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Timeline revisions
While the Bible speaks volumes of God as changeless and "everlasting to everlasting," it also speaks repeatedly of God "changing His mind." (Note: my use of the male pronoun here is just for simplicity sake.) But, history also was set "before the foundation of the world," and so, "bad" events have to be seen in its total context, which we cannot do in our time-bound world. Of course, there is no history in God; God just is. Our prayers still matter though ... to the point where I also remember in the movie, Bruce Almighty, where Jim Carrey is immediately burdened with the power of God, paralyzed by all the prayers he starts receiving. To quickly erase his computer's in box, he answers "Yes" to everyone's prayers, without even reading them. The next day, he discovers the fallacy of his action, with the example of everyone around him winning the lottery, but because everyone won, the individual prize was reduced to a $1. He realized that immediately answering "yes" to all prayers without reading the entire prayer, absorbing its full intent, was really a selfish response, and one might say, not a loving response either.

Messages In This Thread
Timeline revisions - by MTB_forums - 09-09-2015, 12:23 AM
RE: Timeline revisions - by esholars - 09-09-2015, 01:22 AM
RE: Timeline revisions - by NH watcher - 09-09-2015, 04:05 AM

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