister's cat barely made it, and she got a 'compensation' for her vet bill from the food manufacturer.
Heads up for pet owners perhaps.
here you go Shade!

ISIS Beheading faked - Made in Hollywood Studio
(10-08-2015, 10:55 PM)esholars Wrote: here you go Shade!

ISIS Beheading faked - Made in Hollywood Studio

Living the Paradox alright. So, ISIS and the Syrian rebels are one in the same = Putin taking on both?

excitement fox chamber complex simple war encounter field class
Mirrors can be portals and they can be used to "see".

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