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09-30-2014, 06:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 11:56 AM by Eagle1.)
08-22-2014, 08:55 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014 11:13 PM by Eagle1.)
Post: #1
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The Validated Dreams of...Iris
Validated Precognition #1 for Iris
We verified this precognitive dream with the following justification:
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- Taiwan tennis player wins: Taiwan's Lu reaches semifinals of U.S. Open warm-up event. Will be interesting to see if he wins.
WHERE: 1.0 out of 5 -- symbolic U.S. location met
WHEN: 4 out of 5 -- intended 8/17/14, last U.S. Open match won on 8/19
Metaphors or further clarification include:
When I initially submitted and analyzed this dream, I thought this was symbolic for a meaningful diplomatic resolution between the U.S. and Taiwan or a Far East country, or perhaps advancement of immigration issues. I'm very surprised to see there's an actual tennis related event. The U.S. Open is still in play; let's see who wins!
- The WHAT was subtracted 0.5 for the unidentified metaphor. It wasn't decreased more than that because the metaphor was very cut and dry...the tennis player in real life equated to a Taiwanese tennis player winning a match. In order to get full points under the new scoring, Suzanne would have had to have connected her tennis-playing co-worker with the pro-tennis player prior to the news coming out. BUT if this was the older scoring system, she'd be limited to just 3.
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-08-13)
News Link (2014-08-22)
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5-1.0-4.0
- Very excellent work, Iris!! One of our best timing dreams thus far
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
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Validated Precognition #2 for Iris
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Martha Stewart Died
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-10-04)
News Link (2014-10-08)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 3 out of 5 --
In this dream-headline sequence, the verb is going to be related to some sort of conflict between Paltrow and Stewart (e.g., fight, argue, bicker, etc.) Since none of those verbs were in the dream, the highest score possible is 3 points. For three points, we'll need either the noun or verb exactly correct (in this case Martha Stewart is the correct noun), and we need at least one other descriptor. In this case, "Death" is a clear theme from the dream that is very accurate in the real-world headline. "Death" is a descriptor for how emphatic Paltrow is about this argument, so a full 3 points is warranted.
WHERE: 0 out of 5 -- No location provided
NOTE: Dreamers have the option of assuming their own location for scoring purposes. If Iris lives in Hollywood, that would be 4 points here. However, no location data was provided, thus zero.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 -- Intended Oct 7-8, news article on 10/8, actual event on 10/7
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 3 - 0 - 5
- Well done, Iris!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
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10-09-2014, 12:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2014, 12:52 PM by Eagle1.)
Validated Precognition #3 for Iris
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Military aircraft crashes
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-10-02)
News Link (2014-10-08)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 3 out of 5 --
Typically, the NDC isn't too hip on granting validation for airplane crash dreams. The reason? They happen everyday. However, this one in particular event, was deserving of consideration because the dreamer saw a US military plane crashing somewhere overseas (a US jet crashes somewhere other than the US). According to our scoring standards, if we are scoring common event that is seen regularly in waking reality (like a plane crash), we use the event to match it up to the dream, but we need secondary descriptors for the scoring. So, plane crash gets us in the ballpark. In this case, the fact that the military was specifically mentioned is one huge descriptor (a very important one, too), and the mention of US insignia. That's two solid descriptors about the plane itself, which would get us to 3 points.
The rest of the connection is rather loose, but the dreamer sees so much water around that she thinks this is the Navy. In a very loose metaphoric connection, some might equate the country of England to have all that water surrounding it. However, the metaphor itself wasn't proclaimed, and the standard metaphoric decrements would take the max score from 5 down to about the same point we already were....3 points. Thus, 3 points.
WHERE: 0 out of 5 -- Asia was declared, which if correct would have only netted 1 point; however, since England was not mentioned, it is zero points.
WHEN: 5 out of 5 – When no date is intended or declared from the dream material, the default is the date of the dream. In this case, the headline falls within 1 week of the dream, so 4 points.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 3 - 0 - 5
- Well done, Iris!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
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Validated Precognition #4 for Iris
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: stockbroker on fire=market high then plummet
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-10-06)
News Link (2014-10-09)
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4 out of 5 -- dream 'stockbroker' vs news event 'stock market'
dream 'on fire' vs news event 'biggest drop'
The news here is "Dow suffers biggest drop of the year, loses 334." Stockbroker on fire is metaphoric for the news event, but in this case, we do not have to grade the metaphor since the dreamer successfully interpreted the metaphor when she submitted the dream. She declared that the market would "be on fire" (i.e. rise) only to plummet later. This is exactly what happened. The market plummeted, thus 4 points (subject and verb perfect, but not really a strong descriptor for the 3rd piece, which is required for a full 5.
WHERE: 4.5 out of 5 -- This is one of those clear cases of a metaphoric location. It was a stockbroker, and the first place any typical person would think of when hearing "stockbroker" would be the New York Stock Exchange. Of course there are other exchanges, but this is the big daddy. So, since the NYSE was exactly what plummeted drastically on October 9th, 2014, we begin a full 5.0 and conduct standard metaphoric decrements. First is an automatic 0.5 for an undisclosed metaphor (the dreamer could have prevented this decrement by spelling out the New York Stock Exchange in the writeup). So, we're at 4.5 now and we have to decide whether this metaphor would be generally assumed by most people, and the answer is yes. Thus, we stop here with 4.5 points.
WHEN: 4 out of 5 -- intended Oct 7-8, actual Oct 9. The news happens within a week of the intention, thus 4 points.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
in dream, stock broker was ascending a ladder, then put on fire
event, stock market was ascending, then suffered biggest loss this year
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4 - 4.5 - 4
- Well done, Iris!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to
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06-30-2015, 01:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 09:14 AM by Eagle1.)
Precognition #5 for Iris
Collapsed Building / Parking Garage, dreamed on 1/15/15
WHAT: 5 out of 5 Parking garage collapse
WHERE: 0 out of 5, no location other than next to office building
WHEN: 3 out of 5, intended January headline, occurred Jan. 30 (correct month is 3 points; no specific date mentioned in prediction)
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link: 1/15/15
News Link http: 1/30/15 //
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 0 - 5
Precognition #6 for Iris
Static / Electricity Causes Airplane Damage on Take Off
Dreamed on 1/17/15
WHAT: 4 out of 5 Airplane Crash on Take-Off (note, double engine failure, cause not yet determined; score might increase based on new info)
WHERE: 0 out of 5, by a river, by a mountain, cold, near downtown area
WHEN: 3 out of 5, no intention, dreamed on 1/17, occurred 2/4, 18 days later
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link: 1/17/15
News Link http: 2/4/15
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4 - 0 - 3
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Iris, Well done. I need the link for Precog #5's news. That news link got truncated somehow.
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07-09-2015, 07:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 09:40 PM by Eagle1.)
here's the link:
Precognition #7 for Iris
[ b]Enormous Explosion Causes Worldwide Markets to Fall[/b]
Dreamed on 2/10/15
WHAT: 4 out of 5 Newsworthy Explosion coincident with, but not causing, worldwide markets to fall
WHERE: 5 out of 5, I was home in Chicago area, worldwide markets
WHEN (admin edit): 1 out of 5: happened within a year of the dream.
Links for Documentation:
spacex explosion:
map of world with falling stock markets:
markets have since fallen much further, but I didn't get a screenshot of that
Dream Link: 2/10/15
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4 - 5 - 1
(ADMIN: Well done, Iris!)
Precognition #8 for Iris
Plane or Flying Incident - 11 important number
Dreamed on 6/29/15
WHAT (admin edit): 3 out of 5 Indonesian military plane crash, 110 passengers (admin edit: plane crashes are dime a dozen around the world, so to score this event, we have to enact the clause that requires us to look at deeper details rather than just the plane crash. First, the fact that it's a military plane helps, but that is only one detail. "Small plane" is mentioned in the dream, and a C-130 isn't a very small plane. However, it is much smaller than the bigger transport planes or big bombers. It's more of a medium sized plane. Thus, that cannot be used as a detail, but the number 11 can. However, we have to use 11 as a metaphor to match it up with 110 passengers in the news story. Thus, we begin at 4 points for the two finer details that includes the metaphor. We can't start at 5 because we don't have 3 definite details. So, we start with 4 and then subtract for the undeclared metahpor. The subtraction is 0.5 points right off the top when the metaphor was not declared ahead of time. Then we have to estimate how convincing the metaphor connects to the news article. It is hard for one number to represent another, but it's also easy to see how the number 110 includes the number 11. Therefore, I take the middle road and subtract another 0.5 (note that normally the first decriment for iffy connections is a full 1.0, but a full decriment isn't warranted here). Thus, it's a 4.0, but then subtract 0.5 and subtract another 0.5 for a grand total of 3.0
WHERE: not mentioned, 0
WHEN: 5, occurred next day on 6/30
Links for Documentation:
news event:
Dream Link:
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 3 -0 - 5
(ADMIN: Well done, Iris!)
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Very well done, Iris. Thanks for putting all this together. I edited a couple of the scores. The second one might be confusing because it has two special cases in the WHAT (common event scoring and metaphor scoring). Let me know if anyone has questions. VERY well done!
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07-21-2015, 09:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-21-2015, 09:49 PM by Iris.)
Precognition #9 for Iris
Black Wolves Attack
Dreamed on 7/13/15
WHAT: 4 out of 5 'Lone Wolf' Attack
WHEN: 5 out of 5: happened within 3 days
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link:
News Link:
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4 - 0 - 5
Precognition #10 for Iris
France: Desired Items are not Free
Dreamed on 7/7/15
WHAT: 5 out of 5 Desired Items Not Free - Valuable Stolen Gold Artifacts Returned
WHERE: 5 out of 5 France returns artifacts
WHEN: 3 out of 5: in the news 8 days later
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link:
News Link:
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5 - 5 - 3
Precognition #11 for Iris
Large Explosion on U.S. Air Force Base Forces Evacuation
Dreamed on 7/5/15
WHAT: 3 out of 5 Typhoon Halola rather than explosion, Air National Guard rather than Air Force, Evacuation accurate
WHERE: 4 out of 5 Wake Island air field / Dept. of Defense
WHEN: 3 out of 5: 9 days later
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link:
News Link:
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 3 - 4 - 3