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8/13/18 Buying your way out of the Mundane?
How to CIRF Today’s Influences: How difficult is it to get motivated and return to work…to get the engine running again? On the one hand, many of our planets are still in retrograde, which makes for sluggish and potentially sloppy choices. But on the other hand, we have 5 planets in Earth signs, including the transit Moon entering Virgo. It’s a day for the details, for the mundane, for work projects. Does the DreamBot agree? The dream symbols today represent two main themes: 1. The Mundane and 2. The Acquiring Cycle. In fact, watch your buying pattern today and make sure you’re not just making a purchase to feel better, to get you out of the gray mundane drivel (or the perception thereof). Today is a day where we need to ground, especially coming off of a chaotic week last week. Some people who don’t actively ground will feel like escaping or pleasure-seeking to get them out of the Groundhog Day sensations of repetitive life. This is what the meditation is all about this morning…getting grounded so that you can excel in your work, get you more engaged in reality, and reduce errors involved with living unconsciously. Another wonderful byproduct of grounding with Gaia is HEALING…physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually!

Daily CIRF Report and Meditation:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  dolphin dumb spend traveling gray safe ordinary letting access wanna buy climbing forget were die bother dreamt initially sick famous pocket reason reality pointed wine snakes found dating afternoon surrounded 

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Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:

How to read DreamBot runs:
Hahaha. This is how I'm feeling today, mentally sluggish. So on the way to work I asked for help to live in the moment, not thinking of the past or future. I'll look for a song and post in the song area.

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