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6/5/18 Surprising Energies Today
Today’s Action: Triple forces offer connectedness, communication, and/or lots of thoughts, but not without risks. Build community and focus on your highest priorities. 

Project CO-MIND Report: There are quite a few strong energies in the fold today, but the DreamBot seems to be focusing in on the romantic connectedness meme (NAKED PLENTY LAY DATING LAID). If you feel influenced towards spending time with your romantic partner, go for it! You have the celestial AND collective energies on your side. However, there are many more influences present. Some of us may feel the downside of all this connectedness, which may manifest in obsessive emotions like taking everything personally or getting easily offended. Today may be an emotional day for you, and if it is, just knowing that the collective is feeling that way too may be enough to normalize you. If not and you’re still quite emotional, take some breaks from people (not to isolate, but rather to compartmentalize the various emotions at play and to process them. 

Another energy you may feel is strong communicative influences (expression, talking, creative artwork, music, etc.) If it feels like this is your influence today, get out there and let people see you! You are most likely in a miniature peak of communication skills so harness that timing. This is the time to be building a sense of community. The bot suggests that STAYING WORDS KINDA DRUG….i.e., the community building words today will feel like a drug. 

Still others will feel the Mercury in Gemini influence with tons of thoughts, high distractibility. If you have a tendency towards this influence, spend time today purposefully relaxing throughout the day (relaxation and the detachment from thoughts should slow the thoughts a bit.) Prioritize your projects and tasks and focus only on the top priorities.
Lastly, the reason FOOTBALL is surging in the dreams is most likely to do with the College Hall of Fame news. As you might imagine, all the big college towns have articles out for their local college ballot nominees and so on the mass scale, there is a lot of energy being pushed towards football. The bot run agrees with SUPRISINGLY AMOUNT FOOTBALL HOPE ….PLENTY HIGH COUNTING
Note: If you’ve been struggling with severe or chronic issues represented here, professional services are available:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  surprisingly amount football hope naked plenty high counting religious yesterday snow food climbing stand basically blanket meditation tropical lay dating laid staying words kinda drug simple garage lucidity monday stuff 

Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:


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The Dreambot is speaking right at me today. I just finished putting together info for a project I'm working on today and possibly the remainder of the week. The success of this project will depend on my "communication" skills. I will essentially be building a communication bridge. Before each of these projects I pray for help and they turn out well. Very happy I read the DreamBot before getting started! Big Grin
Surprisingly amount football hope This could be day residue but with "football" referring to what the US calls soccer because the World Cup starts next week. Hosting country is Russia.

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