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Shooting Star
I saw we were sharing favorite songs~ So here is one of my very favorites!
Being an 'old guy', I remember when the original came out. That said, I like Shinedown's vocals to the remake better than even Ronnie or Johnny Van Zant's version.

Thanks Elyse - music was a theme in a lot of dreams last night, anyhow.
Yes, thanks and bring more songs, please! The cool thing is that sychronicity is ramped up so it seems and either way, NDC souls often bring the finest memories and/or songs that one or some of us actually even needed to hear for some reason, etc. yada yada. Wink
Lol, Skeetersaurus. I am sure you are not THAT old!

Nanny, you know, I think you can tell a lot about a person based on the kind of humor they have and the sort of music they listen to. Some of the people I know who have had the WORST lives have an awesome sense of humor, because they know the value of a smile and good laugh. And, to me, music has a sort of energy to it. People are often like the energy they surround themselves with.  It's fun to listen to everyone's favorite music here. So here are a few more of my favorites! Big Grin

Just a little heads up:   <- Probably my favorite song of all time. I love playing this on the keyboard. I guess the melody just calls to me. With any luck, maybe one day I can afford an actual piano. Here's hoping!  :p

And I guess I like SOME rap... but only if it is something like this:
Love sharing music like this. At work this afternoon chillin with Rising Appalachia.
Elyse, first, that little picture you put up, Bingo! yep that nails it for me, too. Making me in the mood to share more music, yet I have a good amount here. Music does have energy and it can be healing as well as help us get work done. When I clean house I turn on Moody Blues and not their sleepiest song, "Nights In White Satin." They have so much more and very meaningful and enlightened lyrics. Touches me to my very bone marrow. But then I'll be in the mood for Skynyrd and Casting Crowns in the same hour or so. I'll top it off with some modern country music that's got conservative political messages, same day.

Good point about folks that have gone through hell joking well and a lot. My hubby slept under a passover bridge when just 14yrs. old, having had his stepdad break his collar bone and more. He jokes even more than I enjoy but not judging because I "get it." He survived hell by joking, and the only way he and his siblings could say anything true or blunt in front of the alcoholic, horrible parents was to say it in a joking manner. Others that don't live with him laugh a lot and tell me that he's so much fun, etc.

I'm gonna go listen to your latest offering here. Am digging that you're in the mood to share.

Oooh, am really enjoying the lyrics of "When Worlds Collide!" very nice. "Can we bring to fall the giants?" Yes, we can! We are the tireless few.

Alright! there exists rap that isn't vulgar! I am not sure if I ever heard any except in a commercial. LOL too cute.

Wow. I just found out that Skynyrd has a soft song, fantastic lyrics, called

"Mama's Song." Hope you enjoy this, every Mama~
Julie, I LOVED the medicine song! Thanks for sharing! This is going to be great for me to listen to while I am doodling or painting!

Lol! I am the same way, Nanny! I listen to all kinds of music depending on my mood or what I feel I need at the moment. I usually blast some sort of high energy music while I am doing heavy cleaning. (I pretty much stay tired and need something that will make me wanna dance with the mop or the vacuum.) I also love jamming to conservative songs! I LOVE "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" - Toby Keith. I still sometimes get chills when I listen to it. And as for "Nights In White Satin"... that song means SO much to me too! Someone very dear to me used to sing it for me. Someone I loved and miss very much.

I am sorry to hear about your husband, Nanny. While I haven't lived his life, I've lived my own and I know all about going through hell and needing humor to get through it. And I also know how tiresome that can be for others (you) as well. It would not surprise me if you have had to roll your eyes so hard and so often that you know what your brains look like in intimate detail. After a while that gets old and exhausting, I know. I have put at least a couple of people through that myself. You know, I think another reason he and lots of people who have been through hell joke so much is because you never know. You never know when one little smile or laugh can make a world of difference. It's a powerful thing. If one minute you feel like dying and the next you are laughing so hard your ribs hurt, in that moment you are reminded how wonderful the world is. People who have experienced that and are reminded of that like to remind others too, I think.

I'm so glad you liked "When Worlds Collide". I listened to "Mama's Song". LOVED IT!

Keep em' coming! I don't think there is such a thing as too much music!

Here's another contribution to our growing collection! "The Princess Who Saved Herself" Silly, sweet, and uplifting! I love this one!
Thanks, loved the Princess song.
Sometimes when work gets too serious I listen to Hakuna Matata from The Lion King music and other Disney music.
Lol Elyse. If you were born in 1978, I could be your dad. If you were born in 1996, I could be your granddad, and if you had a child this year, I could be his/her great granddad.

Me and dirt, the question is, whose older? Like I said, I remember the 'original Lynyrd Skynyrd', before the plane crash.

On a brighter note (for old age) however, I can still assemble a computer server in about 1-hour, install an operating system on it in a couple of hours, and throw screwdrivers like a drunk Irishman does darts on a Friday night after it doesn't work right - just like I could when I was 20, too.

Some things never change. ;-)
(05-07-2016, 10:39 AM)Skeetersaurus Wrote: Lol Elyse. If you were born in 1978, I could be your dad. If you were born in 1996, I could be your granddad, and if you had a child this year, I could be his/her great granddad.

Me and dirt, the question is, whose older? Like I said, I remember the 'original Lynyrd Skynyrd', before the plane crash.

On a brighter note (for old age) however, I can still assemble a computer server in about 1-hour, install an operating system on it in a couple of hours, and throw screwdrivers like a drunk Irishman does darts on a Friday night after it doesn't work right - just like I could when I was 20, too.

Some things never change. ;-)

Oh boy... math. *Le sigh

Okay, so I am going to assume that you were around 18 in 1978...  *counts on fingers and toes*  Which would make you just slightly younger than dirt!  Tongue
I hate to break it to you, but you aren't THAT old. And I kinda figured as much. Man, You had me thinking you were in your 90's or something. And anyway, you are ONLY as old as you let yourself feel, and from the way you talk, sounds like you are still fairly young at heart!
Elyse, amen about joking and improving at least one person's day. I am just the type of person that needs to joke more. But yeah, he and I are the opposite extremes, God knows why we were led to marry decades ago besides the obvious eternal blessing of our two daughters.

I meditate and am the intuitive of the family. You know the drill---we do not have to seek things to be concerned about. We're fed what's troubling others, the world, we know what's coming moments to years before it hits, etc. One of our daughters, in fact reminded me yesterday that I have a "resting bytch face" when I am the opposite within. She said that thank goodness I talk to any and every person that looks my way, when out and about or I'm likely making folks think that I'm mean, miserable or something. LOL yep.

Yes, I cringe countless times because hubby jokes even in infantile ways. He's a retired engineer and other careers, and over sixty years of age but that joking runs the gamut except nothing vulgar. But anyway, TMI? heh.

Cool that "Nights in White Satin" brings specific, good memories back for you. Music does that too, and many more cool things. Did you know that there's a newer M. Blues song that is about meditating and yet they have an older one that was about meditation?? Blew me away finding the newer one and comparing the message. This newer one is more enlightened. See? they've grown like all of us should! The newer one speaks of "looking up" indicating the reality of the third eye where our Pineal Gland is.

This is huge. Years ago they just did "omm" type song, but then this thing appears. If it is an old song it was sure hidden at least from me and my old partying gang cuz it was not on the albums we listened to. This one also refers to "Him" three times, being creator or God to them, obviously as it speaks of His Love, too. I'm happy feet to see the transformation in them.

OH! diggin that you dig "Red, White and Blue." YES!! here's a really blunt one. It's so new that they don't have it on a CD for sale yet. This is a Texas band called "Texas Rebellion." They have captured this 'ole Texan's heart and soul of patriotism. Dig the lyrics. (I can't wait to hear this song from a recording studio.)

The song is "Rebel Side" by the band named above. Turn those speakers up Cool (This is REAL Texas, family band and yes, a fiddle in the band, too)

Ok, Nanny... let me just say, that that "Rebel Side" is now one of my favorite songs! Oh yes, I am LOVING this jam!

As far as you being the kind of person who needs to joke more, nah. You are who you are. You appreciate a good joke and that's what really matters. I couldn't imagine life without a good laugh every once in a while. And from what you said your husband jokes enough for the two of you!

LOL @ the "resting bytch face". I guess I don't have that. My resting face most often looks a bit distant or sad, so when I'm not smiling or cutting up people tend to worry, so I try to keep a goofy grin on my face if at all possible, especially with kids around. They really pick up on that. No sense in having people worry over nothing. It wasn't THAT terribly long ago that I learned about meditation and I've been trying to get better at that. Maybe you could give me pointers? You know all about my dreaming. I guess when I'm not dreaming possible future events, I'm being guided or being sent to deliver messages.

Lol, your husband sounds a lot like me! I will joke about almost anything but I draw the line at the vulgar stuff. That and I guess I don't have much of a taste for "Dark humor".

I did not know about the newer M. Blues song! THANK YOU for telling me! Huh... it really is cool that they are growing like that! That is actually very encouraging for me since I am trying to grow myself.  Big Grin
Gal, I would absolutely adore our sharing, brainstorming about meditation!! I have a thread here about it where I posted my own spontaneous ponderings about it. This being *your thread we can chat of it here, there or both. I'll give you the link right now so you can find whatever is posted there. I think I need to add one thing on that thread.

It's the official Endorsements about my favorite, chosen meditation. I doubt I've left them there, yet and it's where they truly belong. This meditation exercise, a "miracle" many of our troops now have should be all over the MSM, it should be huge news and a household thing by now. But heck no, the devil himself doesn't want it to become too popular because it really is the most healing. You'll be by what the endorsements say. Almost sounds too good to be true. But, a few times in our lives something comes along that sounds too good to be true, yet it *is true. This is one of those times.

Heh heh about that song "Rebel Side," uh huh. This best be our attitude before subversives have totally stolen our nation. Diggin having you on-board.

Now see! I used to think that your desciption of your own resting face was mine. I still think part of the time that it is but I agree with daughter that at this approx 60yrs. of age, with my neck and jaw issues that it looks as if I am gritting my teeth even when I am not. (Also, I am a political activist and this is literally not safe anymore though I shall not retire. My point is that even I have to bite my tongue a lot now as I hear the latest national insanity, and this can make the face and jaw look unfriendly.)

Children sure do pick up on any unhappiness or stress in us. They have untainted intuition and eyes to see before many, NOT all of them are brainwashed out of this type of deep awareness. (A precious meditating Jewish aquaintance of mine explains that this innocence in seeing, knowing child eyes is what provokes the evil in others to abuse them. The others cannot stand the child's knowing, pure eyes when gazing them and their evil within.)

Too wordy? sorry but as I type I "think into the keyboard." That above was my way of making the point in agreement with you of how very aware that young children are.

Yep, about your dreaming. It's either prophetic or messages being sent. I could dig reading more of your dreams if they are here or at the old NDC site.

Dig the lyrics to this song that someone thankfully posted.

"It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave." Oh yeahhhh, millions upon millions of us are awake and aware. We see them as clearly as we saw when we were children.
Hahaha!!!!! I'm laughing Elyse, because I have the same pic about not judging my music taste on one of my Pinterest boards!

Here's another favorite:


And Skeeter, nothing wrong with original Skynard. (I saw the Stones in Soldiers Field in Chicago in '78. No fireworks, lip syncing or 50 bazillion back up singers all dancing. Just raw, sweaty, rock and roll. Nothing finer.)
LOL! Goldengirl, I bow to your poster. Tip of the hat and cyber bouquet of flowers cuz that is so true. Ah, the open roads and music up, well okay now am re-living a bit of the seventies but I still appreciate my music a bit loud with fav. music.
My car is my chapel, I do my best meditating, praying, dreaming and very loud singing there! Sometimes soft love songs, sometimes loud and pounding rock and roll, depending on my mood. (Although more recently I have tended to the latter...ahem.....). Big Grin
Good point about singing in the car. Even in the shower someone can enter the home or hallway, etc....and hear us. In our autos we do have true privacy. Nevermind what we may look like if someone sees us. There's rural roads and nighttime for privacy.

Goldengirl, dangme I just read what you wrote to Skeeter below your poster. Did the Stones perform on their star-shaped stage when you saw them? I cannot recall the year but by what I weighed then I know it was about that time. They were in the San Antone Hemisphere Arena and it was opening night of a national tour. They brought their own stage and Jagger would walk out on the tips of the star and get eye contact with folks.

The first 15, I think rows were VIP and we sat next to Carlos Santana and a member of his band, to our right. I did not know who they were till reading the newspaper the next morning. Just knew they were two friendly dudes. They had an agreement with the SAPD that only the Stones' security team was allowed to be on or work security on the main floor. They were as you said, no theatrics or anything like that, just the raw, loud power of the music. Oh "Angie" sure did sound amazing in person, as of course all the music did.

I have never gotten to see Skynyrd live. Have you? Dang, I would dig that so much even as an old fart, if I could.
You know, I don't remember a star shaped stage. I do remember Peter Tosh opened for them though. And there was some weird acrobatic act in between. I loved the Stones at the time, but my favorite band ever was the Bodeans from Waukesha, Wisconsin. I think I saw them 5 times. Never a huge following, but the first time I saw them at the Chicago Theater, and just about every person there knew all the words to every single song. I'll post links to my favorites in case anyone's interested. One of my favorite songs is called Naked, which is more about being totally transparent with someone, rather than the *ahem* other meaning!
Oh man, please post something of Peter Tosh, too because the name seems brand-new to me. Ya got me curious.

Bodeans? YES links please so I can hear what you dig.

"Naked" sounds like it has fantastic lyrics. It reminds me of a first day back one year of high school and the progressive teacher asked us to spend the hour writing what we would like to be doing if we could be ANYwhere that moment with ANYone doing ANYthing we wished. I wrote "naked" without thinking of that as the title and I think blew him away. He had told us not to put our name on it but you just know he kept them all so he could compare the writing later and know us better.

Glad we're sharing about these things. I'm soon to hear music from a cool chick that I've never heard before.

Here is a cool, funny story about two radio DJs being punked by Mick Jagger and K. Richards way back in '64.

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