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TV show
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I think the dark knight satellite ship is from the dark universe the archons are from.  The dracos are from Orion and the reptoids are from here.  They 'incarnated' here, they do not give birth as we do, they are 5D but do interbreed and now have hybrid races somehow.  There are reptiles on Sirius-B and also Rigel which is their stronghold and Rigel is trying to make Earth it's slave planet.  If you think this is nonsense google image 'reptile statues'.  Where would that come from?

The AI being spoke of is nanobot technology.  It is consumed by us thru chemtrails, vaccines, and food.  Grey technology helps develop vaccines and they are legitimized thru John Hopkins via Tavistock.  Microwave and scalar technologies are used to trigger a victim.  That is morgellons disease, 6 month cancer, and they also induce manchurian candidates like Sirhan Sirhan.  Mind controlled killers are located as children and bred thruout their lifetime.  That is also the Bourne Identity movie.  James Holmes and Timothy McVeigh are others accused of that stuff but I don't know that it works so well anymore.  Incidentally Timothy McVeigh was completely innocent, he took a fall for that false flag and I wouldn't be surprised if he is still alive.

The same technology is used to make cyborg super soldiers which are working contingent with the moon I think.  Incidentally the moon is hollow and has loads of technology beaming down on Earth.  That is where the term 'lunatic' comes from and the full moon horror stories.  I think the moon was taken over by good forces recently.  The super soldiers are another attempt as all out control although their plan failed since 911.   For their plan to work they need us to volunteer our free will to give up our freedoms.  They had planned to crash the dollar and lead us into fema camps which never happened.   They underestimated human potential. But this same technology was supposed to manufacture immortal soldiers, cause incurable disease (enter John Hopkins), and is also the flesh eating virus stuff and now the vampire stories have been replaced to zombie stories because of this technology.  And that is part of the holdup for this transition.  The dark side has so many tentacles that have to be addressed.  They also have extra dimensional weapons which were used to disintegrate the world trade towers and maybe the recent China explosion. They also have kill switches in case they lose, the planet was wired to be blown but that has been neutralized I think.

I have read over and over jade helm is a test to see if their technology is superior to human resilience and if it works they can refine the program to herd us up.  It is all manufactured by the dark forces.  Think about it, if AI were the only evil alien existence where did it come from.  Source what is being said, it didn't fall out of the sky.  Also the good intergalactics are generally extremely conditioned to show respect and do not violate the 'prime directive' which is let the 3D planet evolve on its own.  They would never mislead anyone, much the opposite they are trying to set an example.  They are not supposed to jump down and help us, if they did we would defer to them and that would kill our free will constant.  Everything is a double edged sword.

I imagine I jumped around, this is a fraction of what I understand.   If anyone wants to comment or discuss an issue please do so.  Here are some mind control sites that show how humans are manipulated.  My point is it is doable and those stating it is the only malevolent presence have reason to.  Just realize humans did not pioneer this stuff and if not who did?

- Added note. Queen Elizabeth is a shape shifting reptoid. I do not mention that much for obvious reasons and wanted to comment on Sherrianns Australia dream but I do not know if that would be appropriate, this site has a defined agenda and adding new age mumbo jumbo is the last thing needed. But I dreamt of reptiles, Sheriann dreamt of the queen lizard bitch, and Julie dreamt of a dragon. Wow.

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RE: TV show - by cathartid - 08-22-2015, 02:30 AM

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